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Thursday 7 October 2021


It is within our capacity to create our ideal world. First we start within and then when we are familiar with our abilities to create, we can use these tools daily. We can allow the ideal world to spread outward. We are constantly building our futures through our expectations which we are putting into motion today and every day. Tomorrow is an accumulation of all that we expect and what we believe is possible. It is a result of where we put our energies and focus.


Our world stems from deep within when we focus, believe, contemplate and we stay with these thoughts.  We constantly filter out thoughts that we deem irrational or unworthy of our concentration. Over time the beliefs we hold near and dear begin to manifest and it does not matter what these beliefs are as long as we believe and focus.


Quite often many of our thoughts and expectations will not manifest exactly as we thought they would, even when we are consciously focusing. It begins from within and then materializes into our external world and usually, these things that materialize are exactly what we needed (possibly not exactly as we had envisioned as we do not always understand clearly what we need).


If we find that we are not pleased with what our world appears to be, then it is time to examine where exactly our focus is?


Being thankful for all that life brings is so very important. We cannot rid ourselves of things that we do not like by ignoring them. To ignore actually gives strength because it takes focus to ignore. If we give thanks for even the hard lessons in life and truly appreciate the valuable lessons that we have learned, we fill our life with gratitude. If you interact with someone who treats you poorly, do not focus on their shortcomings. These shortcomings are not yours to own. Respect their lessons in life, appreciate that these lessons are not yours to learn and send them on their way with love and respect. Everyone is doing the best that they can.


If you find yourself slipping back into old habits and the thoughts that you catch are less than ideal, review your life to remind yourself of the blessings that are present. Focus on all that you enjoy including your freedom, health, running water, a warm place to lay your head, a job, a meal and the list goes on.  Each of us may not have all of these but all of us have at least one of these. A nudging voice within may argue that this sounds like fiction. Prove that voice wrong. Put these suggestions into practice, for a month, six months, a year.  After that time, tell me that this is fiction. You have nothing to lose and perhaps everything to gain.


When it is said your life is in your hands, this is what is meant.  You do have control of your thoughts, of your focus and of your attitude.  We build our life through these, gradually over time.  Place your thoughts and your expectations where they can do the best work.


It is in your hands.  What focus and attitude do you choose?


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 6 October 2021


 Mercury has been in retrograde since September 28, 2021 and returns direct on October 19. We have discussed what Mercury retrograde represents but we have never really touched on what to expect from the direct cycle. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year remaining retrograde for approximately 20 to 24 days. The remaining days of the year Mercury is in direct motion.


Mercury is considered a neutral planet and is only activated when connected with some other planetary link. It reacts in harmonious or discordant ways depending on the energies of the planet that touches it by aspect. Mercury is known as the communicator. Its energies are linked to the messenger of the gods. If Mercury were trine to Venus, to Jupiter or to Sun in the natal chart or when making these aspects through transit, Mercury will be activated in a favourable manner.


Transiting Jupiter trine natal Mercury in the 3rd house, for example, may open doors to communication through publication. Communication could be linked to higher learning through studies with topics such as philosophy, religious doctrines, or spirituality. If this is a natal aspect then the opportunities for success in writing or any communication techniques such as public speaking, or radio broadcasting could be areas of interest and even areas worth exploring. If this is a birth aspect when it is activated through transit or progression in a favourable manner, these avenues of expression may become activated. Mercury in trine or sextile to the Sun, Venus and Jupiter often brings periods of good luck and opportunities.


Mercury is the planet of the mind and provides us with our way of thinking. Much of how the mind operates can be deciphered by Mercury’s links to other planets in the natal chart. It also rules communication, and the same rules apply to the way we talk with others and our style of communication. Mercury’s Astrological sign in the chart plays a big part in the process as well.


When Mercury is direct, it would be a time to sign agreements, move forward with plans, and in general take action. When Mercury is retrograde many of these areas seem to be held back. Strategies often do not go as planned or there are interruptions to plans that have already been set in motion. Saturn by aspect can either hinder Mercurial energies or bring more stability to them. Much depends on the aspect between the two planets.


Mercury is currently in the sign of Libra and will remain there until it moves into Scorpio around November 5, 2021. When Mercury is in the sign of Libra it speaks of a time for harmonizing and balancing life especially when connected to relationships of significance or business associations depending on what houses are involved.  Libra seeks justice, fairness and equality sometimes at the cost of sitting on the fence and not overly applying so that no feathers are ruffled.  With Scorpio, all that gentle approach often falls to the wayside as now the truth must be uncovered.


While in retrograde, make plans to move ahead and when direct take action.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 5 October 2021


 Do you find yourself somehow falling short of your expectations and there appear to be very few potential opportunities available?


Are you caught in the crosswinds of change?


Could these feelings of “lacking” or “missing” result from your approach or attitude towards life?


What are your opportunities? Do not limit your opportunity to those you see today. Life continually offers crossroads.


When we feel strife and our options are few, often these are the most opportune moment to discover our strengths. We can learn much about ourselves during these times. We cannot view these moments as times of punishments or weakness. These are simply crossroad. Life is building so we can enter a new phase and with this new phase, we will be offered broader horizons.


How we deal with these opportunities or approach these opportunities is our choice. We must choose to learn and grow and not to look at ourselves as victims but as students.


Believe in opportunities and know that they are in place for growth. Without challenges, we stagnate. We do not examine ourselves and our traits. Without examination, we will never understand ourselves. Limited perceptions or confining points of view stagnate our progress. Out-dated belief structures limit our advancement and only we can free ourselves of these but we have to recognize them first.


Change is always guaranteed in life, and we must change to grow. We and we alone control our advancements or our stagnations.


Our opportunities and creative talents are boundless. There is no limit to our potential if we believe and allow.


There is no need to feel alone, unaided or deserted. There are countless individuals ready to help us with our objectives in life. Some are physical and some are not.


The answers to our next lesson may not be the one that we expect or want. We must not limit our growth by our limited focus.


We can spend our whole life fighting transformation and being caught between expectations and reality. We may believe that life should be offering one thing and due to our expectations, we have failed to see the resolution that has been available to us.


We can step forward at the crossroads to a fuller and happier existence but we have to believe in ourselves and know that what we need is waiting for us.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


Monday 4 October 2021


On October 6, 2021, at 7:05 a.m. we will be having a New Moon in the sign of Libra at 13 degrees. For those affected, this will be an especially active New Moon phase as transiting Mars is (conjunct) also at 13 degrees Libra and transiting Uranus is at 13 degrees in the sign of Taurus in quincunx to this position.


This will likely be an adjustment period due to quick action and response time to an active period in life. Uranus often calls for change of direction and this often takes place with little or no advance notice. Sometimes the new is exactly what is called for although in general it takes some time to realize that this push was in the right direction. Perhaps you are quite comfortable with what was but at the same time feel the urge to move out of complacency and make adjustments to life.


Jumping is never suggested and with the push of Mars in conjunction to this New Moon it might have been inevitable and almost out of your control. If this is very personal in nature perhaps this positioning involved the ascendant or first house.  If this has to do with a relationship the seventh house or fifth may be involved.  If this is about career options, then perhaps this energy is linked to the MC or tenth house planetary placements.  These are a few examples of how these energies can have profound influences in our lives but a detailed look into the natal chart and other transit is always suggested.


What we begin now can have huge ramifications in about six month’s time when we often reap the rewards for our efforts at the Full Moon placement in the same sign.  However, a lot often takes place in the first month after the New Moon.  The houses involved will define the areas of life involved and you will need to review all the natal placements to get a clear picture of what is transpiring in life.


This New Moon in the sign of Libra, often points towards the need for balance and equality on some level. Things must be fair and honest and move you in the right direction and diplomacy is often a side-shoot of this placement. Relationships are often part of the process and being complacent or not taking advantage of the powerful energies in place would be a waste of perfect timing. With the need for fairness and justice, taking sides rarely works to the satisfaction of anyone, but neither does sitting on the fence. Action is required which in turn can bring forth the changes needed and build over time. It may take place rather suddenly, but it will likely take some time to realize that the change was required.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Friday 1 October 2021


Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius in retrograde motion until October 18, 2021.


While Jupiter is direct, it offers opportunities and good luck when connected with the Sun especially by Sextile, Trine or Conjunction. When Jupiter is in Square or Opposition to the Sun, the opportunities are still present, but you may have to push your way through some obstacles before you get the desired result. The only Planet that is adversely affected to any degree is Saturn.


While in retrograde, you can prepare your plans that you will move ahead with when Jupiter turns direct. Jupiter in direct motion promises abundance and an optimistic approach to any projects that are undertaken. It provides you with the sense that no matter what way you turn the outcome has potential. The main problem with Jupiter in direct motion is overindulgence and a feeling that nothing can go wrong.


When Jupiter is into its retrograde cycle, Jupiter sometimes denies the luck and abundance that is mostly apparent during the direct motion. It still provides the ability to achieve, but not without some work on your part. Jupiter’s retrograde energies are similar to that of Saturn’s, potentially putting up roadblocks and barriers to cross before achievement is possible. It suggests that you do the work required to put something in motion and that it may take a little longer for you to succeed than anticipated. In many cases, things begin to move forward once the retrograde cycle is over.


Jupiter’s stationary position will be the most powerful.


When Transiting Jupiter is making an aspect to the Sun in your natal chart, you may feel so good about life’s plans that you feel as though you could just sit back and let life lead. This is much more possible with the trine than with the sextile, but it would be a much better idea to work on moving forward as this is an opportune time to make things happen, especially if Jupiter is in direct motion. Do not waste the opportunity by sitting back and letting!


You may find that you feel quite healthy and even robust during this period. Watch for putting on weight, and remember Jupiter expands all that it touches. Set yourself up with an exercise program that you can follow and watch what you eat; be healthy. Your energies might be higher than normal, and you may find that you are more inclined to want to go for hikes, and attend sporting events, either as a spectator or as a participant.


If Jupiter is square the Sun, this is still an opportune time although you may feel restrained and tested during this period. If you put forth the extra efforts, however, you can still achieve what you set out to do.


Watch for any feelings of over optimism or extravagance as spending can be a problem under this influence. You may regret what you do under this influence so make sure that you are thinking long terms and review the results of your plans before acting.


The opposition is usually suggestive of other people setting things in motion and in some way affecting you. Watch for the carefree husband or wife that goes on a spending spree and you as their spouse might even encourage this. They may be the ones making suggestions that are a little extravagant and out of proportion for what your needs might be.


In general, this will be an opportune time even when transiting Jupiter makes challenging aspects to the Sun as well as when it is retrograde. Take advantage of these energies. Remember your Sun can be within 4 degrees either side of Jupiter’s degree throughout its transit and its energies will still be in effect. When Jupiter is direct to the Sun (same degree), the energies are the strongest.


At present October 2021, Jupiter is passing through Aquarius and moves into Pisces towards the end of December 2021.  Its next retrograde cycle is not until July, 2022, where it will be at 8 degrees of Aries.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Wednesday 29 September 2021


All planets move around our Sun in the same direction and have their own cycle depending on their distance from the Sun.


Retrograde motion is in fact an illusion as it appears the planets slow down and then move backwards. The retrograde planet is making its closest approach to the earth and gives the false visual that it is moving backwards.


The planets all go into retrograde and then direct throughout their full cycles around the Sun. The outer planets are in retrograde about 40 percent of the time (and their energetic affects are generational).


The inner planets go in retrograde for shorter periods of time. The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are said to be personal planets and when in retrograde are the most challenging and often require inner reflection, alignment and adjustment. They will force us into action, and this action required is often the best used once the planet in question has turn direct once again.


It should be noted that if you have a retrograde planet in the birth chart and when it receives an aspect from the same planet transiting in retrograde, the energies will be more intense than for someone who does not have that planet in retrograde in their natal chart. It should also be said that it needs to make a direct aspect within five degrees to have a meaningful impact in our lives. The more planets it touches by aspect the stronger the influence.


Jupiter and Saturn are in retrograde approximately one third of the time and are considered less personal and less of a challenge. When a planet is in retrograde, the normal flow of energy is disrupted and often held back or stifled. Saturn is the exception. Saturn’s energies are less restrictive and delayed in retrograde motion. Saturn is considered more favourable in retrograde than when it is in direct motion.


When planets are in retrograde it is a time to reflect and to put our focus on decision making. It is a time for making plans and to change our objectives or our perspective on what this retrograde cycle would be implying. It is important to take into consideration the planet in question and its position in our chart as well as any aspects it will be making. If it crosses a planet for example by conjunction, when it turns direct once again it will move across that same position and the energies in place will once again be intensified.


There is also a period called stationary retrograde and stationary direct when, for a few up to several days, the planet appears to be stationary or not moving at all. It appears to slow down and then stays at the same degree for a short period (the length of time will depend on the planet as some planets will stay in their stationary position longer than others). When it is in this stationary position, the energies are at their strongest and will be intensely felt especially if the transiting planet in question touches a natal planet at the same time.


While in retrograde, you should resist taking action. It is time to take action once the planet goes direct once again. Pay attention to what these energies are pointing towards (planet, sign and house position) and make plans so that you can set them in motion when this retrograde period is over (except as mentioned with Saturn as its energies are less obtrusive in retrograde motion).


Understanding the workings of Astrology can certainly help detect the approach of lessons and hurdles as well as the times to take advantage of energies available or when just to relax and enjoy. Astrology defines in detail what energies are in play and the time frames that will be involved.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit