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Monday, 4 February 2019


From January 6 to March 5, 2019, we have been and will be experiencing a time when there are no planets in retrograde.  On March 5, 2019, Mercury will go retrograde and then go direct on March 28; however during this Mercury retrograde period there are no other planets in retrograde.  Jupiter eventually goes retrograde on April 10 and Pluto will follow and go retrograde on April 24, 2019.

The energies of planets in retrograde in the natal chart tend to make us look inward.  Those with several retrograde planets in their birth chart (and the magic number seems to be 5) tend to be introverted, even subdued and keep much to themselves.  The energies have difficulties working their way to the surface and can be stifled.  It takes great effort to bring the energies to the surface and make the necessary adjustments to challenge these, so-called deficiencies.

When an individual has no planets in retrograde in the birth chart, which is relatively rare, all the energies of the planets are allowed full function with no restrictions.  The exception (and there is always an exception) being Saturn as its energies actually works better while that planet is in retrograde motion. 

When the transiting planets are all direct the energies of all of the planets are working favourably and allowed the energies to be freely release (don’t forget our exception of Saturn however).  Things tend to be orchestrated in such a fashion that little is held back and if we were to use these energies to our advantage, much could be achieved.  Beginning new projects, asking for a raise (if you deserve it that is) and pushing ahead in your objectives have a better chance of being fulfilled.  The energies are no longer harnessed although Saturn still makes us work hard and can slow things down as it has lessons to teach us.

Those people without retrogrades in their birth charts are, as mentioned, certainly in the minority.  It is said that roughly seven percent of people have this phenomena.  It is believed that the energies of all the planets are released and given free reign and are allowed to flow freely.  This in turn can create an individual who may lack patience and they often avoid using a cautious approach.  The waiting game is not part of their natural makeup and they much prefer to move things along.

Transiting Mercury goes retrograde usually for about 3 weeks at a time.  It is often suggested that we do some planning before moving ahead during Mercury’s retrograde cycles.  It is often known as a time of setbacks, especially if you have Mercury in retrograde in the birth chart.  During this time, we can still move ahead because of the other positions of planets while in transit, although we could also plan our actions before pushing ahead.  Perhaps after Mercury goes direct, we can give our goals an extra little push.  It should be noted however, that in order for Mercury retrograde to affect you, it has to touch something in your personal Astrology chart.  Most times Mercury retrograde will come and go without any affect on most people.  That is why is it is hard to understand why most people fear Mercury retrograde.  It has a bad reputation for things going wrong and some of these accusations are unfounded. 

Again, Mercury retrograde will only affect you if it is creating a transit in your chart.  Only then can is interfere with plans or bringing forth challenging conditions and these challenges would be related to the house position of transiting Mercury along with the natal positioning of Mercury in your chart.  These will be areas of life that might be affected.

Back to no retrograde planets in a chart............There is usually great energy behind those individuals who have no retrogrades in the birth chart, and they often are known for working tirelessly towards the focus of their objectives in life.  They have strong willpower and are persistent in their efforts to succeed.  They move forward similar to Aries often advancing with little forethought if any and they rarely question their own abilities. As a result, they are normally quite successful. 

Some individuals without retrograde planets in their chart do, of course, fail from time to time; however this will not stop them from getting back up and moving ahead again.  Their determination is steadfast and they rely on no one for approval or even assistance.  

If you feel as though or have noticed recently that things seem to be working out favourably for you, it may be due to the easy flow of energies in place at this time. 

If you are having challenging conditions to attend to at this time then a closer look at the natal chart and transits as well as progressions is advised as there are certainly other mitigating factors affecting your life’s conditions. 

The solar chart can also be looked at in detail to reveal if there are challenging conditions linked in this chart.  Much always depends on the overall condition of the chart and all aspects must be studied in great detail to get a clear understanding of what the potential might be.

It was not that long ago that we had about 7 planets in retrograde and life did seem somewhat stifled. 

Now is the time to move ahead and use these energies to work towards your goals and purpose.  Even if plans do not go exactly as planned, do not be that rigid in your focus to allow this to stop you.  Most times, persistence is the best approach or starting anew might be what is required. 

If you intuitively feel optimistic, and you really do not know why, this “no retrograde period” might be the reason behind these feelings.  Often the psychic and intuitive part of us understands things long before the conscious self recognizes it. 

Use these energies and take advantage of this period.   It is not often we get these no retrograde intervals.  Take advantage of what is in place and see where it takes you.

It should also be noted that anyone having a birthday during the no retrograde period will have this phenomena in their solar return charts, so have a close look and see what might be available to you over the next year.  This could potentially offering great strides forward, although a full view of this chart would be recommended.

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