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Friday, 20 November 2020


The Sun moves from the intense and investigative sign of Scorpio, to the optimistic and exploratory sign of Sagittarius on November 21, 2020. 


Sagittarius is in a warm, friendly, relatively easy-going fire sign known for its exuberance and love for nature.  Sagittarius always believes something good is around the very next corner.  This is a wonderful perspective for all of us to have.  Instead of a fatalistic approach, Sagittarians have a profound openness for overcoming adversity and learning from the whole experience.


Sagittarius loves the great outdoors and is drawn to nature and wide-open spaces.  They love travel and exploring even if this is only accomplished through the mind.  They are on a quest to learn by experiencing life and have great enthusiasm.  One challenge faced by most Sagittarius individuals is their “foot in mouth” disease or speaking without enough forethought. 


Their ruling planet is Jupiter and Jupiter promotes growth through exploration and expansion and through learned material and experience.  Jupiter fosters good luck, opportunities, a positive approach, and a willingness to learn from everything regardless of classification.


Those with their Sun in Sagittarius will have transiting Saturn and transiting Jupiter in the early degrees (0-8 degrees) making a sextile to their Sun in the mid to later part of December, 2020 up to early to mid January, 2021.  The sextile is an opportunity aspect but, in many cases, you will have to do something about that potential for it to manifest into something worthwhile.  In some cases, these fortunate conditions just fall into your lap, but with most cases, the energy we use to facilitate growth is in direct correlation to the results experienced.  Check which houses are part of this opportunity in your personal chart Sagittarius as this will be the areas of life involved.


Transiting Neptune will also be making a sextile to those with their Sun in the mid to late degrees of Sagittarius.  At this time (November 2020) transiting Neptune is at 18 degrees Pisces in direct motion until June of 2021 (23 degrees Pisces).  We can normally feel the energies of a transiting planet up to and including 5 degrees approaching and 2 degrees while separating. 


Neptune in positive aspect promotes feelings of spirituality and sensitivity.  For those inclined to mysticism and the psychic realm, they may find an opening of sorts with opportunities to explore and go more in depth in these areas.  Neptune in positive aspect to the Sun can open these doors if there is an interest and perhaps meditation would be an outlet to explore to go a little deeper.


Once again, check which houses are involved to get a clearer picture of how these energies might play out in your life if you have these aspects in your personal Astrology chart.  If you are looking for further detailed information, inquiries can be directed to

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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