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Wednesday, 18 November 2020


Transiting Venus is very active making challenging aspects in November to Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.  Then through December, Venus is makes much more favorable aspects to Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn.   


The energies are in place up to two days prior to the actual direct contact to about 1 to 2 days after being direct.  You will have to check to see if you have planets in the natal chart that tie in with these energies.  The dates are as follows November 15 a square with Pluto, November 16 a square with Jupiter, November 19 a square with Saturn and on November 27 an opposition with Uranus. 


In December Venus trines Neptune on the 5th, sextiles Pluto on the 10th, sextiles Jupiter on the 15th and the final aspect to Jupiter ties in with the eclipse we will be experiencing which we will cover in a later post.


Squares suggest difficulties and stumbling blocks to overcome, as well as delays, restrictions, and testing times.  Oppositions always involve others and are also difficult, while trines and sextiles are opportunity aspects.  The trine indicating easy flow and positive energies and the sextile speaks of opportunities that come your way.  We can either push ahead with these opportunities or in some cases sit back while the energies release themselves into positive prospects.


Venus will amalgamate with the energies of the planets involved and, in many cases, speaks of love and affection, the potential for socialization, although not recommended due to circumstances surrounding the epidemic.  Money and the finances along with articles of beauty are all associated with Venus.  Much will depend on the planets involved and the houses which are being activated at that time. 


An example with the square to Saturn might be potential shortages or bills coming in.  You might have known about them prior to this time and preparing would be the best suggestion.  The Opposition to Uranus might suggest that you can expect the unexpected occurring perhaps in finances or a relationship that comes out of the blue with little early detection.  The relationship may be exciting and unique and offer a new way forward.  In many cases, this relationship, if there is one that is, would likely be the result of someone else’s action, not necessarily your doing.  Outside influences are often part of the equation with oppositions and with Uranus you may not be too sure about where this relationship is heading.  Long term is not always part of the picture.


The trines are positive and an example with Neptune might indicate, if this is a love connection, a magical intertwinement, which could feel almost mystical in nature.  It could indicate a kind of illusive nature to the relationship. 


Sticking with the same scenario, the sextile to Jupiter could indicate good fortune in this relationship; perhaps the other person is well off financially and helps you in these regards, or they may be highly influential in helping you along life’s journey. 


Much can be defined by carefully reviewing the details of the natal chart along with the transits and their connections.


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