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Friday 17 September 2021


 Transiting Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn at 24 degrees and will move into the sign of Aquarius in January, 2024. Due to its retrograde motion, it will not remain in Aquarius permanently until November,2024.


Those that are born with their Sun in Libra or with their Sun in Aries from approximately 23 to 29 degrees will be experiencing a square in their birth charts, at some point. Those with their Sun in earlier degrees in these signs have already experienced this square from transiting Pluto. Check the house position of transiting Pluto, the house position of your natal Sun and the house cusp that is ruled by Scorpio (Pluto’s ruler) to get a clearer picture of what areas of life are affected by this aspect.


Pluto has been known to purge and to assist in uncovering different facets of life. It helps you to uncover information that needs an honest review and then expects that you make appropriate changes as necessary. Pluto often brings an end to conditions for something new to emerge. Pluto’s changes are often total and complete and what once was is no longer.


Pluto in the square aspect often produces challenging conditions and stimulates action particularly when it comes to your goals in life and who you are as an individual.


Pluto tests your resolve and your self-control. Its energies will push you ahead ambitiously. Pluto can be somewhat relentless as it moves through the areas of life represented by the house positions involved. There are often power struggles as your “will” is being tested. If you force your opinions on others during this time, you will more than likely experience much opposition. If, however, you are working for the general good for those involved, you may find that you do not have much disagreement coming from outside sources. This will also hold true for those who are experiencing the opposition from transiting Pluto (Those individuals with their Sun in the later degrees of Cancer). Those with their Sun in the earlier degrees of Cancer will already have experienced this opposition. With the opposition other people are usually part of what is unfolding.


The Sun deals with your life’s objectives and the will to move ahead. The ego is stimulated during transits to the Sun, and it will seem very important to have things right. There will be those that are opposed to your objectives, but you must stand strong in the face of opposition and follow what you believe in, unless of course you are not allowing others to provide you with necessary information.


If you try to avoid what this aspect is attempting to convey to you, life might challenge you through more difficult conditions and force you into action. Pluto is relentless and its lessons are necessary. It is best to move forward on your own than to have Pluto force the change.


Under extreme conditions (this would only apply if there are other factors in the chart suggesting the same overall picture), you may find that you feel over-burdened and that you cannot continue along the same path. This can lead to nervous disorders and an undoing of sorts which can be hard to put back together. If by chance you fit into this category, seriously consider seeking professional assistance as some assistance would make this aspect much easier to deal with.


Although squares are always considered challenging, it is up to us to handle these energies and take whatever action is appropriate for the situation. Fighting these energies creates difficulty. Recognizing the need for change and moving on this creates a much easier flow.


This transit is in place to build character and strength. The energies can be used to assist you in many ways. We need to wrap our arms around life’s adversities as these experiences are what propels us ahead and teach valuable lessons.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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