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Wednesday, 8 January 2014


You are not here by chance.  The road you walk is predestined and you have come into this life to encounter all that life has to offer-- its ups and downs, its twists and turns; at time seemingly relentless and at times, in perfect peace and harmony.  Your life is unfolding constantly and you are here for the ride, but this does not mean that you are lost within life’s grasp.  Your divine purpose is to mold your reality into that perfect experience, where nothing can touch you, nothing can infiltrate your true interior, the real you.  The ego feels pain and failure.  The ego suggests that there is no hope but you are not your ego.

Yes, as life unfolds the events can be tumultuous to say the least and it can be difficult to pull yourself back on track again after intense inner turbulence, but you have the inner strength to conquer anything that life throws at you.  You are meant to recover and grow from all of life’s tribulations, its so called injustices and even its horrors.  Events can release inner anxieties that when identified as part of you can be the cause of great harm to you and your body.

People become “comfortable” (if this is the right word) with feelings of sadness and hold on to hurtful memories.  This often becomes the case of being lost within the drama, but you are not meant to live in this place for long.  Some find it difficult to move away from intense emotional experiences.  It is healthy to experience these emotions but not to hold on to them.  Acknowledge, digest and let go of every event in life.  Return your focus to the blessings received in life but not on what is missing.  By doing so, you will have the ability to move your life forward.

You attract into your life that which you focus on.  This is not to say that you have caused all the hard lessons experience in life--far from it.  It is up to you how long you choose to dwell in this place of sorrow and sometimes this place stems from feeling sorry for yourself.  You have to look at the big picture and know that life is unfolding as it should and even those terrible moments are there for a reason.

Hold on to the good moments, and draw your attention to all of the good that has been provided to you.  Do not pass anything by, even the smallest of details are significant and can help propel you in the appropriate direction.  It may be difficult to measure how good life is during times of strife, but this is the route to opening the door to better things.  Stay strong regardless of what happens and never give up.  There is only one way up and that path resides in knowing that you have what it takes to get you there.  You are the master of your life.  You are in control.  When you trip and fall, brush yourself off and get right back on your path.  Know that life will always help you get around that next corner into your light.

Visit Holm Astrology at www. for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


If you have your midheaven or MC between 28 degrees of Aquarius and 7 degrees of Pisces, this post will apply to you.  Between the spring of 2011 and the beginning of 2015, Neptune has been going in and out of retrograde.  Depending on the degree of your MC, Neptune will have been pushing its influence into your life.  If your MC is around 2-3 degrees Pisces, Neptune’s influence would have been very powerful during this time frame.


Neptune has a very powerful influence in your life, and with this connection, your life’s course and your assessment of yourself will be strongly impacted.  Depending on the Natal aspects to your midheaven, you may experience this time frame with a vague feeling of misperception in connection with what you have been doing with your life, particularly within the framework of your occupation and the direction of your life.  You may experience problems surrounding these areas of life, as well as your own personal view of how well you have been managing your life up until this time.


You may think that you have had a firm grip on your life’s direction and know exactly where you are heading, then suddenly life’s direction has become a slippery and clouded issue.  The ordinary route of your life may no longer feel satisfactory, and you may become intrigued with charity work, or doing something with your life that has a deeper meaning.  Neptune has a tendency to colour life somewhat and make things cloudy.  If you have been looking at a new direction in life, and consider it a viable course, it is suggested that you wait until Neptune is somewhat distanced itself from the placement of your MC.  Wait until it is about 2-3 degrees past your MC placement and ensure that it will not go into retrograde before making any type of commitment.


Some individuals experience psychic and spiritual tendencies during this time frame, where they feel the connection with the ego is dissipating and view life in a completely enlightened manner.  Most will have a sensation that they should go deeper into their own psychology and get to know themselves better.  This time can be an extremely enlightening period, but also quite a delusive time.  Once again it all becomes clear when the transit of Neptune no longer affects your midheaven.  Many of the changes both spiritually and materially will remain and solidify as time passes and a new way of looking at your life slowly begins to emerge.  Above all else, this transit of Neptune is a time of ego transcending and if the individual is evolved, new spiritual heights can be attained.  If the individual is not so attuned, it could be a time of confusion and life’s direction becomes very unclear.  This will pass, so it is wise not to become too judgemental, especially with matters of self until the transit has passed.


Those that experience this time as being confusing and void of clear purpose may uncover the reasons for feeling this way.  It is a time of self-discovery and if you have been going through difficulties perhaps you needs to view life appropriately and spend less time on self and concentrate the energies on others.  Neptune is all about self-less pursuits.  If you are able to see through the cloudiness of this transit, this can be a time of magnificent awakening to the splendors of life and much of what is gained through this period can become a life-long influence that will assist your growth in times to come.     


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Monday, 6 January 2014

New Year New Beginnings

Now that we have entered into a new year, many people will begin this period by making resolutions.  These resolutions are often short lived and although whole-hearted at the start, the intent quickly fades away into obscurity.  Have you experienced this in the past?  Are you now reluctant to make resolutions due to the possibility of failure?

Making a resolution to change something can be activated at any time, but for some reason many wait until the New Year.  It is as if one has a new slate to start from and a chance to rectify some of the problems or qualities that in the past have hindered our growth. 

Begin this day (regardless of what day it may be) with the spirit of a new beginning and with the intention to change something in your life to a more positive and effective method.  Each day we wake is a new beginning and a chance to start something new, or change your direction.  The timing or date is irrelevant as you can make changes now—today!

Pick one thing that needs your attention but do not make it too difficult.  Think of it as a practice run, but put your complete and full attention on this change, attainment or removal of  whatever you have placed you focus on. 

Failure when trying to make necessary or desired changes is that you have never truly and completely committed yourself.  We begin with whole-hearted desires and then when the going gets tough, we believe we can no longer continue and back off.

Understand what it is you are trying to change.  It is not so much the issue, as it is the mind’s interference with your focus and true desire to conquer the situation. The ego works in many subtle ways and as long as we are identifying with the ego’s intent, we hold ourselves back.  By recognizing the ego’s constant interference and by understanding what it is we actually want to accomplish, we can rectify any situation and produce any desired solution.

The ego is a hidden force that works beneath the surface and uses any means to satisfy its relentless pursuit of control.  As it loses its grip, it fights as if it is fighting for its life, and if the purpose is to relinquish the ego’s control, I suppose the ego is right.  Remember this as you move closer to completing your commitment and stand strong in the face of the ego’s intervention.  Know your place and understand the ego’s place.  Any thought of failure, in any shape or form, is ego intrusion and as long as you reminder yourself of this intrusion and what it actually is, you can conquer anything and change anything you set your mind to do.

You are always in control, but can only prove this to self once you believe it.  You are the one that makes the final decision, the one that says “yes” or the one that says “no”.  Even the feeling of failure is ego generated.  Understand this.  Know this.  If it does not feel right or if it does not make your life better (or if it makes you feel better than anyone else), it is spawned through the ego.  Your life is in your hands.  Conquer the small things and then take on the bigger things once you gain your confidence.  You will succeed as long as you do not identify with the ego and all of its distinguishing features.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts or for information on Astrology.   If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at holmastrology@gmail.comI

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Holm Astrology

Holm Astrology offers an in-depth look into your personality traits to assist you with self-awareness and provide a broad look at the possibilities that lie ahead so that you can be prepared for what life is offering.

A Natal Chart examines the characteristics with which we are born, both the challenges and the talents. Learn to develop your gifts and overcome the challenges.

Due to the characteristics that we are born with and the trends unfolding in our lives, we react to situations in a predictive manner. Progressed and transiting planets indicate on-
going phases in your life.

The Solar Return Chart focuses on the most significant factors for the upcoming year. It has an uncanny ability to pinpoint likely life experiences.

Composite Chart are prepared when two people meet and form a relationship. It provides clues to the nature and function of the relationship.

Child Empowerment Charts. The definition of empowerment is to increase the spiritual, social and educational strength of an individual. This chart is prepared for the parent to assist in just that. Understand your child's personality traits and their potential and by so doing, you can help them develop the skills that they were born with.

Lunar Node Chart speaks of your past life strengths that are carried forward into this incarnation and the potential for spiritual growth. This chart describes where you came from and what you have returned to accomplish.

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Friday, 3 January 2014


It is always exciting when you learn that there will be an addition to your family.  It is believed that most individuals that you develop a relationship with in this lifetime have shared time with you in a previous incarnation.  Your new nephew may have been your best friend, or your new daughter may have been your spouse.  No matter what you beliefs entail, we share our life and experiences together with the as we need one another to further our spiritual evolution.

The relationships shared are not all necessarily warm and loving relationship.  Some relationships are predestined to have difficulties and all relationships, no matter how good, will share some strife along the way.  The most valuable teachings are found in times of conflict and discord.  There are valuable lessons with significant life knowledge gained when a curve ball is thrown our way.  When you strike out in anger, stop for a moment to take the time to really listen to what the other is saying.  There is often a deeper meaning but the surface meaning is also important.

Our relationships are not always measured by one on one quality but they certainly are measured by experience and lessons learned.  It is important to be open to this phenomenon and realise the significance behind all relationships.  Those around us have joined with us to share their lives and encourage our growth.  Think about how important this is and how honoured you should be.  They choose you with the loving understanding that together you experience and learn far beyond what one could do so alone.  Do not take close relationships for granted.  They hold special meaning.

Why do some new relationships seem so fated?  Why is it so immediately comfortable when you meet some people?  These relationships are meant to be.  You are supposed to share time together. Know this and accept this even when the relationship has challenges and obstacles that require hard work.  Labour through your issues and activate that ingrained love that brought you together.

Not all great relationships are from previous unions.  New unions can provide you with a fresh way to look at life and its lessons.  We each walk the road we are meant to walk, with our close acquaintances and loved ones.  Celebrate these unions and grow together with the understanding that each and every bond we share with another has true purpose.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday, 2 January 2014


The transit between Uranus and Pluto is, to some degree or another, affecting everyone alive today some on a more subtle level than others.  Please see the NOTE at the end of this post

Depending on what area of your Chart is activated by these two planetary forces, (houses location), you will be aware that areas of your life have been going through changes over the past two years and they will continue to be affected for another year and one half.  Longstanding and archaic structures that have been built up over your life time are being replaced by new and revolutionary concepts.  This could be psychological issues or actual life circumstances.  Pluto’s influence is all about transformation and Uranus represents drastic change.

The current positioning of these giant forces of Astrology will clear the way for new, original ideas and life changes.  They will push you in a new direction.  If you have been making adjustments to your life over the past several years, you may already have initiated the process and the changes that will continue to take place may not be that sudden.  But if you have been feeling a subtle need to make changes in your life and this need has been heightening but you have not made any attempts to change circumstances or personal thinking in any way, the changes that are taking place may be a little more drastic and abrupt.

This transit represents a time in everyone’s life when the pressures for change are reaching a climax.  The energy that these planets yield will insist that you review these old, outdated ways and release them in one way or another.  As mentioned, what the actual changes will be is unique to each individual, but these influences will produce necessary transformations that will over time help you evolve and push you in your intended direction.  People and situations that have been standing in your way, so to speak, will now undergo changes, some drastic, but all necessary. 

These influences affect our whole generation and are mostly beyond our control.  Your reaction to these necessary changes that are affecting everyone as a whole is crucial.  There is a general subtle sway in our consciousness and those that are highly tuned into these frequencies have felt this shift for some time.  One should accept the changes that are taking place and allow the old to fade and the new to begin to settle.  It is the way of the world and when this transit has passed and in about 5 years if you reflect back on today you will see the changes that had taken place and just how necessary they were.

It could be considered a time of new birth and a new beginning for many.  As we all move together in consciousness, be of aid to those that this transit plays havoc with and offer reinforcement and your assistance.  If you understand how we all move as one and interact on an unconscious level, you can further your evolution together with the whole as one force.  Listen to the inner voice and move forward with optimism, acceptance and love.

NOTE:  If these planets set off other configurations in your Chart, especially with your Ascendant or midheaven, you will be impacted on a much more personal level.  Check your Birth Chart to see if your Ascendant or midheaven is between eight and fifteen degrees.  If these degrees correspond with these points or are accentuated in your Birth Chart’s planetary placements, they will be influencing your life on a larger scale than everyone else.  If you are an advanced Astrology student, check the midpoints in your Chart and see if these planets aspect this area.  This influence is even stronger if you have them in conjunction with these points or planets.  Check to see if you have Aries or Capricorn in these degrees for greater intensity as the aspect will be a conjunction to one of these points.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy Chapter 2014

Today begins a new chapter in your life!  Will you make the necessary changes to write a different ending to chapter 2014 or will its ending be just as the last one?


The choice is yours!


Happy New Year………….
Visit Holm Astrology at  for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at