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Monday 6 January 2014

New Year New Beginnings

Now that we have entered into a new year, many people will begin this period by making resolutions.  These resolutions are often short lived and although whole-hearted at the start, the intent quickly fades away into obscurity.  Have you experienced this in the past?  Are you now reluctant to make resolutions due to the possibility of failure?

Making a resolution to change something can be activated at any time, but for some reason many wait until the New Year.  It is as if one has a new slate to start from and a chance to rectify some of the problems or qualities that in the past have hindered our growth. 

Begin this day (regardless of what day it may be) with the spirit of a new beginning and with the intention to change something in your life to a more positive and effective method.  Each day we wake is a new beginning and a chance to start something new, or change your direction.  The timing or date is irrelevant as you can make changes now—today!

Pick one thing that needs your attention but do not make it too difficult.  Think of it as a practice run, but put your complete and full attention on this change, attainment or removal of  whatever you have placed you focus on. 

Failure when trying to make necessary or desired changes is that you have never truly and completely committed yourself.  We begin with whole-hearted desires and then when the going gets tough, we believe we can no longer continue and back off.

Understand what it is you are trying to change.  It is not so much the issue, as it is the mind’s interference with your focus and true desire to conquer the situation. The ego works in many subtle ways and as long as we are identifying with the ego’s intent, we hold ourselves back.  By recognizing the ego’s constant interference and by understanding what it is we actually want to accomplish, we can rectify any situation and produce any desired solution.

The ego is a hidden force that works beneath the surface and uses any means to satisfy its relentless pursuit of control.  As it loses its grip, it fights as if it is fighting for its life, and if the purpose is to relinquish the ego’s control, I suppose the ego is right.  Remember this as you move closer to completing your commitment and stand strong in the face of the ego’s intervention.  Know your place and understand the ego’s place.  Any thought of failure, in any shape or form, is ego intrusion and as long as you reminder yourself of this intrusion and what it actually is, you can conquer anything and change anything you set your mind to do.

You are always in control, but can only prove this to self once you believe it.  You are the one that makes the final decision, the one that says “yes” or the one that says “no”.  Even the feeling of failure is ego generated.  Understand this.  Know this.  If it does not feel right or if it does not make your life better (or if it makes you feel better than anyone else), it is spawned through the ego.  Your life is in your hands.  Conquer the small things and then take on the bigger things once you gain your confidence.  You will succeed as long as you do not identify with the ego and all of its distinguishing features.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts or for information on Astrology.   If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at holmastrology@gmail.comI

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