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Tuesday 28 January 2014

Astrological Composite Chart

The composite chart is a chart drawn up for two individuals that are interested in how they would interact as a couple, either through a romantic relationship or business partnership.  This Chart can also be used to determine the relationship between any two individuals, such as parent and child or to determine friendship potential between two individuals.

The Chart is prepared from the Birth chart of the two individuals and the midpoint between each planetary placement as well as the midpoint between the Ascendant and Midheaven.  An example of this would be someone having their Sun in Capricorn at 15 degrees and the other individual having their Sun at 25 degrees Aquarius.  There are forty degrees between the two solar locations and dividing this in half, you would come up with 20 degrees.  This would make the midpoint 5 degrees Aquarius.  You would include the minutes as well as the degrees to come up with a midpoint system.  This is completed for all the planets, the Moon’s midpoint, Mercury’s, etc. as well as the Ascendant’s and Midheaven’s midpoints.  Most astrological sites will provide you with this Chart as long as you have the correct birth times for each individual involved.

Upon completion, you now have one chart which could be used as an auxiliary Natal Chart.  This Chart describes the union of these two individuals involved.  This Chart describes their assets and the challenges that are now apparent within the relationship.  It describes how the two interact as a couple internally as well as on an external level.  Much can now be defined as to the overall condition of the relationship and its apparent attributes and how the two will mingle and interact as a unit.

Many individuals commission this Chart when beginning a meaningful relationship or starting a business.  It provides a comprehensive outlook at the overall compatibility between these individual and if there are deficiencies within the union.  There are always strengths and weaknesses apparent within all horoscopes, and this Chart defines the particulars that if applied in a unified and appropriate fashion can promote a lasting and opportunistic union that so many individuals seek.

Although this Chart is very descriptive and definitive, as always, one has free will.  If both parties are willing to make compromises within the union, the chances for survival and longevity for the relationship are greater than if one of the parties decides not to function on a level that the relationship needs to survive.  This Chart will identify such shortcomings and apparent roadblocks that will require work during the formation and maintenance of any meaningful relationship.  The Composite Chart also offers potential solutions for shortfalls within the union that once recognized can be faced head-on and challenged; again if both parties are willing to make adjustments for the betterment of the whole.

Some relationships seems to have all the ingredients for a long and loving partnership or prosperous venture, while others seem to present the individuals with obstacles and challenges that will require appropriate action in order for potential growth for both parties involved.

Investigate the potential between any two Charts and find out how they meld with each other.  Gain insight to assist in alleviating or activating potential that will enhance the relationship and produce the greatest possible results.

Visit Holm Astrology at Astrology for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at 

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