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Thursday 16 January 2014


The transit of Neptune in Pisces between 0-3 degrees conjunct to the natal North Node in Pisces at the same degrees will affect those born between December, 1951 to April, 1952; July 1970 to the end of October 1970 and between April to the end of May in 1989.  Transiting Neptune from February 2012 to February 2014 will conjunct the North Node in Pisces in your Birth Chart if you were born during the previously mentioned dates.

If you were to have a look at your Natal (Birth) Chart and you pinpoint Neptune’s and the North Node’s locations, they will indicated what area of life which will be affected.  This is where your future (which is the primary focus of the North Node) begins to unfold.  This could be termed a “date” with “your calling” in life and will be classified as a critical turning point in your life’s mission.

The North Node in Pisces deals with finding your spiritual mission and adhering to the higher principles in life--following a path of enlightenment.  It ventures to find a creative outlet through several different channels which is found within the house position of your North Node.  You will be pushed in this direction through a spiritual lifestyle or objective. 

During the linking together of the energies of Neptune and your North Node through transit, the objective is to permit life to happen, without interference, and to let go of any anticipations that your future might hold.  In other words, let life lead the way without restriction by you and have the faith to move with life, rather than trying to control life’s situation at hand.

You may be drawn towards what it is you have always wanted to do with your life, if you are clear on what that may be.  For some because of Neptune’s ability to create fantasy or to cloud matters, they may find themselves lost with no clear direction.  For others who are clear on their chosen path, this is a time of detachment from the mundane world of routine and a time of financial liberation.  The true objective with this placement is to move away from the material world and find your calling in the higher realms of existence and locate your spiritual connection. 

It is all about opening the door and allowing true vision to enter into your void.  This vision has been waiting to accelerate into action throughout your life and the time is now.  This is a turning point where your true life’s calling becomes activated and you move into this new direction without the need to know the outcome or your future.  You just move forward with the faith that life is taking you in the direction that you are supposed to go.

This positioning of Neptune will not happen again in your lifetime, and if you feel confused or lost with what direction you should take, pay careful attention to what is taking place in your life and your intuition will push you in the correct direction.  Your journey in this life with the North Node in Pisces is one which is a very special kind of spiritual connection and if you open the door to this avenue of expression, life will begin to unfold.  You will eventually have a much clearer picture of what it is you should be doing with your life.

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  1. I will have this transit beginning in March 2015 and reoccurring again in August 2015 and January 2016. Natally my Neptune is Scorpio conjunct my ASC and my North Node in Pisces conjunct my IC so, I feel this transit will be significant. I am getting clear on how I think it will manifest as I recently returned to an abandoned spiritual practice and there is a sacramental rite that I will receive during the first transit in the Spring. I've also entered a related training program which will hopefully end in certification in 1-2 years and will allow me to become a teacher of the faith. After Neptune teansits my NN it will then transit my IC and remain in my 4th House ruled by Pisces for a number of years.

    1. Hi Juliet, thanks for the insight. It certainly seems as though you have your life coming together. Neptune on the Ascendant in Scorpio and North Node in Pisces is certainly a mystical placement. The North Node conjunct the fourth house cusp suggests something that you have brought forward from your past and are now choosing to incorporate spirituality into your life. In opposition to your MC also suggests that you will use this in ways that exemplify your goals and perhaps even your profession in some way, which is confirmed by your wanting to become a teacher of faith. Is your North Node in the third or fourth house? I also have my North Node in Pisces at 2 degrees and in the third house and during this conjunction with Neptune, while I was meditating I received a message to write something extremely spiritual. I have just finished my book, almost three years in the making, and hope to release it within a year or so. It is very unique, one unto itself. It is simply amazing how life seems to open doors when we are ready to walk through. The biggest lesson I find with having the North Node in Pisces is all about having faith and believing in something that you cannot reach physically. I am very mystical in my beliefs but also have Mercury in Capricorn which tends to question things and looks for the rational. Juliet keep up your pursuit as our world is making a huge turn around and the spiritual mystical gates are beginning to open for many. I thank God to be one of them as I am sure you do. Thanks for the update and continue on your quest with open arms. Neptune will be your guide.

  2. Neptune will go over my 10 degree NN pisces (8th house) in March 2015. And my natal neptune is 0 degrees Sag in my 5th house. I'm guessing this having faith and letting go, etc, etc all has to do with relationships/love/intimacy?

    My natal neptune opposes my venus/mars conjunction in Gem (11th) and squares my nodes....

    1. I would suggest that during this time frame you pay particular attention to how Neptune is affecting your NN, It is certainly connected to your relationships although the fifth usually deals primary with sexual relationships that are not as important as the 7th house relationships would be. Make sure you are seeing things as they are, especially because of the opposition. There might even be two people involved with Gemini. The most important point to this aspect would be the connection to the NN in Pisces. There should be Mystical insight although perhaps a little blurred, especially when Neptune natally squares your nodes. After the fog clears when Neptune passes out of orb you should have a clearer picture within the relationship areas of life and also some inclination as to why things happened as they did on a higher level.

  3. Thanks for the inspiring article! Neptune will conjoin my NN in Pisces and MC in March/April 2015 and then move into my 10th house for 17 years! I'm really feeling drawn to spending more time composing music as I always have dreamed about being a film composer. That's pretty Neptunian and Piscean, eh?

    1. ....and natally, Neptune in Libra is in my 5th house of creativity!

  4. Currently Neptune is rx over my NN @ 17 Pisces in my 4th house. This is just after it squared my Sun @ 13 Sag. in my 1st house. Natally, I have Neptune conjunct my ascendant and Venus in Scorpio. Initially, when Neptune squared my Sun and then touched my NN things were super confusing and it was very difficult to connect with my inner wisdom and to know were I'm going, what I'm to do, or even where I'm to live. I should say that just before this transit I lost my home, my relationship, my place of work, my cats, my extended community, and my spiritual practice took a very heavy hit. All of these things had been completely woven together in my life. Since, I've been living out of my suitcase trying to find my way back to bringing my work out into the world (which is a very spiritual type of healing work). I've been hitting wall after wall and I've have finally given up trying to figure it out. It seems the rational mind has no role in this process. Now that Neptune is retrograding back over my NN I've gained a bit more clarity of the deeper internal work that Neptune is activating inside of me which seems to be me getting super clear on what matters most in this life which, for me, in short is fully embodying the highest and greatest aspect of my Spirit. I can truly say that at the moment I am excited for when Neptune turns direct and moves off of my NN. Not because I want this to be over, but I'm excited to see how this will be actualize within my experience of the world.

    It seems to me that there are three phases to this transit.

    1st the removal of myself as I know it in the 'real' world through an internal and external dissolving. This can be painful and disorienting.

    2nd. the realization of what my spirit is wanting to actualize within my self.

    3rd. the personal actualization and manifestation of this within and without.

    We shall see! It's not over yet!
