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Friday 10 January 2014


Fear not winter’s fury.  Its force, although one to be reckoned with, is short lived and all of its splendor will soon be a thing of the past.  It is easy to get caught up in the moment and the anxiety caused by wintry conditions.  Step outside and look at the beauty the season surrounds you with instead of worrying about shoveling that driveway and the other mundane winter tasks.  Winter is actually a magnificent time of year.

If something is telling you that it is too dangerous to drive to work, perhaps you need a quiet day to stay home.  It is okay, once in a while, to have a day for yourself and not to be caught up in your paid duties.  Far more important is your safety.

If possible, seize the opportunity to be one with nature and explore some of the deeper regions of yourself.  Nature promotes peace.  If the opportunity presents itself, grasp the moment of tranquility, for the anxieties of work pressures each and every day can begin to weigh heavy on you.  A walk in the woods and spending time in nature can do wonders for the spirit and relax that tense mind.  There is something very soothing about nature and winter has its magnificence--the crackling snow under foot, the whistling winds in the tree-tops.  Enjoy this moment of solitude for soon all the wonderment will be lost once again.  Create a memory.

Sometimes you need to listen to the voice of life.   It talks to you on so many different levels and you have to be open to what it is saying.  Life is to be lived.  Life is to be shared.  Instead of staying inside on that cold winter day, get dressed and go for that walk in nature.  Let the landscape carry you away from your obligations, if only for today.  Rest and let go.  Enjoy your life and be one with nature, even on that snowy, wintry, cold and blistery day.  You will thank yourself for the respite and feel better from the experience.

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