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Wednesday 15 January 2014

My Part

How do I fit into this elaborate network known as life?  What does one single person mean when there are over seven billion people on the planet?  How could I possibly matter and if I do, on what scale?

Each of our lives is a connection point where the energy of like minds come together.  Each and every one of us affects the overall direction of the population.  How do you fit in?  You are part of that unity.  Although you may view your overall participation as minute, do you question on what level is your vantage point?  Your connection with the overall movement might actively be doing very significant work beneath the surface.  You may not be aware of the input you have on others or the effects from what you say or the example you set by the way you live your life. 

These factors have their impact, and leading by example may be your greatest asset.  Your view of yourself and your intentions are only a portion of what transpires.  Your view of yourself is limited to one person’s opinion and that person is you.  No one sees you the way you do and no one deciphers your daily activities the way you do.  Everyone sees others on a different level and receives something truly unique through each interaction.

Is it not then important to self-reflect and view yourself objectively?  Do not be harsh with your judgements on yourself.  Live from the inside out.  Following your heart and reflect on your positive attributes.  You only need to focus on your flaws long enough to correct them.  Giving them any more attention than is required to eliminate them only gives them energy to survive and flourish.

Judge to gain recognition of that which is important, but do not judge with harshness to belittle.  Study yourself, but do not obsess.  Find solutions but stay alert to further education. 

You are significant in our world and we walk together furthering our evolution individually yet as a collective whole.  You are divided only through your “belief” that you journey this life alone.   

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