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Wednesday 22 January 2014


Take a moment to review your blessings.  Think of those people who wake of the pains in their stomach due to lack of food.  Think of those unable to sleep because of pain due to an illness that has no cure.  Think of those parents who helplessly watch their children struggle without proper nutrition, clean water, health care or education.  Think of those forced from their homes due to natural disaster or from unrest and war.

These are daily living conditions for far too many human beings that we share this planet with.  They struggle to get through each and every day.  Countless individuals are dying from mal-nutrition and starvation and countless more are struggling with disease ridden bodies with little hope of recovery.  Stop for a moment and ponder their situations.  Many of us see the suffering on our television or read about the atrocities being carried out around the world, but pass it by as just something more on television.  Our minds simply render these visuals as illusion....just as any other television show.

Take a very close look at your life and recall just how frequently you complain about your living conditions.  They are now dwarfed when you compare how rich and fulfilling your life is in comparison to so many others.  The next time you begin grumbling about your day or how hard you have had it lately, reflect on those less fortunate than you and recognize your blessings.

You were born into this life of plenty and avoided the potential life that so many of your fellow brothers and sisters experience every day.  Imagine fighting for life as so many do the next time you complain about menial matters.  Always appreciate just how good you actually have it.  You could so easily have been born into a completely different life than the piece of paradise you experience daily.

Give thanks.  Truly give thanks and look at your life from a positive perspective.  Appreciate all the luxuries and opportunities you have.  Most of these often go unacknowledged because we expect them to be the norm.  We are truly blessed even when we are experiencing difficulties as many do.  Focus on what you have instead of what you do not have and appreciate every breath throughout your day.

Ask yourself, what can I do to make someone’s life a little better?  Sometimes, it does not take much!  Enrich your life even further--help someone less fortunately than you!

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