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Wednesday 8 January 2014


You are not here by chance.  The road you walk is predestined and you have come into this life to encounter all that life has to offer-- its ups and downs, its twists and turns; at time seemingly relentless and at times, in perfect peace and harmony.  Your life is unfolding constantly and you are here for the ride, but this does not mean that you are lost within life’s grasp.  Your divine purpose is to mold your reality into that perfect experience, where nothing can touch you, nothing can infiltrate your true interior, the real you.  The ego feels pain and failure.  The ego suggests that there is no hope but you are not your ego.

Yes, as life unfolds the events can be tumultuous to say the least and it can be difficult to pull yourself back on track again after intense inner turbulence, but you have the inner strength to conquer anything that life throws at you.  You are meant to recover and grow from all of life’s tribulations, its so called injustices and even its horrors.  Events can release inner anxieties that when identified as part of you can be the cause of great harm to you and your body.

People become “comfortable” (if this is the right word) with feelings of sadness and hold on to hurtful memories.  This often becomes the case of being lost within the drama, but you are not meant to live in this place for long.  Some find it difficult to move away from intense emotional experiences.  It is healthy to experience these emotions but not to hold on to them.  Acknowledge, digest and let go of every event in life.  Return your focus to the blessings received in life but not on what is missing.  By doing so, you will have the ability to move your life forward.

You attract into your life that which you focus on.  This is not to say that you have caused all the hard lessons experience in life--far from it.  It is up to you how long you choose to dwell in this place of sorrow and sometimes this place stems from feeling sorry for yourself.  You have to look at the big picture and know that life is unfolding as it should and even those terrible moments are there for a reason.

Hold on to the good moments, and draw your attention to all of the good that has been provided to you.  Do not pass anything by, even the smallest of details are significant and can help propel you in the appropriate direction.  It may be difficult to measure how good life is during times of strife, but this is the route to opening the door to better things.  Stay strong regardless of what happens and never give up.  There is only one way up and that path resides in knowing that you have what it takes to get you there.  You are the master of your life.  You are in control.  When you trip and fall, brush yourself off and get right back on your path.  Know that life will always help you get around that next corner into your light.

Visit Holm Astrology at www. for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at 

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