In Astrology, the Natal or birth chart is a
snapshot of the heavens at the instant of birth with the planets frozen in
time. The planets, their placement and their angles to each other and
specific points in our natal chart tell the individual’s personal story.
Once we are born, the planets continue
their movement around the zodiac. The birth chart or natal chart
placements, however, remains intact for our lifetime. The movement of
planets after our birth is known as transits and progressions. We will
not go into detail on these interlinking movements in this post, but suffice to
say the movement of planets and the stationary planets of our birth chart will
make aspects to each other and will tell a story over and above the story told
by our Natal chart.
When these transiting (moving) planets
align with natal planet placements (and much depends on the overall condition
of the natal chart), areas of your life defined by the house positions of the
transits and progressions as well as the house positions of the planets in the
natal chart are activated and life events and reactions begins to unfold.
This unfolding is experienced on an intuitive level at first when the
transiting planets begin forming an aspect (angle between these links) and then
can be experienced on an external level through events as the energies become
enhanced by the joining up of other planetary influences.
Astrology can pinpoint when these areas of
life will become activated and how these energies may affect you. However
much depends on the attitude you have during the activity and the duration of
its effects on your life and to the intensity of what transpired.
Astrology prepares you for this upcoming energy entering your life and can
provide you with clues as to how to deal with the energies and events or take
advantage of what may transpire over the coming periods while the transiting
and natal planets’ energies merge.
Astrology can be used as a tool and a guide
to assist you in overcome obstacles, to assist you to prepare for periods in
life when things may not run smoothly but also to prepare you for times when
great opportunities will be laid in front of you. These opportunities may
not materialize if you do not recognize the prospects that are available to
you. Astrology gauges the energies of the activity and provides you with
suggestions on how to utilize these energies as they enter your life.
For those wishing to take advantage of
these early signs and use Astrology as a guiding principle in their lives,
astrology is a viable “advertisement” of opportunities to come, both the easy
flow and with harder lessons. Transits and Progressions offer a window of
seeing rather than moving forward without insight of the potentials ahead. A chart can provide you with the upper
Astrology is a tool of reference that can
be applied in many areas of life. The birth chart provides the initial
backdrop suggesting who you are, how you naturally cope with life and how you
can take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Astrology’s
guidelines are not written in stone as we have free will and can react to any
given situation in our own way but we are predisposed to reacting a certain way
and the chart will indicate this. A chart is a tool to assist us in dealing
with life as it unfolds with less resistance and with more personal
We have the tools available in life to
overcome any adversity and also to take advantage of all opportunities.
Astrology is one of these such tools. With your own personal decisions
combined with information provided by Astrology, you can direct our life and
enjoy the natural flow. Take advantage of the information Astrology provides
and have a leading role in your ever unfolding journey.
Visit for more information on Astrology and
information on the Astrological charts we offer.
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If you have
confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us
concerning the preparation of a chart, please