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Friday, 7 December 2018


New Moons represent new beginnings.  There is a push to forge a new path or push forward on a path we have already started.  Today, December 7, 2018 we experience the New Moon at exactly 2:21 a.m. EST.

With the New Moon is found in Sagittarius, this energy could push to new beginnings that are linked to exploration and adventure.  This could speak in terms of travel, often to faraway places.  Perhaps those with this New Moon making aspect in their birth chart are making plans on travel or perhaps as the holidays fast approaching, the plans for family and friend get-togethers are taking shape.

This New Moon in Sagittarius is at 15 degrees and as a result any planets that you have at 15 degrees in your natal chart will be energized by the New Moon.  Look particularly at planets that are in major aspect, the most powerful of these being the conjunction (0 degrees separation [at the same 15 degrees Sagittarius}).  Secondly look to the houses where the New Moon as well as the other planet or angle the Moon is making aspect to, as this will be the areas of life involved.

New Moon in Sagittarius often points towards a very wide spectrum and a desire to look at life from a positive prospective.  Being optimistic is what this New Moon suggests, in particular with spirituality, religion and in general with your own life’s philosophies.  Due to Jupiter being the ruling planet of Sagittarius, growth and opportunities can play a big part in the flavour of the story being told by the energies of the aspect(s).  Often times, this will involve family and the home environment as well as personal goals you might be setting for yourself.

Sagittarius is a happy-go-lucky sign, which brings with it a general feeling of good fortune and advancement.  Much depends, however, upon what you are planning on doing with the energy.  Once again look into the houses relevant at this time to get a clearer picture of what area of life is involved.  Sagittarius, although usually a fortunate sign, is also being squared by Mars as well as Neptune.

Squares usually indicate some tension.  Mars, in particular, has to do with aggressive urges to push ahead and can create some difficulties as it suggests that we may be aggressively pursuing our objectives which may be under potential tumultuous conditions.  Perhaps there is some type of opposition to your plans under this influence, and you will have to work your way through these difficulties.  Mars can be quite aggressive in its pursuit, so you will have to watch for opposition against you or alternately you pushing too aggressively.  As a result, some people may not like your relentless pursuit and may push back against your efforts. 

One good thing about the energies of a square aspect is that they tend to make us work through adversity.  When faced with challenging conditions we learn to work through them and overcome whatever may be in place that holds us back.  These are always valuable lessons.

The square to Neptune can make our goals illusive or our perception cloudy when it comes to pursuing these objectives.  Neptune tends to colour the imagination and puts a vail of uncertainty on things.  Neptune’s energies sometimes indicate that we are putting the situation or person on a pedestal and making things larger than what is actually there.  Once again, review your chart to see where Mars and Neptune are found as the house they are located in your specific chart will provide you with more information. 

You will find a way of working through the square energies and it is best to utilize the energies of Jupiter and the placement of Sagittarius to help unravel what stands before you. 

There is a lot of positive energy associated with this New Moon’s location in the sign of Sagittarius.  Make the energies work with you, and don’t allow yourself to become dismayed by any challenge that comes your way. 

Plant the seeds in your garden of life for the time is ripe for these seeds to germinate.

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Thursday, 6 December 2018


It is most certainly important to be there when someone needs help.  To be with someone in their time of need is the best support we can offer, whether that support comes in the form of a helping hand, a calming influence, a shared experience or an ear for listening.  Sometimes a few calming words can move mountains and sometimes a gentle shoulder can bring peace and reassurance.

Remember, however, we as a support person cannot make the changes happen.  We are “support”.  It is up to the individual to use their own actions to bring about a solution.  We may be able to plant the seed, but they personally have to nurture that seed and harvest its fruit. 

Yes; it is important that we show our support and assist along the way when asked.  By allowing others to make solve their own issues, they build inner strength by addressing the situation.
Allow others free choice and movement.  Sometimes it is hard but we have to support them with their decisions, although suggestions are valuable too if they are open to hear them. 

Walking with them lets them know we care which is empowering, but strength is built through determination, inner resolution and tackling their own personal issues.

Love them enough to let them learn from their mistakes if they do not want you assistance.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 5 December 2018


In our post for the Sun moving into Sagittarius on November 23, 2018, we touched on some of the transits which will be affecting those with their Sun in Sagittarius this upcoming year.  Here is another aspect to add to that forecast. 

Transiting Uranus did move temporarily into the sign of Taurus from May to early November of 2018 and it will again move into Taurus, this time staying there as of March 7, 2019.  It will move up to about 6 ½ degrees in Taurus before it goes retrograde (appears to move backwards) once again on August 12, 2019.

Transiting Uranus can be felt as early as 5 degrees approaching and becomes very strong when it is direct (same degree).  Quite often an event will take place on the day it is exactly direct or within a week or two.  As a result, transiting Uranus is used as a timer in Astrology.

With Uranus in the sign of Taurus, which is a fixed, earth sign, it is in its “fall”.  When a Planet is in its fall, it does not adapt to the energies of the sign very well and is unable to release itself in a comfortable manner.  It is not at home in this sign and Uranus’ energies are harnessed.  Uranus’ energies are all about breaking free of any restrictions and reaching out for something new which in turns can create a new found freedom ….. sometimes an awakening of sorts. 

Taurus’ energies, on the other hand, are all about stability and structure and it does not like change.  Taurus seeks comfort in what it knows and will stay in situations even when outside influences suggests that it should go beyond these limitations.  As you can well imagine, this placement of Uranus in Taurus does not blend well.

Those individuals with a Sun sign which is in the early degrees of Sagittarius have been or will be experiencing a quincunx (also known as an inconjunct) with Uranus.  A Quincunx is considered a minor aspect although when direct (in the case of Uranus to the Sun within 1 degree) the energies of this aspect can be felt as a major aspect similar in some ways to the square.  It is as though there is something nagging at you to make a change of direction or an adjustment to what is taking place in your life.  This could relate to a change of direction as mentioned or it could mean a change of attitude towards a situation, but something needs to be adjusted.  If you have this in your chart, you would be quite aware what that might involve. 
Here is the issue…….the Sun often speaks in terms of worldly goals or inner goals and Uranus is asking that you review the current or upcoming situation and make some changes, but being in Taurus part of you feels as though you should ride the storm, or wait things out.  As a result, you may make no change what-so-ever.  In many cases, a change or adjustment is what is required and usually if it is an adjustment it is not minor.

If you have a look at the placement by house position of your Sun and where Uranus will be transiting when it makes this quincunx as this will give you a good idea of what needs to change.  Have a look at where natal Uranus is as well and also if there is a natal aspect between the Sun and Uranus in your birth chart.  This will broaden your understanding of what needs to transpire and you will have a good idea what this is about.  However, you probably already know or at least have an good idea. 

Uranus often acts in an unpredictable manner and it might be wise when you get the hint or push that things need examining and eventual changed that you make those adjustments, but Uranus being in Taurus might make that a little tough.  There may be some fear and a worrisome fear that things are not as steadfast or stable as you might want them to be.  You may be concerned that if you make that move the outcome is unpredictable. 

It can be frightening, but under most conditions, Uranus is about required change and new directions that over time will put you on the path that you are meant to take. 

It may take as long as a year or two to really understand what all this is about and why things went the way they did, but you will understand as time passes.  Remind yourself that all changes brought on by the energies of Uranus are necessary changes.  You will benefit from the outcome. 

Of course we always have options and the final choice will always be yours and yours alone to make.  Astrology is to be used as a guide, but Uranus is also known as the awakener and rules Astrology.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday, 4 December 2018


Have you been searching for someone who will make you whole? 

Do you envy other couples that seem to be comfortable together and appear so complete?
You might ask yourself will I ever be able to locate my significant other?  Is there someone out there for me that will complete me? 

It is so important to understand that no one else can make you whole.  Wholeness and completeness is a feeling that comes from within. 

Yes, someone else can compliment who we are but they cannot make us whole.  We are always whole within. 

If we spend our time looking for someone, we may find that that special someone will always be elusive.   The search itself suggests that we feel as though we “need” and are “lacking”.  This is the energy we are surrounding ourselves with and therefore to keep that energy alive, no one will show up.  If we express a lack, we ask for more of the same. 

The secret is to know that we are perfectly fine on our own and we do not “need” someone else to make us whole.  Stop searching and the search will be over.  By being at ease with what is in our life now, we find contentment.  When we are happy with who we are and our circumstances, the door opens for more happiness.

There is no such thing as a perfect partner but there certainly is someone out there for each of us.  No one will reflect the imaginative perfect picture we have created as our perfect love yet if we are flexible and willing to work at a relationship, there is someone out there for each of us.  If we look for flaws within others, we will only find flaws.  If we look for the good in others, we will see the good shine.

For those of us that believe in past lives, we do not question that those individuals that come into our circle have been with us before and sometimes there is karma to be played out.  Karma can be challenging but can also be rewarding.  We build our lives by what is done in the moment and can ask for Karma to be lived out now.

Some individuals will meet that special person and maybe even their soul mate but may not recognize them as such because of their expectations.  Our soul mate can easily be the one we spend our life with or they can be someone you spend a period of time with to learn a specific lesson. 

Release expectations and remain open.  Expect challenges and hard work.  Love and allow.  Do not forget however to realize the wholeness within.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday, 3 December 2018


A natal aspect between the Sun and Jupiter regardless of which aspect it may be holds great promise.  The trine, in particular, is favourable as it provides easy flow and positive outcomes.  When Jupiter is involved in any aspect it often implies good luck and beneficial results which often promote substantial growth and expansion.  Jupiter brings positive outcomes, favourable conditions and promising opportunities.  It is like having a good luck charm.

The Sun speaks of our goals and ambitions.  This could include business enterprise, capital investment, inner development and our life’s path.  Personal development is also tied to the Sun and Jupiter will promote inner reflection often leading to further development and growth as an individual.  It brings good luck in obtaining benefits and opportunities to make a name in business, in recognition for diligent work and for any push to succeed.

Easy growth is often indicated with this combination and the path ahead is often without obstacles.  Much can be obtained and this would also include any spiritual development that may interest you, any religious experience and philosophical pursuits.  Some of these avenues that you may wish to follow can be found while exploring other cultures and while in foreign countries.  Travel to promote growth is highly recommended throughout life and visiting new surroundings may be right up your alley. 

Don’t forget this is a natal aspect, so it will be something that works favorably throughout life’s experience when it becomes activated through transit or progression.

Much will depend on the houses involved and the signs that this trine aspect falls in.  A trine in water may indicate intuitive understanding and development and an understanding of emotions, and your caring nature may expand over time. 

A fire trine may indicate the ability to push forward and achieve in life, a want for excitement and exploration and a need for discovery. 

An earth trine may indicate that material abundance is attainable or in some cases you may be born into wealth and prosperity. 

An air trine could indicate opportunities and easy flow in the communication fields, perhaps teaching, or lecturing or becoming a writer or philosopher is indicated.

A trine between the first and fifth houses may indicate good fortune in romantic involvements or an enterprise dealing with your creative potential.  A trine from the second to the sixth house may indicate security often in financial terms working in your favour tied to your working environment and a good affiliation with co-workers.  It may mean favorable health with a robust and strong body.  A trine between the third and seventh house, could indicate good communication within close personal relationship often the husband or wife.  It could also mean that there is a good rapport with siblings and neighbours.

This trine brings many opportunities but trines often need stimulation.  Sometimes we need to make use of these pleasant vibrations and use the energies to expand on life’s opportunities.  The worst thing that we can do is sit back and do nothing, just because things seem to fall into our lap.  We still need to expand on our trines and sextiles and make things happen.  Opportunities await those that choose to explore these potentials.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 30 November 2018


Venus, in transit, takes over one year to complete its cycle around the Sun.  It takes approximately 18 months from one retrograde period to the next and its retrograde cycle is approximately 40 days in length. 

Many individuals have Venus conjunct the Sun in their birth chart as Venus is never more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. 

Venus is a feminine planetary influence and is linked to the sense of touch, material things and love.  It’s energies reflect kindness and politeness and adds a flair for wanting to be around beautiful things. 

When Venus is direct in its motion, its energies want to manifest harmony, peace, beauty and love.  When it is retrograde, its energies are the reverse, often taking on energies similar to that of Mars.  During this retrograde influence, we can becomes more aggressive and the drive may still be towards gaining material abundance although when it is attached to business activities, its influence often slows things down or even moves things into reverse for a while (again under the retrograde influence). 

Check your chart to see if Venus is in retrograde or direct motion.  This will define how the energies will be released when activated by transits and progressions.

Venus conjunction the Sun will only have a lasting influence of about 10 days unless it moves into retrograde.  If this is the case, it can last much longer.  Much will depend on the energies of other planetary influences during the same period that Venus is aspecting your Sun.  This Astrologer only uses the transits of outer planets to natal Venus as the energies are often far too short to make any significant changes to our life (when using the energies of the inner planets).  However, Venus’ cycle will still have an impact on what takes place in our life but its influence will be quite short lived.

You will find that the feelings of affection are increased and your sensitivities are also enhanced during this aspect.  You may want more social time with others and you will express yourself in a comfortable manner.  Venus and the Sun usually go together very well and unless there are other mitigating factors making challenging angles to this conjunction, it generally is quite favourable.  You may feel inclined to go out and enjoy yourself, and to look after your own needs.  You may find relaxation in all that you enjoy and the challenging conditions in life may be swept away at least for a while. 

Sometimes with this aspect, you will need to make things happen.  Other times, things just seem to flow your way.  Sitting back and waiting for life, however, is never a good idea.  Take life under your wing and have some fun.

You may run into someone that adds meaning to your life under this influence.  This applies to both women and men, but Venus usually indicates the feminine gender.  Women, in general, may be lots of fun to be with now.  This aspect affects both men and women although the women seem to enjoy these energies a little more than men.

Venus is also about creativity and artistic abilities.  You may find that pursuing anything that push these abilities may work in your favour.  The energies flow well into these areas and you may find that you enjoy this part of your life more under this influence. 

Starting a new project might be a good idea and make sure that you surround yourself with visual complements that help you settle into things.  Beauty is important and you can create wonderful things during this short stay with the conjunction between Venus and the Sun.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 29 November 2018


In some way, we are influenced by those we meet along life’s journey, and in particular, we are highly influenced by our parents and family members.  If we think about how we were brought up, we probably note that many of the things that our parents taught us have been carried forward and we are still utilizing some of them today. 

It can work quite the opposite as well.  Because of some of the ways we were influenced we are determined NOT to bring forward some of these influences.  In some cases we were influenced by our parents in a very challenging way (I refuse to use the word “negative”) and now because of these, we teach or influence our children differently.  We should be thankful that we have learned from these lessons as our children benefit from these.

In many cases the foundation of our attitude and belief structures were put in place in our formative years and we have hopefully adapt these throughout our lives.  If we were loved and felt warmth and compassion from our parents, most likely we are comfortable in our own skin.  We move forward with confidence and with fewer internal challenges than some others who may have experienced little or no love and affection.  It is important to remember though that love and affection can be shown in many different ways however.

There are conflicting articles as to the most impressionable years of a child’s development – some say the first five years, some say the first seven years and yet others same from six to 14.  Apparently, all years are important to provide a positive influence on our children and their development. 

Do we teach our children through fear or do we teach them through love?  This question may seem ridiculous to most of us but certainly one that needs to be contemplated.  What example are we setting?

So many parents teach their children to engage their minds but equally important, are we teaching them to engage their hearts?  If they learn to respect and love themselves, they will be able to love and respect others.

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” - Frederick Douglass

Even though we are influenced by our upbringing, when we reach the age of self awareness, we are free to choose and mold our own personal responses to life.  We are free to change any aspect of ourselves and nothing from our past has to be adopted as our own.  If our upbringing was less than ideal, we can accept our past as that (our past) and we can move forward and leave it where it belongs, in the past.   

Once we reach the stage of self awareness we realize that we are responsible for whom we are.  No one has control over us unless we hand over that control to them.  Sometimes we just need to look back to see and understand what took place and by doing so, we realize that we can make any change we want to.

Yes, our parents have an influence and can provide us with a good foundation but with self awareness if that foundation makes you feel less than perfect, we have the choice of pouring new footings and building your own foundation.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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