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Friday 18 October 2013

Join Hands with Yourself

As you know, we mold our reality through our thoughts and expectations. By understanding this, you capture your life’s essence by molding your life through your own manifestations. Focus on the good in your life and never dwell on the negative. Experience it! You were meant to go through each trial and tribulation, but you were not meant to become a slave to any personal experiences. It is always your choice to hold on or to learn and let go.

Life is the teacher, and you are the student. Roll with the twists and turns and become adaptable. Absorb the teachings then move on.

Practice self-promotion! Believe in yourself. You have what it takes. Why else would you be living the life you are living? You are here to grow spiritually and here to learn about life--to eventually become love. You are here to master your own destiny and become your best friend. Love what you are at the core, and know that this person is you. You will eventually find that individual. Practice self-forgiveness and know that you are part of the divine.

We are here to join hands with our whole, our source and to learn that we are one. We are moving together in one mind and in conjunction with the greater whole. You do your part by being a source of love and being happy; everything else follows naturally. Your life is in your hands. You hold the key, and you are the answer. Never let go of this, and never give up. You always sustain that which you are part of, and you can never lose sight of your goal.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us through private message at

Thursday 17 October 2013

Sextile between Neptune and Pluto in the Astrology Chart

The sextile (an aspect of opportunity) between Neptune and Pluto has been in effect from the late 1940’s and lasts approximately 100 years; therefore, most everyone alive today is affected by this connection. The outer planets move very slowly. As a result, the aspects to the outer planets are generational. The strongest affects would have been felt from the inception of the aspect into the early 1990’s. During most of this period, the orb of this aspect was only out by no more than 4 degrees, and anyone who has this aspect in there Natal Chart within a couple of degrees would be strongly influenced by it.

This is considered a strongly mystical connection and if the rest of the Chart agrees, this individual would be very sensitive to outside influences, and would be able to pick up the subtlest of vibrations from those around them. They would have a mystical lean and clairvoyant ability as well as psychic inclinations. Most with this aspect being tight in the Natal Chart would have a very creative streak. They will be required to act and respond to life’s situations merely by the use of their intuition. Watch for the aspect between these two planetary giants becoming direct (moving into a tight orb, or distance from one another) during progression as these abilities we refer to will surface or intensify.

These are idealistic people that believe in themselves and depend primarily on themselves. They are highly motivated, self-initiative and self-contained, unless the Chart dictates otherwise through other contacts or placements. They will seize opportunities, and because of the sextile, will have the potential to make things work and to be in the right place at the right time. They truly believe they are an instrument of ethic and moral standards. They will try their best to be a motivational factor for others. There are some that pave the way for others and appear to be extreme individuals. They are “all in” or “not in at all”. There are no half measures with these individuals that choose to pursue their calling. They consider life a major challenge, but will move forward with a positivity that often assists them in their endeavours.

On the negative side, some lack perspective and their high ideals can be centred on their own egotism. They become so self-reliant that they will not take advice and they believe that their way of thinking is the only way and all others should mirror their belief structure. They become so closed in their thinking that they only will rely on “self”. As a result, they close the door to furthering their evolutionary path. They are, however, usually very honest and forthright and will be admired for this by many.

The individuals that display either side of these qualities have a commonality in that they will attempt to stimulate the evolutionary process through self-exploration and will progress towards that given goal, with thoughts of aiding humanity and bringing people together. However, as expressed in the beginning of this post, these individuals must have other factors within the framework of their personal Birth Chart to use these facets to their fullest. Everyone, however, has the potential to awaken this mystical leaning inherent in us all.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to speak to us confidentially, do not hesitate to contact us through private message at

Wednesday 16 October 2013


For those of you who have been travelling down your mission’s road, do you ever wonder if you have what it takes? Have you ever questioned your own spiritual nature and wondered if you are transcendent enough or have the ingrained requirements to venture this path? Yes; you know you are on a spiritual pursuit, but you keep venturing off course and faltering.

It is important to try to stay focused and concentrate on living the right life for you, but you are not on trial, and you are not being judged. You walk your road as does everyone else in this life, on your intended path, always on course, never faltering. Each turn in the road is anticipated by your greater whole or true self. Each road block comes along to help you with the lessons you have come to learn.

Your mission is to find yourself amongst the turmoil, through life’s profound and insistent teachings set out long before your emergence here in physical form. Know that you are on course and each event that you encounter is part of the process. You may feel you have made mistakes and perhaps you have, but this is not important. All you need to do is get up again and use your intestinal fortitude to move yourself forward.

You have come here to be happy and enjoy life, to learn by living it, and by experiencing it. Through these internal struggles, become motivated to continue no matter what lies ahead and without expectation. Life is what it is. You will go through your share of challenging situations, but you will rise above these concerns and pick up what is require for your growth.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us through private message at

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Saturn in Libra in the Natal Chart

We thought we would go a little deeper into the sign Libra, since the Sun is still currently in Libra. In Astrology, every planet moves from sign to sign. If you were born in late 1950 and through into the fall of 1953, or born from the fall of 1980 through to the end of 1982 and then those born from the end of 2009 through into the fall of 2012, you will have Saturn in Libra in your Birth (Natal) Chart.

Saturn takes approximately 29 years to move through all of the signs of the zodiac and return to its original natal position at the time of your birth. When Saturn reaches its return position, this time is usually marked with striking transformations. We have already discussed the Saturn Return on June 6, 2013, and will not be touching on this now. Instead we will focus on those born with their Saturn in Libra.

This placement of Saturn usually suggests that the “artist”, who will have specialized in their own particular form of art, will reach the maturation process only after years of murky but committed effort. As Saturn is known as the eternal task maker, this placement quite often produces individuals who work diligently on their particular art.

This placement could be called the wisest judge, and generally produces a high minded individual, whose aim is to live within their tight guidelines and to pursue the highest in moral goals. Their reserved and refined behaviour is recognized most frequently through their good will and the relentless search for peace. These individuals generally try to stay on middle ground, but are often swept from side to side as they are always trying to please those around them. They have a great need to correct incorrect assumptions, and want others to know the truth as long as no one gets hurt.

Many marry more than once. For many men, female relationships are generally ill-fated or men find their significant other very difficult to please. In partnerships, they are in search for people who are high minded and intelligent, as well as someone adept in conversation. They benefit greatly from a stable partnership and have a need for balance and harmony in their close personal relationships.

Most with this combination are intellectual and suited for scientific work. They are suited for work where the studied application of principles and honesty are important. Many make great lawyers or judges, as fairness in everything is paramount. If they attempt to succeed without the proper training or the required experience, they may fail when testing becomes a crucial part of the evaluation. Knowing the subject thoroughly is a must and no half measures will stand up to the test of Saturn in later years.

This is a somewhat difficult position for Saturn as Libra is soft, gentle and refined while Saturn is indignant to soft principles and wants refinement which is suitable for Libra, but not without the testing grounds being bombarded with restrictions and hardships. Saturn tests, places restriction and delays before Libra can find the place in its heart for love, peace and balance. Together they make for a rough road with many twists and turns but in the end, a road well-travelled and completely understood.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Monday 14 October 2013


This post, which was written in the mid-eighties, surfaced last weekend. Although somewhat simplistic in its nature and written some thirty years ago, it still holds significance with my present concepts and encapsulates some of the thinking that we explore in our current writings. I have not altered the writing as to capture the thoughts that I was trying to convey many years ago. I have, however, expressed my current opinions in brackets to further the thoughts.

As our life slowly progresses along its unknown journey, we are mirrored by our limited ideas of what we feel we are capable of. This internal struggle continues as long as we allow ourselves to be captives of our beliefs. Most of us restrict our lives by what we feel our lives are capable of attaining. This is our limitation; this is where we stop. As long as we continue along this path, progress is as near a halt as earthly possible. (“as earthly as possible” suggests that we still continue progressing regardless of the limitation we put on ourselves, although almost to a grinding halt.)

We are a reflection of our concepts and our reactions to life itself. If we choose a negative route, our life will be trails of negative feedback. You mold your own world by your own thoughts and beliefs. Two individuals sharing the exact same experience can get two completely different concepts of what this experience is. Your own view is all important, and the longer you allow yourself to accept your negative response, the harder it will be to move out of that which is draining you. It is the draining of the true self. (The last sentence was underlined; however I now believe that the true self can never be drained.)

Your beliefs and expectations are your tomorrows and your moments. Change your belief structure, change your life. It can be done, but it takes time and you will need to pay close attention to yourself. At first, you will feel you are going nowhere. However, this is the realization period, where important information is being obtained--a self-study and self-realization period. This is usually a depressing stage. They are however a part of you and you must accept this. (I now believe that the true self does not encompass any negative character traits and when you uncover your earthly faults and realize that you do not have to identify with them, you rid yourself of the issues.)

Your negative qualities will fade out slowly, mainly because you wish to remove them. (Partly true, but they also fade because they are not a part of your true essence.) For now the most important facet of this experience is to become totally aware of yourself. Know who you truly are, at least for this time. Now the journey begins. (It is important to become aware of your character traits, as you cannot begin to let them go until you acknowledge that they exist. Once you become aware of their existence, you no longer have to identify with them and they will dissipate, as any negative character trait that has been developed is not part of the true self. The true self which is what you are here to merge with, encompasses only positive character traits. When you identify with character traits that are not comfortable, you allow them an entry point and although only temporary in their nature, it feels as though they are a part of who you are. Anything in your life that does not feel right, or makes you uncomfortable is not a part of who you are. You can rid yourself of all these traits when you choose not to identify with them.)

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for more information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Movement Part II

We would like to continue with our post from October 9, 2013 concerning love and our purpose. Many of you may wonder if love is the foundation of our existence, how does the expression of love open the door? By opening yourself up to the vibration of love, since love is the basis from which all things originate, you tell the universe that you are open to all that love encompasses. The powers that be (or our collective energy from that which we came, the Godhead, call it what you will), does not segregate or categorize what energy is being released. There is no judgement and it works in such a way that whatever energy you put out, it is as if you are saying that this is what you want. From that which we came (for simplicity sake, let’s call this the Godhead), which is all giving in its nature, responses by presenting you with more.

The Godhead automatically responds by providing more of whatever energy YOU share. This is why it is essential that you take into careful consideration what it is you are putting out into the universal whole. Have you ever wondered why so many things keep repeatedly happening along the same line of thought? If you are expressing financial shortages, why is it that things keep breaking down and need repair? Why is it that extra bills or normal bills keep coming up at the most inopportune moment?

It is not really important whether you believe in this concept or not. It is normal for the mind to question everything, and the ego does not want to shoulder blame for that which it does not like. It is much easier to point the finger elsewhere and dodge responsibility for that which we do not like in our lives.

The idea is not to ignore your struggles or try to change your mind’s focus. When you intentionally turn your back on something, you are acknowledging its existence. For example, if you are noticing that you are thinking about money shortages and you try to change the topic, unfortunately, the energy of shortage has already been created. What we need to do is to think about how good our lives are with regards to our finances. Do not look at what is missing. Focus at what you have. This applies to everything. You can use this practice for focusing on positive thinking during those times that the mind gravitates towards any direction that you are accustomed to travelling.

Think of your world as an energy field or a magnet. Whatever you put out draws or attracts more of the same. If you practice the concept if focusing on the positive (and in reality you have nothing to lose by doing it), then slowly your world begins to change and the practice becomes easier. You naturally become happier and more content when your life begins to turn.

Begin by focusing on one particular area of your life--one that needs regeneration and let your other concerns slide for now. Change does not have to happen at a rapid pace. It has taken you a long time to develop the mental attitude you use now. Be patient and watch for minor changes in the area of life you have chose to concentrate on. You will gradually change your mind’s focus just by applying this practice on a regular basis. In turn, you are channelling this energy constructively and eventually manifesting this energy into your life. Usually things begin to change internally and then as time goes by, what changes internally moves to an outside expression.

By controlling your mind’s focus, you generate more of your focus. Take control and be grateful! Find the love that is ever-present in the world around you and become your own catalyst.

Visit Holm Astrology daily for more food-for-thought posts or for information on Astrology. If you enjoy our posts, please “Like” our page and “Share” the posts with friends. Your comments and questions are welcomed and encouraged. If you would like to speak to us confidentially, do not hesitate to contact us through private message.

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Thursday 10 October 2013

Moon in Libra in the Astrology Chart

Since the Sun is currently in Libra, we thought we would touch on some qualities of the Moon in the same sign. The Moon changes signs in the birth chart every two and one-half days and moves through the houses roughly at the same rate depending on the house system used in the Chart.

There are many similarities between the Moon and Sun in the sign of Libra; however, one key difference is the fact that the Moon holds prominence over the emotions, while the Sun is reflective of the inner personality traits.

The Moon is said to make reference to the Mother. The sign and its aspects in the Natal Chart describe the Mother or someone symbolic of your Mother and the relationship you have with her.

With the Moon in Libra at birth, partnerships are a very important factor in your life. You are in search of an individual who is refined in their mannerisms. It would be nice if they were social and enjoyed the company of others. You would also be looking for an individual who is nice-looking and intellectual, as it is important to be able to share conversations on a varied number of topics. It is important that this individual be fair-minded and gentle in their approach. This applies to people in general that you become attached too. Anyone who is gruff and aggressive does not fit well in your circle.

Justice is key to your character and balancing out any circumstance or situation is paramount. You need a sense of balance and stability in all that surrounds you and if things are not this way, if things are unfair in any way, you will do your best to put them back in order again. Many with this combination seek peace at any cost. This can create all kinds of problems. The need for peace is so paramount that many will put this before their own needs or bend over backwards just to have harmony in their life.

If the Moon is afflicted in the Natal Chart, there could be too much dependency on others to find the inner harmony and emotional security that is required. Although these individuals are at their best when in a meaningful relationship, they will have to search internally for solutions to any anxiety that they may have regarding their feelings. The answer comes from within and they may have to learn to rely on themself to adjust any miss-conceptions or inadequacies that they experience.

If the Moon is well aspected in the birth chart, their mother was a reliable friend and assisted them throughout their early years by teaching manners and appropriate behaviour. She may also have been refined in her own way and very sensitive to beauty and balance in her life. Much of who Moon in Libra people become when they mature comes from their mother’s careful grooming and preparation for furthering this individual’s development.

This is a brief explanation of the Moon in Libra and when Holm Astrology is commissioned to prepare a Chart, we examine closely all the links to the Moon, as the placement of the Moon along with the Sun and the aspects to both of these greatly affects the personality and the emotional makeup of each of us.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to speak to us confidentially, do not hesitate to contact us at