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Thursday 20 February 2014


As we have now moved into the sign of Pisces and Pisces is the natural ruler of the twelfth house, we thought we would take a look at this house and what it represents in our life’s expression.  In ancient Astrology, this house was related to confinement, serious illness and encompassed hospitals, large institutions and prisons.  It was known as the garbage bin of the Zodiac.  Although in modern Astrology the twelfth house still encompasses many of these character traits, it is no longer viewed as a negative force for it is understood that there is no such thing as a “bad” house.

It is still related to captivity in a sense in that this is where we sweep our challenges under the proverbial carpet.  We assume by doing so that we do not have to deal with the issues.  Ultimately, we all have to deal with our difficulties and the twelfth house is actually where we can go to make contact to the higher forces and ask for assistance in understanding why life sometimes takes us down pathways that are less desirable.  The answers to this question can be found through cultivating a connection with our inner selves, linked to the twelfth house.  This is the house of intuition and psychic abilities. 

The difficulty lies in our perception, in not seeing things clearly, and sometimes we resort to illusionary concepts.  This is where confinement comes into play for if one does not learn to deal with the harsh realities of life, the mind can break down and one can become institutionalized.  Hospitals for serious illness, psychiatric hospitals and wards are linked with this house.  The twelfth house is a place of solitude, a place where one can spend time alone and find solutions to difficulties encountered in life.  The unconscious works in mysterious ways and often threw meditation practice these issues can be resolved.

The twelfth house is where we sum up all our actions and come to terms with where we have been and after careful deliberation, prepare for our next course of action.  The next course of action is usually initiated when we enter the first house.   The twelfth house leads to positive transformations through deliberation and internal confrontation with what we could call our self-made demons.  These so called demons if left unchallenged can gain strength and deter spiritual growth.  It is always best to confront issues in life and the twelfth house when used properly is the inner channel to the ultimate truth.

The twelfth house pushes us forward with determined yet subtle methods to uncover the reality behind our fears.  This house aides us in fulfilling our destiny with spiritual connectivity and intuitional accuracy which each of us have within.  These tools simply need to be developed and the twelfth house helps us to do just that.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Anger and Violence

Anger and violence are a far more frequent form of expression in our society than we would like to admit.  Frequently, we hear about domestic violence and abuse within family circles.  Most people, although against these types of behaviour, still often carry out what could be referred to as minor forms of these abuses.  Abuse has changed forms in many homes and although the general tone has certainly lessened overall from our past cultures, anger is still a regular issue.  In modern society, rage and vicious responses find their way into people’s lives frequently.

Why is it acceptable for even the most loving of individuals to express themselves through aggressive verbal response and abusive intrusion?  It is said that holding our feelings inside carries the potential for dangerous physical reactions (disease).  Surely there is a happy medium.  It is up to each of us to find our own way of releasing tension and stress, whether it be through exercise or some other alternate means of expression. 

A regular exercise routine can prevent or at least alleviate much anger and resentment which is harboured within.  Everyone can find 10 to 30 minutes each day to release their stress through a walk or a more strenuous form of exercise. 

If we address most issues at their onset, we can avoid the potential for aggressive interaction with others.

Exercising the mind through processing your emotions can also become an argument saver.  Instead of concentrating on what it is that is infuriating you, let it go and release the stress and tension.  Take the time to logically process the information.  You make the choice.  You make the decision to react and to carry the weight of events which usually end up out of your control.  Your reaction and your focus are truly in your hands.  When you feel a possible argument building, question yourself whether there is a probable positive outcome if you proceed or a probable stressful event possible if you proceed. 

 Most arguments and heated situations result from the need to be correct.  The ego holds reigns over wanting to be correct.  How important is it to be the one who is right and if you find yourself trying to uphold an idea, even if it is not an idea, but actual fact, is it worth a debate if your true intention is to find peace?  Gage the value of continuing a dispute and how important your point of view really is.  Some will fight to the bitter end over concepts and ideas that are truly irrelevant in the grand scheme of this life.

Learn to foresee or anticipate potential disagreements before they are allowed the opportunity to expand into monsters.  Use your discretion and express your truths and wisdoms through example.   Express wisdom through channeling love and peace around you. 

In most cases, it is very difficult for someone to become angry with you when the only thing that is generated from within your consciousness is love.  It is not being soft or showing weakness when you back off and address the issue through the expressions of love.  This attitude will strengthen your resolve and others will come to terms with the strength of your response.  The expression of anger and aggression is a spontaneous reaction but it is detrimental to your emotional and physical health.  Expression through love is far more healthy in all ways.  Expose and express that loving, gentle self that resides within. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Sun in Pisces

Tomorrow, February 19, we enter into the sign of Pisces, the last astrological placement of the Zodiac.  Pisces is said to contain segments of all the previous signs and may be our final step in our earthly evolution, depending on the level of awareness attained in this lifetime.  Pisces individuals are known to be dreamy to those less sensitive and prophetic in their nature.  Pisceans display psychic ability and mystical leanings.  There is something very distant about many Pisces individuals, and they seem to intuitively sense the emotional currents that surround them.

They are usually very compassionate and sensitive people, who have a soft spot for anyone undergoing life’s sometimes difficult experiences.  They also have concern for the underdog and go out of their way to assist others in need.  They are extremely self-sacrificing and some can become vulnerable to the harsher side of life.  Some individuals will take advantage of the Pisceans’ caring nature and exploit them.  As the Pisces individuals mature, they sometimes learn hard lessons from these abuser type people and eventually learn to discriminate between those that genuinely require their help and those that just use them.

Those with a strong Sun in Pisces simply need to have a purpose; they need a sense of worth and a driving force pushing them towards their goal of spirituality.  Life lessons are understood as prerequisites in this journey and many will martyr themselves for the sake of others.  If they become caught up in misleading adventures in life, some will resort to the use of alcohol and drugs to escape the hard core facts that life can dictates.  Some resort to living in an imaginary world of their own and build walls of protection so their extreme sensitivity is not invaded.

Many have a creative flair. Music, the arts and creative writing are just a few of the boundless artistic expressions that can be used to express their magical force.  When in love, Pisceans love deeply and are considered selfless.  They will orientate themselves to service for others on a high level of spirituality.  When in harmony with their inner journey, they feel on purpose and the intuitive side can reach almost mystical proportions.  Many develop psychic abilities as they mature into their role in life, although some become lost in confusion through unveiling forces that can infiltrate their sensitivity and compassion.  Often, these sparks of imagination can run rampant if not kept under a watchful eye.  The imaginary qualities linked to this sign are the motivating factor behind their driving force towards a spiritual connection.  The imagination is also their inner strength as long as they have one eye focused on reality.

Life lessons often include finding their mission, creating a sense of self-worth and meaning in their lives that goes beyond self.  Through meditation and the practice of selfless living, many will reach heights unimaginable for those on a more physical, material journey.  Pisces has been linked to the purity in spirituality, and we can all learn valuable life lessons through this often misunderstood sign.       
Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food for thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 17 February 2014


It has been said that dreams are a gateway to the subconscious, the interlinking channel between the awaken state and the subconscious realms. Dreams are a ver...y significant source of information. They usually speak of the current conditions apparent and sometimes unapparent in life. Dreams are parables connected with what is transpiring in your life and offer potential solutions to difficulties at hand or information that can be deciphered about coming events.

Dreams are very symbolic and when analysing your dreams it is very important to pay attention to the underlying details contained in the dream. For example, was it a clear, sunny day or were the conditions rather stormy with dark clouds? Was the water rough and dark, or was the water gentle and clear? Were you watching the storm from inside or were actually partaking in the event outside?

These are clear representations to the current conditions surrounding your life’s events and if you put it all together, you can come to a conclusion. You are the best one to decipher your dreams meanings. You are the one partaking in the dream and your recall outweighs anyone else’s concept. You are also the one who is living under the current conditions in your life and the dream can provide you with information of the upcoming events or present circumstances.

You will need to decipher what the people represent in the dream to you. Who are they? Do you know them and if you do, what do these individuals represent to you? If you dream of animals, what do these animals suggest to you? If you see a lion, does this represent fear to you or something majestic? Are they aggressive in their actions or are they gentle and amiable. There are many variables but with practice you can begin to assimilate what the dream is relaying to you.

If the dream is extensive and extremely variable, it could represent a trying time when you are attempting to put all the pieces together. Some dreams are vivid, and these are the most significant. If you begin to programme your subconscious by repeating as you are going to sleep, “I will remember my dreams”, your recall will improve upon wakening. It is wise to write down your dream as soon as you wake, as this is when it is most clear. You begin to lose the details as you become fully awake and unfortunately the conscious mind will add details and it will interfere with what the details of the dream.

Often times your initial impression is the most accurate, but sometimes the dream makes sense later on, as events in life begin to surface that link the dream to current conditions. Dreams can often be prophetic and mystical in nature. This may define your current evolutionary condition and where you are heading. As you become comfortable and more proficient with analysing your dreams, you will remember more and more and the process becomes easier.

It takes time for the process to run smoothly, and you will need a great deal of patience and consistency in order to activate the mind’s focus, as with all of life’s awakenings. Do not discard your dreams as meaningless mumbo-jumbo. They have great meaning and this meaning becomes more clear as you progress along and learn to decipher them. Your dreams are the awakened state of the subconscious, and if you are in tuned, they can be prophetic. It has been said that you only remember the last stages of the dream state but regardless, you are opening the door for further information to be digested.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 15 February 2014

Lunar Node Chart or Moon's Nodes in Astrology


 The Moon's Nodes help to keep us on track--on our intended path and clarifies the “why” behind our earthly existence.  They explain our purpose and help us to delineate our karmic lessons and our missions.

Friday 14 February 2014

More than a Valentine's Day Wish

Love defined is the intense feeling of deep affection for another person or living thing.  There are many different forms of love, the love given to a partner, a child, a friend, a stranger in need.  Each and every living being and animal that shares this existence with us offers an opportunity to express your love.  There is also another form of the love.  One that is so often forgotten and yet most important; this love is the love given to oneself.

Take a moment and reflect on the wonder of your life with all of its complexities, your friends and the loved ones you are so fortunate to share this existence with.  Utilize this day set aside for “love” (not with material goods) by sharing your presences.  Share your life’s experience by showing the love you have for others, without measure.  For the individuals that hold a special place in your heart, confirm your affection for them today.  Then take it one step further to allow this sentiment to be expressed each and every day of the year through a special gesture or word. 

Just as important, do not forget the opportunity to spread your love to strangers which you meet along your path.  There are many among us that are alone and in need of a loving gesture no matter how small.  Create a ripple effect that is generated by one small gesture or one small action of love. 

Today should be the beginning of an endless expression.  Regularly, do something meaningful for your loved ones without the requirement of a special day.  Express your love in your own special way on a day that they would never expect anything special of you.  Become spontaneous and act on that little whim that surfaces from time to time.  These unprompted moments of unplanned action are the special moments.

February 14 is a day celebrated by many lovers but if you were to take the time to read the legends, you may questions why as the story does not have such a happy ending.

We should celebrate love, romantic or otherwise, every day.  Life itself is a celebration of love and we share this planet in one degree or another with every living thing in existence--even plant life thrives when shown love.  The magnificence of this life carries with it love in many shapes and forms.  We simply need to open up to the beauty and love that is generated around us on a continuous basis, each and every day!

As you reach out today take time to reflect on the love that surrounds you and then on what you can do to express and be a part of this beautiful and natural process.  Love each other without exception.  Give special thanks for the love that encompassed you.  Never lose sight of the importance and deep ingrained meaning that life provides.  Release the love that is generated from within.  It will be returned tenfold.  Everything has a beginning.  Why not nurture this natural process of love and allow it to grow, first from within and then to overflow.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 13 February 2014


Since we are in the sign of Aquarius and the ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus, we thought we would discuss the opposition Uranus makes to itself around the age 40-42.  This post applies to many of our readers, as many are in this age group.  It is considered to be a very significant aspect in your Natal Chart and a turning point in life’s direction.  When deciphering this aspect, please take into consideration the placement of Uranus in your Birth Chart by house, as well as the house transiting Uranus is moving through.  These houses signify the areas of life that are being awakened to new and exciting possibilities in your life.

This is a period of major transitions in life, known by many as the mid-life crisis, when you have a strong feeling that you only have a short time to live your former life, as a new horizon is just around the next corner.  This is the time when people resort to buying that new flashy automobile, or have that fling as they believe that life is about to change and they do not want to miss anything.  This does not imply that most people will resort to this type of behaviour, only that if one is not satisfied to this point, they may reach out for something new and exciting.  The misunderstanding with this is that these individuals think that they can find satisfaction in their life from the outside world, rather than looking inside for the answers.

Often people feel that life’s shortcomings or what they think is missing in life has to be obtained now as time is running short.  This is a misconception and far from reality, as they are only just beginning the second half of life.  The first half consisted of external motivation, such as career, the building of resources and focusing on the material side of life and getting ahead in a worldly way.  The second half of life which is now beginning to materialize when one will be forced to go within to face oneself and to start to make alterations to what is important for their own personal life.

Many experience a sudden change in direction, such as moving out of a long term marriage or occupation with the hopes that they can quench this thirst that is occurring in their lives.  Once again, they are looking outside for answers and jumping.  The nature of Uranus is to jump and seek out personal freedom of expression.  This period suggests a climax and honest look at life’s direction--where it is now and where you want to take it.  People often spend long hours reviewing their lives and what they have accomplished.  Some make radical changes with the hope of finding meaning in their lives.  Others try to make something new of themselves through as vocational changes, change of residence, new friends and acquaintances.

The direction in life is often unclear during this phase and what lies ahead can be frightening, but much depends on your life’s attitude, your belief structures and what matters to you.  It may be time to turn that corner in your life; to open yourself to new horizons and to objectively face who you truly are.  The changes that occur are often considered radical and often present themselves in quick and sudden exchanges.  Move forward in your new direction, but take your time and be sure you are making appropriate changes to your life that not only appeal to you but corroborate with the good of the whole.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at