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Friday 28 February 2014

Current Life Conditions

Today when you begin your morning routine, instead of focusing on the jobs for the day, reflect on your life’s circumstances.  Focus on the regular everyday events and “normal” conditions in your life.  Now, ask yourself, “Am I content?”.  What was the reply?  If you are not content, what are you going to do about it? 

It is important that you understands that the conditions in your life have been created through your thought process or attitude towards events in your life.  Take a moment and again reflect on your life’s conditions but with the attitude that you take responsibility for your response/reaction to life’s activities.  This is a very important step, for when you take responsibility for your life, you also know that you can change any conditions or your response to these conditions.

You always have to accept responsibility one way or another.  You also have to objectively view your feelings and beliefs about your life.  Once you have genuinely accepted and taken these steps, rationally think about how you would like your life to change.  Review the direction you would like your life to move in during say the next six months.  By activating this thought process, you are taking a step forward to fulfil your desired direction.  If possible, record the changes you would like to experience but keep them realistic and make them truly something you want to achieve.
Believe in this next step.  Picture the end result.  As life slowly begins to materialize, your belief structure will become even stronger and more positive.  You must set reachable goals in the beginning to create the positive response required.  If you choose to hold on to current conditioning and allow the mind to control your inner desires in a non-productive way, you ultimately stagnate or at the very least, limit your progress.  Your belief structure continues to create regardless of your acknowledgement of your control.

Understand that you constantly mold your reality each and every day.  Believe in your part and take control of your life.  By doing so, you can enforce that your future potentials come from a place of love.  The positive changes in your life will also create change in other people’s lives.  This is not to say that you mold their reality by your thoughts, but on a larger scale, we all know the path to take and we move together.  Each of us benefit from the other, although at times it may not look that way. 

That person that you so detest has a viable part in your life, just as that person who envelopes you with love has their purpose.  Give yourself a goal.  Create the potential future by activating this process.  Think in terms of love and compassion with everyone’s general good in mind and watch as life slowly moves in the direction of choice.  The eventual outcome will be along the lines of your original intent.  You are the architect of your life.  Event happen which are out of our control but these event do not make us happy or sad.  Our reaction to these events and our attitude towards them are what make us happy or sad.  Life will teach you the lessons you need to learn; making them difficult or easy is your choice.  Your attitude determines the outcome of YOUR LIFE.  

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 27 February 2014

Extensions with the Astrology Chart (Beyond the Sun Sign)

In determining the characteristics behind any given Sun Sign, it is important to understand that there are many variables within the Birth or Natal Chart that will affect the solar (Sun’s) placement.  Although the Sun Sign will be reflective of the inner qualities within each of us, the Moon is our “governing need” expressed through its sign and house position.  There are many other influences that can alter how someone is perceived.

Many individuals may question why a person who should be a gentle, peaceful and amiable Piscean, for example, acts in an intrusive manner and demanding to be the one who comes first and displays aggressive behaviour in general.  This is quite contrary to the characteristics of the Piscean Sun Sign.  Why is this person so different and displays little of their Sun Sign character traits?  In this case, this individual may have a strong Aries placement in their Chart with the Ascendant in Aries and the Moon, Mars and Jupiter all in Aries or in the first house.

The strong Arian Characteristics will sway the soft and gentle Pisces demeanor, perhaps to an extreme, unless this individual has learned how to curtail these strong character traits and use them to their advantage.  It should be understood that we all have the potential, regardless of our Birth Chart signs and placements, to make any challenging aspect work in our favour.   This actually is the point or purpose of difficult aspects in our Natal Chart.  We are not at the mercy of our Birth Chart.  We are the orchestrator of our destiny and have the ability and tools within our Birth Chart to activate any aspect and use it to its full potential.

Let’s get back to why this Pisces Sun individual displays such contrary behavioural tendencies.   We must look deep within the Chart and examine all the aspects and variances within the horoscope to come up with a complete description of this person’s personal makeup.  This is what makes each of us so unique and one onto ourselves.  One Pisces individual will be different from another Pisces individual.  However deep down inside, the qualities of Pisces will still be very apparent.  This individual described above can utilize these strong Aries character traits and use these talents to enhance their Piscean nature.  Perhaps through spreading compassion and spirituality through self-expression or enterprise that aids others in self-realization.  This individual would have a very strong drive and could express the Piscean nature through viable acts.

There are many avenues of expression and many release valves that unlock potential.  Through our spiritual evolution, we slowly unlock our Natal potential.  By going deep into the Astrological Chart, you can uncover your true potential and your purpose in this incarnation.  Astrology provides input and meaning into our life’s pursuit, but WE always make the final decisions.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 26 February 2014


It is important to regularly review the course of your life’s experience and reflect on how it has been lived to this point in time.  The measure of one’s life is a matter of personal perspective and honesty.  You must face any intentionally hurt or corrupt act that you have carried out.  Did you understand the consequences of your actions and the pain that it has cause?  If so, do you accept the ramifications that could befall you due to your action?

You cannot go back and change the course of action, at least in this lifetime.  Perhaps upon entering the next phase of your soul’s existence, you can make adjustments.  This is unclear in our present state of consciousness, although it has been said that we do.  Holding on to past actions does not clear the way for the necessary transformations to take place within the sphere of your consciousness.  You must go within and forgive yourself for your past endeavors and transgressions.  We do, as humans, make the wrong turns sometimes at crucial points in our lives, but we are capable of picking up the pieces and begin anew.

Every day is a new beginning and a chance to turn the page and start a next chapter, regardless of age or past indiscretions.   It is never too late.  There is always another chance, as this existence always offers choices.  Your new beginning can start now.  You cannot change what you have done in the past but you can learn from it and then leave it behind.  You do not have to carry guilty from the past.  It serves no purpose.  Certainly do what you can to correct your actions.  You cannot force others to forgive you but you certainly can forgive yourself.
The quality of life and your actions during life are judged primarily by you.  You have to forgive yourself before you can truly move ahead.  We must accept the ramifications of our acts and how it affected others.  Guilt is a human character trait but it does not help in correcting any issue.  It is said that in the afterlife, we understand the repercussions of our acts and we will judge ourselves accordingly.

In religious terms, God is love and total compassion.  Do you believe that such a spirit would act out of vengeance?  This pure spirit would forgive all acts and offer love in its place. 

If we are an individual with total disregard for our fellow brother or sister and knowingly carry out acts which result in violence and pain for others and even for ourselves, we must understand that karmic law dictates that we will atone for our actions.  It is suggested by some that we will reap what we sow in our next incarnation.  Others suggest that we will not have to wait for future incarnation to balance the scales.  Our karmic debts will be paid during this lifetime one way or another.  It has been asked “Why would one pass on the mistakes and wrongdoings of this life into the next life experience?  Karma is here and now and we build on it by our actions of today.  Remember karma is at work constantly and if you change direction, you can draw positive karma your way in this life, as well.  Karma is played out over time.  What length of time is under debate.  Instant karma, however, seems to take place when one has truly opened the doors to enlightenment.

You can change the course of your now.  It is your call as you create your life and your reality by your belief structure, your thought process and your expectation.  If you need to make changes, change your life’s course today.  Why wait another moment?     

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Stellium in Astrology

A Stellium in the Natal Astrology Chart contains at least 4 planets within 8 degrees to the next planet in the line or cluster of planets.  Each planet must be in the same sign or the same house.  The more planets within the Stellium, the more highlighted it becomes.  The planets within the Stellium work together as a group and give extraordinary emphasis to their ruling sign as well as the house in which the Stellium is located.

To decipher a Stellium the sign characteristics and the areas of life dictated by the house placement must be defined.  The planets that are the most closely linked affect the other planets, but even the ones on the far outside will experience influences from the central planets.  The planet closest to the midpoint of the configuration is the central planet and the one most sensitive.  Any Natal aspects that form close ties within this grouping of planets will further colour the intensity of this configuration and add influence to the rest of the Chart. 

Some of the positive characteristics that can be utilized when using the energy of the Stellium include the strong feeling of being in control of one’s own actions and focusing on the direction one must take in order to make the most out of a situation.  Many people with this combination are self-motivated and have a clear purpose that they will pursue with single mindedness that few attain in life.  It is as though there is a concentrated energy in the area of life indicated by the house position, and often one harvests talents in this area.  There is a definite sense of purpose with these individuals.

If the energies are not used correctly, there are often challenges that stand in the way of progress and in bringing these positive energies together.  Some develop self-centredness and obsessive qualities within the framework of the particular house involved.  Through miss use, these individuals will portray the negative traits of the sign, unfortunately.  There is narrowness in their point of view and they will display an unwillingness to listen to advice as they have difficulty making compromises and they lack objectivity.  Some become extremists in the area of life connected with the house emphasised which creates an imbalance that will need adjustment.

When the Stellium is affected by transits or progressions, these individuals experience an ongoing event period, the focus of which will depend on the planet involved and the aspect related to the Stellium.  They usually experience times of relative peace and serenity and then when the Stellium is activated, times of turmoil over an extensive time with much action and exuberance experienced. 
Check your Natal chart to see if you have a Stellium and find out what potential talent you have to express.  Astrology can pinpoint time frames in your life when these Stelliums are activated and how they will unfold in your life as well as the duration.  If the Stellium is in two signs or two houses the influence is similar but less intense.  The areas of life affected will encompass both houses and the area of life they rule.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.   If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 24 February 2014

Try for Your Own Gold Medal

As we recently have been engaged in the spirit of competition and our attention has been focused on the Olympics, we wanted to congratulate all our competitors.  It has been amazing to watch all of these dedicated people compete so fiercely.  They give their all to represent their countries.  It is incredible to watch them compete at the level they do and watch their reactions after the event.

Winning or losing, the outcome is important but it’s not the only productive consequence for all athletes.  They spend their whole lives dedicated to pushing their physical and mental limits.  It is all about perseverance and the belief that they can succeed.  It is about trying their best and moving beyond borders and limitations.  Holding a Gold medal in their hand must be an amazing feeling, although holding any medal must be quite the accomplishment.

We can surely learn from these athletes.  We as athletes of life are also in search of our gold medals, our rewards for hard work and perseverance through the storms of our life’s events.  We push ourselves through and come out on top, growing ever stronger, through our continued effort and belief that we can conquer this mountain that stands before us.

It is not all about winning or losing.  It is about doing our best and giving it our all.  As in the Olympic competitions, we push ourselves to the limit and focus on achieving.  This is our life’s quest.  No exceptions.  We walk this road together.  As the athletes learn the power of the mind and focus on doing the unthinkable, so must we in order to achieve our gold medals.

They constantly break world records and their own personal bests.  They have couches that prepare them mentally and physically for a better outcome, just as we are open to suggestion through spiritual teachings and guidance.  Go to any self-help page and read the little notes on affirmations that can be carried with you for the day, the week, the month and for your lifetime.

Follow through on some of your biggest challenges and make a difference.  Win your Olympic Gold, and conquer any challenges that lie in your way and which would hinder your personal success if you do not conquer them.  These Olympians work so very hard for their country and for their own personal rewards.  You can do the same on your own level of achievement.  Remember, no barrier is too large.  Do not let them stand in your way of succeeding in your life’s mission.  You come equipped with the tools to succeed, to meet any challenge and conquer any obstacle.  Reap your own rewards and capture your own personal gold medal.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 22 February 2014

Astrology can provide you with information to unlock you Potential

A Natal Chart examines the characteristics with which we are born, both the challenges and the talents. Learn to develop your gifts and overcome the challenges.
Please contact us at if you have any questions,.

Friday 21 February 2014


This is dedicated to a very brave woman.  She knows who she is and is the living example of what we are about to speak of.......

It can be extremely difficult to understand some of the violence that occurs in our world!  Why do some need power over others and are determined to act with destructive behaviour?  How can someone commit heinous crimes against their earthly brother or sister?  What can be done to change these acts? 

It has been suggested that there are many causes of violence but there are two main workings identified with the basics for violence.  A trigger can create violent acts.  One working of the act of violence is as a result of anger carried to the extreme; and at times, the need for power and control or the need to take back control.   Secondly, these individuals can be predisposed to violence.  Violence is an unquestioned way of life and it lives within the individual who has committing the act.

There are those from a young age who have grown up living under conditions most of us cannot image.  This way of life is the norm in their eyes.  Some individuals live under a difference code of ethics than most of us are accustomed to.  This code can be put in place for many reasons.  It can be for survival whether it be in their own homes or on the streets.  This may seem somewhat extreme to you and I, but it is just a way of life for others.

Most of these individuals experience a life of feeling unloved and alone and often do not develop compassion for others. 

In no way are we suggesting that an explanation justifies these appalling, violent crimes.  There is no justification when someone becomes the target of cruelty and viciousness.  We are so bombarded with the media today that many believe our world is on a collision course.  Overall, people are kind and well-meaning but this does not make headlines. 

Each of us must promote peace by being peace.  We are the initiators, and we mold our world by our own focus and intentions.  It starts with you.  What can you do today to make your tiny corner of the world a better place to live?  How can you promote love and compassion in your immediate surroundings?  Be the example!  Show love and compassion to each individual you meet along your path.  Your smile or acknowledgement of their existence can make a difference in their world.  What is the cost to you?  What are the ripple effects of your actions or interactions? 

If we mold our reality through thought, through interchange of concepts and through belief structure, can we not influence those around us? Our reality is based on expectations and our view of our world.  If we learn to focus our attention, surely we can shift the consciousness of mankind.  It does take action on your behalf and with help through numbers and the actual believe that it can happen, we can move mountains.

Start at home and then in your workplace, walking down the street and with your friends.  Assist us in shaping our world into a better place for everyone.  We are not here by chance and this is a great part of our united purpose.  It is not by chance that we are here together.  If we move together as one force are capabilities are boundless.  If we become diligent in our action both physically and mentally, instead of being bystanders, we will prevail.  It begins with you.  Take your stand to assist in nurturing our world, starting today!
Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at