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Monday 16 June 2014


When you are faced with circumstances that seem to provide no outlet, there is always a place you can retreat to.  This place can be found within where solitude and peace will assist you to transpose your attitude towards the difficult events at hand.  There is a place within that provides you with what is needed to move you past life’s most difficult situations.


This place is found when have reached your breaking point, and you feel that there is nothing left that can assist you and push you past these overwhelming times.  The strength that you are looking for to help you overcome life’s trials and tribulations is always accessible, but usually found in the seemingly last moment.  When all else fails, you look within to find the strength to make it through that final barrier.


You were born for this.  Although the barriers seem too high, you always have what it takes.  Never forget this.  There is no challenge that you cannot meet or overcome; there is no wall that is impenetrable.  You are stronger than you think and the necessary strength is at your disposal. 


You need to face up to these challenging situations.  They help you to unfold your potential and move you forward in your intended direction.  Obstacles are stepping stones placed in your way to overcome and dissolve.  Do not underestimate your ability.  Any obstruction is matched equally with your internal fortitude and your ability to overcome.


Challenges are put in place to ensure that you make changes to your life and to point you in a different direction.  They force you to make transformations and adjustments and sometimes it takes that near immovable barrier to make you push a little harder and challenge the situation.  You have what it takes.  Nothing stands in your way, only your belief structures.  Challenge yourself and find the strength that is required to help you around that next corner.  It is yours to conquer.  Believe!    


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Sunday 15 June 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

"It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers" Unknown

Saturday 14 June 2014

Holm Astrology Chart Reports

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Friday 13 June 2014

Delight in Truth

Holding hands, we walk this road of life together.  Let’s stop a moment and reflect on all the good in our lives.  Never take the view point that things are missing in your life, or how difficult it is from time to time.  We only want to focus on life’s fulfillments and the love generated from within.

Be thankful for your life and all its details, for the ability of the mind to function and the ability to fulfill our daily endeavors.  Be thankful for your ability to filter thoughts and act on them.  Be thankful for the tranquility that the mind can enjoy through acts of meditation, although this tranquility is generated from a deeper source.  Be thankful for the resources necessary to move forward with your life. 

Take a moment and reflect on your own personal life and all the gifts that have been presented.  In reality they are too numerous to list.  Take an honest look at your life and all that you have going for you.  Be thankful for all the challenges that life provides you with for these are your stepping stones.

Find that place within that brings you peace and contentment and reside there in the moment and appreciate that it in fact exists.  Embrace your chosen life and all its complexities as well as the rewards ever present.  Simply open your mind’s eyes to them.  Above all, be thankful for your connection with life itself and the understanding you have of the oneness that exists in all things.  Understand the truth of this oneness and know that you are an integral part of it.   

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Thursday 12 June 2014


The first Saturn return takes place at approximately 27-30 years of age.  The second Saturn return occurs at approximately 56-60 and the third at 84-90.  The forth return which is rarely experiences takes place between the ages of 114-118. 

The Natal or birth chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment of birth, from that moment on the planets keep on their rotational path.  Each planet eventually returns to the placement it was at on your birth, but the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) take a long time to complete their cycles.  Saturn takes between 28-29 years to complete its cycle, Uranus takes 84 years.  The other two most outer planets take much longer and we do not live long enough to experience their return.

Saturn (which will be discussed at a later date in greater detail) has a profound impact in our lives.  It produces stress and presents us with obstacles whenever it becomes activated in our charts.  It is as though we have come to a stumbling block or crossroad in our development and we are forces to take a good look at our lives in order to make some needed changes.  These times are very trying and can last a significant period of time, especially if there are other planetary forces at work during the same period.

We have touched a little on houses in previous posts and will go deeper into these areas of life later in other posts, but depending where Saturn is located in your birth chart and what aspects it is making to other planets, these particular areas of life (houses) will become activated.  The intensity and duration of the lesson depends largely on the other planets that are stimulating the area and how long they transit (transit is the motion of the planet) and what aspects (aspects are angles between planets) they make to each other.

If you are going through a stressful period and you are between the ages mentioned at the beginning of this post, this is undoubtedly due to you experiencing Saturn’s return.  Holm Astrology can review your Astrology chart to see the influences at work and the lessons to be learned during your Saturn’s return period.  We can assist you during these trying times by locating Saturn’s position in your chart, its natal aspects, its transiting aspects as well as its progressed aspects.  We can offer you insight into this occurrence that can offer assistance with the resolution of the issues.  When Saturn has completed its cycle, you can be certain that a new person will emerge with a greater understanding of self and with experiences well learned.

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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Fool's Gold

As we move forward on our earthly journey, beware of becoming too wrapped up in life’s material pursuits.  It is far too easy for us to get sidetracked from our original intention by these sometimes inviting attractions.  There is always a nicer home, a new car, a beautiful piece of jewellery, magnificent new styles for cloths, and the list goes on.  No wonder is it so easy to get trapped in the material world.  Often the outcome of such attractions is the need for more and you will notice that the newness wears off quickly and true satisfaction or contentment is never accomplished.

Remember you are a soul living in a human body.  Your connection to higher principles is what matters.  There is no lasting significance in material abundance or financial gain, although a savings account does provide a certain amount of security that is necessary in our material world.  It is important to understand that focusing on material gains usually leads to material want and the feeling of never having enough.  Worrying about money only serves to furnish more worry and adds to the desire for more.

Finances tend to look after themselves once you let go of the worry and the want for more.  The universe does not judge your energy.  It just provides you with more of the same.  If you feel there is a shortage then you are sending out to the universe that you are asking for more of the same -- shortage.  The universe provides unconditionally.  This is not to say that you should start spending carelessly.  You just need to channel your focus and stop the “wanting”.  This is not your purpose.  This is only our fool’s gold.

Our essential aim is spiritual.  Any inclinations towards primal material urges, serves only to infiltrate our connection to our pure essence.  You are a soul, here to further spiritual growth.  You are love generated in its purest form, void of negativity and flourishing continuously.  This is your life’s calling, and you walk with the universe hand in hand.  Even during times of stress, you are still on the path.  Stay true to spirit and realize your true value not your material value.

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Tuesday 10 June 2014


The twelfth house is often said to be a difficult house in that it is the house of hidden matter and issues that have been brushed aside and left undone.  It contains the skeletons in the closest, if you will.  It is traditionally associated with prisons, hospitals and places that are out of view of the general public.  These places are isolated or unknown and work in ways that most would not uncover.  Working behind the scenes is a general theme for people who have strong planetary links to this house.

It is also considered a secret house and an occult house where the subconscious tends to work relentlessly to uncover unknown factors that lie beneath the surface.  It is the house of self-undoing and in many cases it can signify how someone stands in their own way.  They can gain knowledge with inner reflection and open channels to the subconscious, recognizing that they are part of the collective consciousness that envelops us all.

Karma is also known to have its domain linked to this house, along with charity work and the ultimate understanding of our sub-conscious connection.  The sixth and twelfth house deal with service, and they constitute service to others.  While the sixth house may reflect on service to others and the rewards it may bring, the twelfth house speaks of service with no due rewards—shall we say selfless service.

The twelfth house is also linked to secret affairs as well as indicating progressive illnesses and weaknesses within the body that can build over time and eventual be the cause of death.  The aspects linked to this house’s occupants and the house’s cusp ruler can provide information in this regard, however you also have to look at the ascendant and the aspects to it as well as the Sun to get a clear picture of chronic health conditions that may be suggested in an Astrology chart.   

In commissioning a chart, you would get a clearer representation of the meaning of the twelfth house in your Birth chart and the influence of transits and progressions affecting this area of life including your hidden or dormant psychological makeup.

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