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Tuesday 16 February 2016


We have been asked if there is any links found in the birth chart indicating potential for psychic abilities.  We have also been asked if there are links found within the birth chart to indicate for intuition. 

It is believed by this Astrologer that all people have the potential to unlock psychic abilities but it is imperative to believe that these are talents dormant within.  The birth chart does, however, indicate those individuals that may be able to access these abilities easier than most.

The following traits are normally found in birth chart of those with developed psychic abilities or potential.  We have also found that those not blessed with the following traits in their natal chart may have indicators through the progression of the planets at some point in their lives.  Remember, however, the birth chart is a lifelong blue print of your journey, forever unfolding.  You can overcome any challenging aspect found within the natal chart by promote positive energies into your life through your focus and by utilizing the energies and trends offered during specific times in your life.

It is more common for women to have more psychic characteristics than for men.  This is due to the fact that in order to bring these character traits to the surface, we have to utilize our instincts and sensitivities.  Most women have through their nurturing nature developed these traits early in life.  This is not to say that men do not have these qualities, as today’s men are learning to develop their compassionate and sensitive side.  As a result, we are seeing more men enjoy psychic abilities.

Quite often people with Grand Water Trines have psychic or intuitive abilities as their sensitivities are often not hindered.  Many people with a strong element of water in their charts, particularly Pisces and Scorpio, have links to psychic potential.  Sometimes those with the signs Aquarius and Sagittarius and the planets Uranus and Jupiter strongly aspected especially by Neptune, the Sun or the Moon in their charts have these qualities.  Strong planetary links to the water houses (4, 8, 12) have the same potentials.

Ties to Neptune especially with Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, the Sun and the Moon often produce these qualities.  Pluto and Neptune in close sextile also often points in this direction.  Those with a North or South Node connected to Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer have these abilities.  The North Node suggests talents that have yet to develop but will be pushed to the surface in this life, while the South Node suggests that these psychic potentials were cultivated in a past life and are carried forward and usable in this life.

Saturn to Neptune may steady the psychic abilities and keep the individual grounded.  Alternatively, it may suggest a hindrance or blockages in developing this potential. 

Rising signs often carry potential for psychic abilities especially Pisces or close ties to Neptune of a positive sort (sextile, trine or perhaps the conjunction) to the ascendant.  Cancer rising can also suggest psychic abilities, often suggesting strong mothering instincts and a nurturing personality.  The same potential exists with Scorpio rising although the mothering is not as innate as those with Cancer and those individuals having a strong tie to the planet Pluto.  As a result, they must watch for wanting to dominate this God-given talent, which will create a blockage. 

As you can see, there are many links associated with the psychic potential and intuition.  The more these characteristics are found in your birth chart, the stronger the potential.  The greatest enemy to building psychic abilities is fear or those that seek power and dominance through their potential. 

This potential is a gift that should be used for the greater good. 

Have a look at your chart and see what lies dormant and waiting to unfold.  There is always potential.  Will you utilize yours?

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Monday 15 February 2016


What is that old saying? .......“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” 

This saying was true when it was first said, it still holds truth and will for each and every day to come. 

Understanding our fear provides us with the ability to overcome it.  Fear is experienced when we perceive danger or feel threatened.  We react in predictable ways when we experience fear.  The most primal reactions are fight or flight.  Primal fear is an instinctual response for survival.  We are not focusing on this type of fear today.  Today we are looking at ego based fear.  This fear is not a part of the true self.  We cannot conquer fear until we accept that fear is a concept which stems from the ego and its need for control.

Fear has many faces.  It can come at us from all directions and in many forms.  Ego based fear clouds our judgement and prevents us from reaching the truth.  Because this fear we believe we are unworthy, not good enough, not pure enough, not smart enough, not capable, not intelligent enough, or simply not able to achieve what we have set out to do.

How often do we not follow through on our dreams because a part of us, our ego, tells us that we will not succeed?  How often, because of ego generated fear, do we stop ourselves short, because we anticipate failure? 

The truth is found deep within.  We are our truth.  If we choose to believe that we cannot do something, we have just draw the line in the sand and the odds of success are highly diminished.  Even if we find push enough to move forward, the odds are we will not succeed because are ego tells us we will not.  Our focus creates our reality.  In order to accomplish anything in life we have to move past the ego’s negative chatter and recognize that this is not part of the true self.

If we follow ego’s chatter and make it part of our belief structure, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  It serves no positive purpose to identify with anything that does not make you happy.  It serves no positive purpose to identify with anything that will not serve your higher good.  By not identifying with the ego and its plight, we heighten our awareness and open the floodgates so that our true positive nature can shine through.

Our focus…our beliefs will play a very significant role in the outcome of our dreams in life.  This form of fear is generated by the ego.  In challenging any negative beliefs and not identify with ego generated concepts, we can and will transform our lives.  Ego is a very real barrier to achieving our goals and moving forward.

Fear is the ego’s strongest weapon to maintaining control.  When ego has a true hold, change and growth will not take place and we will stagnate.  

Primal fear will keep us physically safe on our earthly journey.  Ego based fear will cocoon us and rob us of our earthly growth and lessons.  If we learn to silence our ego and overcome its control, we can emerge from this cocoon to be the beautiful energy we are meant to be.  We can accomplish anything when we shake off the ego and move forward with confidence and a solid foundation.  Not reaching our goals on the first attempt is not failure.  It is a lesson to teach and allow us to adapt so that in our second or third attempts we will succeed because we have tried and we have learned along the way.  

Take the steps required to achieve and nurture something that will not only benefit you, but will also serve as a higher purpose for those around you. 

You CAN do it.  You WILL find it.  You have everything you need to move forward if you simply believe.

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Saturday 13 February 2016

Astrology does not dictate your life but it certainly shows you the path of least resistance. Explore your potentials and apply your natural abilities.

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Friday 12 February 2016


Love is defined as the intense feeling of deep affection for another person or living thing.  

There are many different forms of love - love for a partner, a child, a friend, a stranger in need, a puppy, etc.  Each and every person, animal, living thing that shares this existence with us offers to us an opportunity to express our love.

There is yet another form of love.  There is a love that is so often forgotten and yet it is so important – self love.  Take the time to appreciate exactly who you are.  Set aside the whirlwind of everyday life and take a moment to true appreciate yourself.  It is also important to reflect on our lives, our friends and the loved ones we are so fortunate to share this existence with.  

The human race always seems to need a reason to celebrate and reflect.  Sunday, February 14, gives us a reason to celebrate “love” by sharing our presences with those that we love.  We can enhance our life’s experience by sharing and showing the love we have for others, without measure.   For the individuals that hold a special place in our hearts, we can confirm our affection for them.  We can then take it one step further to allow this sentiment to be expressed each and every day of the year through a special gesture or word.

Just as important, we can utilize the opportunity to spread our love to strangers who we meet along our path.  There are many among us that are alone and in need of a loving gesture no matter how small.  Create a ripple effect that is generated by one small gesture or one small act of love.

Today can be the beginning of an endless expression.  Regularly, we can do something meaningful for our loved ones without the requirement of a special day.  We can express our love in our own special way on a day that others would never expect anything special from us.  Become spontaneous and act on those little whims that surfaces from time to time.  These unprompted moments of unplanned action are the special moments.

We can celebrate love, romantic or otherwise, every day.  Life itself is a celebration of love and we share this planet in one degree or another with every living thing in existence--even plants thrive when shown love. 

The magnificence of this life carries with it love in many shapes and forms.  We simply need to open up to the beauty and love that is generated around us on a continuous basis, each and every day!

As we reach out today or on February 14, we can take time to reflect on the love that surrounds us and then on what we can do to express and be a part of this beautiful and natural process.  Love each other without exception.  Give thanks for the love that surrounds us.  Share the love that lives within for it will be returned tenfold.  

……and never, never forget to love yourself for you cannot truly share love with others if you cannot find it in your heart to love yourself.

Nurture this natural process of love and allow it to grow, first from within and then to overflow.

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Thursday 11 February 2016


Today, we will take a look at the world’s conditions and how Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are currently affecting this.  These are all outer planets so much of what these aspects imply is out of our hands.  Our reaction, however, as a human race is quite controllable.

Under most conditions, Saturn is usually the teacher (creating challenges to teach lessons) in a chart, but with this particular time in our lives, its lessons have a much easier flow about them.  Saturn is trine Uranus and is in semi-sextile to Pluto.  This assistance from Saturn although unusual to receive without some source of strife, does suggest that the actions of Uranus (although erratic in nature) can be tames by the teacher.  The semi-sextile to Pluto implies an opportunity because we are in the right place and at the right time to propose a transformation that can aid us but it has to be as a result of joint efforts.

The aspect between Pluto and Uranus is tumultuous to say the least and suggests change is due, but not without some disruption and unexpected trauma in the meantime.  Uranus pushes for reform and an alternate course while Pluto speaks of battles of a dissolving nature before we move into a new direction.  We are at a cross roads and the sparks are flying but Saturn, although the disciplinarian, will, through diligent efforts, help push us in the direction for ultimate change and a new way of living.

Saturn will stabilize some of the disruptions and chaos that we are experiencing, although there are lessons to be learned from a higher level of understanding that can help steer us in the appropriate direction.  Unfortunately as with all change, there is a time of upheaval and we appear to be in the mist of this currently.  Destabilizing forces are at work through Uranus’s action and power struggles are bound to erupt because of the drive for transformation from Pluto.

Saturn will be building a foundation that will stand the test of time and offer us potential for growth through lessons learned the hard way.  But there is calm in the foreseeable future as these giants and their powerful forces will walk with us for some time to come but slowly dissipate in intensity as time passes.

This process has been in place since about 2013 when Saturn was suggesting a time for adjustment.  These transits will be in place at least one more year as Pluto gradually moves out of orb.  It will, of course, be up to the human race as to what comes next.  Will we have learned our lessons and can we alter our world for the better, or will we allow power and greed to continue its influence for generations to come? 

We are the teachers and students of lessons required as we set them in motion through our own personal acts. 

Will we rise above our self-absorbed interests and follow through on a global shift? 

Will we have to learn the lessons the hard way?  It is in our hands.

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Wednesday 10 February 2016


We are not the only ones to walk the road of hard lessons at some point or another.  No one completes this journey without allowing some type of stress, sorrow or disappointment.  It is during these times that we are forced to turn inward to find strength and knowledge.  Some of us recognize the lessons, learn and move on.  Others own the events and make them personal.  They get caught up in their emotions and one unthinkable event follows another. 

Some of us are superstitious and believe events happen in pairs or happen in threes, etc.  As a result of this belief, these individuals search for mishaps to confirm their beliefs.  By looking for frustration or disappointment, we are ensuring that we find it.  Let’s not forget that we create our reality.  Where we place our thoughts, we will reap the rewards of that focus, easy or difficult. 

It is also suggested that we need to experience pain in our lives in order to move forward in our evolution.  It is said that struggles are what make us strong and as we take each step along the way we gain in wisdom from these events.  This is true.  Most lessons taught at the school of hard knocks are lessons well learned.  When we learn to recognize the lessons in life, however, we can accept them more readily, without anxiety or resistance, and turn the hard knocks into lessons easily learned.  So do we actually have to struggle to learn?

In recognizing life’s blessings and holding them dear to our heart, we just might find the answer we need and accept them without experience.  We can welcome lessons with open arms and learn what it is we need to without a struggle.  When shooting the rapids, why would we ever attempt to tackle the current?  Is it not far more productive to ride the current?  We can actually enjoy the ride.  We can learn that the blessings from life’s lessons are sometimes in disguise.

Each of us have suffered and been hurt, but we also can accept happiness and contentment if we choose to allow these.  When we open our mind to the blessings, our mind’s focus will help us uncover even more.   Focusing on negativity serves no further purpose then to send a message into the universe that we want more of the same. 

We create the quality of our lives in each and every moment through our attitude.  When we find ourselves caught up in unhappiness, rekindle your connection to an event that made you feel good inside.  This will help you steer you focus to appreciation and positivity.

Our lives are but a moment in time – this moment, right now!  We hold the secrets to our own quality of life, to our own contentment and to our own happiness.  Focus and appreciate.

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Tuesday 9 February 2016



Planets in retrograde in the natal or birth chart tend to make us more contemplative.  Some of us may have several retrograde planets at the time of our birth.  When there are five or more retrograde planets these individuals tend to be introverted, subdued and keep much to themselves.  The energies of these planets have difficulty working their way to the surface and can be stifled.  It takes great effort to bring the energies presented by the retrograde planets to the surface and make the necessary adjustments to the challenges. 

Personally, this Astrologer believes that these stifled energies are harnessed energy waiting for the opportune moment to be released.

Those people that do not have retrograde planets in their birth charts are in the minority.  It is said that roughly seven percent of population do not have retrograde planets in their natal charts.  It is believed that the energies of all of the planets (not in retrograde) are released and given free reign and allowed to flow freely.  In turn these individuals lack patience and they often do not use a cautious approach to much of anything.  The waiting game is not part of their psychological makeup and they much prefer to move things along...quickly!

There is usually great energy behind these individuals and they work tirelessly towards their goals and objectives in life.  They have strong willpower and are persistent in their efforts to succeed.  They move forward similar to the energies of Aries often advancing with little forethought, if any, and they rarely disbelieve in their own abilities.  As a result, many individuals without retrograde planets are quite successful.  Some however do fall from time to time, but that will not stop them from getting back up and moving ahead again.  Their determination is steadfast and they rely on no one for approval or even assistance.   They believe in their own abilities and do not own their failures.  “Let’s just start again and see what happens” could be their motto, or “If it does not work this time perhaps with a few minor adjustments, it will work the next time”.

These individuals are self-reliant, determined and rely only on themselves.  These character traits can make them great entrepreneurs.  They are willing to take the steps necessary and often without much reserve.  Most of these individuals would prefer to work alone.  This however can make them somewhat aloof and even distant as they unconsciously withdraw into themselves.  They may even feel misinterpreted and misjudged by others, because of this loner type mentality.  But this is only in extreme cases and it is wise to take into consideration the whole natal chart.  There are many things in the chart that can counterbalance some of these characteristics.  Moving forward with determination and going it alone, however, is quite common.

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