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Saturday 9 April 2016


SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 (10-5)


Friday 8 April 2016


Certain forms of anger and violence seem to be accepted forms of expression in our modern culture.  It is normal to hear about domestic violence and abuse within families.  Abuse has changed forms in many homes and although the general tone has certainly lessened from our past cultures, anger is still exhibited on a regular basis.  In modern society, rage and violence are expressed as a result of the most simple of acts from being in check-out lines, on our roadways, in sporting events, even when watching TV.

Why does this seem acceptable coming from young children, adults that are looked up to, people in prominent, public positions and the list goes on?   

It is said that holding in our anger can cause dangerous physical health issues.  It is important to deal with our emotions in a healthy and beneficial way.  We should take the time needed to find ways to deal with our anger during times that we are not heated.  By doing so, we are prepared for those times when we are pushed beyond our limits and can react in a positive manner.

Exercise is an excellent release for stress.  Mental exercises of control are also great exercises.  We can learn to control our focus instead of concentrating on those events and things that have the capability to infuriating us.  We can focus on what pleases us in life and not allow the anger to build in the first place.  We make our choices.  We choose to continue an argument (to prove we are right) and we can choose to walk away from an argument (for our own sanity’s sake).  What value is there in winning the argument if we have lost our peace? 

In many cases, arguments are simple about being correct and being recognized for your abilities.  As a result, ego has reared its ugly head again. 

Choose your battles wisely.  If an argument or disagreement is not going to make the world a better place, there is great value in simply walking away.  Most arguments cost us our peace, our enjoyment and even our health.   These are expensive outcomes. 

If someone becomes angry towards us, how can they continue in earnest if our response is loving and non-aggressive?  In most cases it is very difficult for someone to become angry when the only thing that is generated towards them is love and caring.  It is not being soft or showing weakness when we back off and address the issue through an expression of love.  This attitude will strengthen our resolve and others will come to terms with the strength of this resolve.  It is so much more draining and damaging to express anger and aggression than to express love and concern.  Stand up for yourself when it is necessary, but find a more gentle manner that will get the job done.  Love is always the best alternative. 

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Thursday 7 April 2016


We are experiencing a New Moon, today, April 7, 2016 at 18 degrees Aries.  Those that have planetary links from 14 degrees to 22 degrees in Aries or an influence on the cusps of either the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th houses, especially the Ascendant and Midheaven, you will be particularly affected by this New Moon.  The areas of life that will be affected will relate to the houses or house cusps that these degrees influence.

This New Moon in Aries represents the launch or start of a push in life.  The desire to move forward in a chosen direction is often indicated by the houses that are being affected along with the cusps mentioned.  This is a good time to pursue a course of action and this could relate to business ventures if the Midheaven is affected, financially improvements if the second house is affected, for example.  Relationships will be influenced if Venus on say the seventh or fifth house is involved or if Mars is involved in the equation.

Aries is all about driving yourself forward in life and going after what you want.  It is very self-directed and you will have to be the one that pushes things into action.  There are many entrepreneurs who fall under a strong Aries emphasis in their birth charts.  They like to be the first ones to move into situations but are not afraid of failure.  To an individual with strong Aries influence, failure to them it just a means to beginning anew either later in a new direction or with more study and education since the last previous effort.

Aries can be a little too self-centred, so when you decide to move ahead with your plans, be sure that it will benefit others as well as yourself.  When you focus your attention on a broader scale, you will have a greater chance of success.  If you fail or if you do not quite hit your mark which will be identified in 6 months time, you can get right back up again and make the necessary adjustments and carry on.  This should not be considered a failure if things do not work out as planned, but should be reviewed as a lesson well learned that you can use to your benefit.

As mentioned, the fruits of your labour will be revealed in six months’ time (October, 2016) when the Full Moon is in Aries (harvest time).  If yours is an ongoing project, you could take it to the next level at the time of the full moon, or cut your losses, redirect your focus and move forward.

Aries likes to rush things and has little patience.  This would be something to remember as you pursue your objectives.  Mistakes happen when you rush, so make sure you take the necessary time to make the appropriate plans and take one step at a time.  This reduces the chances of having to start over again.  Remember there is no such thing as a failure and if you fall short of your mark, it just means the timing is not right.  Something will come your way and offer a different perspective, a more finely tuned approach, when the timing is right.  Success is always quite possible as long as we do not take shortcuts and do the right things for the right reasons. 

All the very best in reaching and fulfilling the intentions you set today.

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Wednesday 6 April 2016


God has many titles – God, our source and the list goes on.  Defining God is personal and I believe to be progressive.   

Is God love?  Is God the love that you feel towards the most precious people in your life? 

Is God that feelings you experience when life is working perfectly?

Is God happiness, tranquility, peace, gentleness, passion, contentment, satisfaction?

Is God found in nature, such as in a beautiful landscape, from the tranquil waves of the sea, the roaring waves in the vast ocean and the bud of life emerging from the forest floor?  If God found in a gentle rain, a sunny day, a beautiful winter’s snow and the flowers of spring?

Is God’s true expression found in love?  If so, we share in love, peace, tranquility and a gentle calmness is God than not a part of each and every one of us?  If so, each and every one of us is an expression of God.

We could not recognize any of these things, such as love, if they were not already a part of us. 

Can we recognize our union with God?  Can we recognize God in all things?  Through our most compassionate expressions, do we not share and walk with our source, the author of our love?  Do we not connect to all those things through this union? 

What is God?

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Tuesday 5 April 2016


The aspect of transiting Neptune conjunct natal Saturn can be a trying one.  These two planets do not sit well with one another.  Saturn likes a solid touch of the “real” while Neptune tends to gravitate towards the illusive.  Transiting Neptune often utilizes a veil of uncertainty as it moves through our chart and when contacting Saturn not only are things often confusing but now life can become somewhat disheartening and unclear.  You may not know which way to turn or what direction to follow.  You may feel lost in your life’s direction and unfocused.  As you try to make your way through any challenging conditions, the outcome seems tentative at best.

Saturn works best when there is clarity and certainty and when under Neptune’s energy, you may find that life can be disruptive and disappointing as you try to ascertain which end is up.  Your whole view of your world can be scrambled and because of this, you may feel a lack of self-confidence or have feelings of despair for no apparent reason.  Remember Neptune often works from the subconscious and much of what goes on is beneath the surface of rational thought.  Rational thought is Saturn domain.  As you can see, these planets do not work well together.

On the other side of this transit, Neptune does create inspiration and Saturn will not bow to anything that is anything but fact.  So if by chance you do come to the realization of something mystical or spiritual, you just might be able to carry this new knowledge from this point forward.  Neptune although rather illusive in its nature is the key to unlocking the mystical side of life and although Saturn will vigorously challenge these perceptions, it will also verify its authenticity when based on a solid foundation.

During this relatively long stay of Neptune with Saturn, (Neptune moves about 1 degree a year and the effects can be felt as much as 3-5 degrees approaching and 2 degrees separating) you may discover that your perception of reality will certainly go through changes.  Any concepts that you have held on to from the past are now subject to scrutiny and your ideas are now being examined under the microscope.  You may now let go of long held beliefs and find something more fulfilling and suitable to you but these will be based on fact due to Saturn’s influence.

Waiting for the fog of this aspect to clear is a good idea but since this aspect can last several years, you may have to find out things more slowly and patiently and come to conclusions as time passes.  Neptune does colour your life during this period, but any answers that you do come up with can alter your life and your perceptions from this day forward.

To have a better understanding of what areas of life will be under these influences, check to see which house in your chart is being transited, as well as the house where Neptune is located in within your birth chart.  This will reveal what areas are being influenced under these powerful energies.  If you were to look at the aspects of Saturn in your natal chart as well as Neptune and particularly if they are in aspect with one another in the birth chart, you will have an idea of how these energies will manifest.

Be ready for a few challenging conditions and make sure you do not slip into feelings of panic and confusion.  The answers will slowly reveal themselves and a new and healthy outlook can be anticipated as this transit nears its end and the veil is lifted.  Enjoy this magical transit as it challenges your perceptions of truth and you will grow spiritually as time progresses.

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Monday 4 April 2016


Many of us differ from who the inner person is compared to the outer personality that we shown to the world.  In astrology, the inner self is defined by our Sun sign and our outer self is defined by our Ascendant personality which can certainly be two complexly separate personality types. 

In truth, how others perceive us is really insignificant and what really matters is how we see ourselves.  Do we like what we see?  Are we comfortable in displaying our inner qualities to the outside world?  If the answer is no, we need to ask ourselves why.  If the answer is yes, we could also examine the reason why.

In truth we are who we are.  Definition is only important to our ego.  Our inner, higher self is our true personality and unfortunately, in many cases this personality is not fully revealed to the outside world due to ego’s interference.  Why does the ego want us to hide our true identity?  Is it uncomfortable with this expression? 

In truth it really does not matter what the ego wants.  We must strive to shed the shackles of ego and not worry about answering or bowing to its demands.

After a good hard look inside, if we do not like what you see, we can accept that what we are undoubtedly seeing is the ego’s reflection, which is not who we are at all.  We are all the positive qualities that reflect our being, and these connect us with source.

We strive to realize and understand.  Our external expression can and should reflect our inner magnificence, our inner peace and our inner love.
The true self is perfect without flaws and always at peace.  We cannot allow ego to coerce us into believing that we are anything less.

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Saturday 2 April 2016

Body & Mind Psychic Fair

Holm Astrology will again be conducting readings at the Body & Mind Psychic Fair in Barrie, Ontario. 

Pre-book your appointment to avoid disappointment. At the last Barrie fair, we were fully booked by noon.

Join us Sunday, April 17 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at LIONS GATE BANQUET HALL, 386 BLAKE STREET.