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Wednesday 4 May 2016


You may ask yourself, “what lies ahead for me?”  Where am I going?  What does the road ahead look like for me?

You may ask, “What am I looking for?”  The answer to this question could also be the answer to the first couple of questions. 

If we are searching of riches and monetary gains, at one point in our lives we will either reach this goal or we will have experienced a real sense of lacking in this area on a mental level, regardless of how much we have managed to attain.  Remember much depends on the way we focus our intentions.

Do you feel as though you experience monetary shortages in life?  Are you focusing on your shortages and live in a constant attitude of “wanting”?  Alternatively, are you comfortable in your pursuits and already feel satisfied and filled with gratitude for all that you have? 

Remember this can describe anything that you are actively seeking and your attitude and expectations will manufacture whatever it is you focus on.  You may not reach the exact end result you want to achieve but you will find something that fulfils your goals and for this you will be content.

There will, as in everything in life, be lessons along the way.  The lessons will reflect your definition of what it is you are in search of.  The lessons will also reflect whether or not you actually believe that your dreams are available for you.  Our belief structure form our reality over time.  It is so important to recognize and accept that this is part of creation in our lives.

For those in search of growth in areas not pertaining to material wealth, the rules do not change.  It is important to recognize and acknowledge where you have come from.  From there we can monitor and acknowledge growth on whatever level we are experiencing our growth, recognizing it for what it is and then being thankful that it has been provided to us.  Acknowledging the gifts that are presented us in life will open the doors for more of the same.  Remember appreciation and acknowledgement brings more of the same.  No different than focusing on shortage places us in a place of shortage.  We receive and experience whatever we have placed our focus on.

Our goals in life appear in the same form as our searching, but may appear on many different levels of understanding.  Reality manifests in close proximity to where we place our thoughts but spirit always knows what will suit our growth best.  We are always in alignment with our higher goals and our pursuits unfolds as they should.  There may be times however when it might appears as though we have slipped somewhat off our path.  We are never off our path and almost immediately when we questions we should be able to recognize that we are continuing along that original path just as before.

Do not believe in shortage for you will manifest lacking.  Review the abundance that surrounds you daily.  Express your appreciation for the miracles you experience…..then watch where life will take you!

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Tuesday 3 May 2016


Fire signs in Astrology are exuberant in their energy.  They are stimulating, independent and often self-motivated, but can at times become too intense when trying to reach their objectives.  Most are energetic and enthusiastic and have a great drive to achieve.  In general they are self-confident and rely on themselves in most situations.  They are spontaneous in their reactions to life events and often impulsive; some can even be rash in their decision making.

They enjoy a fast paced life and will zealously go after what they want. The key is that they want it.  They become quite motivated when in search for something that holds their interest and will relentlessly pursue whatever they have their sights on until they either have it or realize that they just can’t have it.  When they come to this conclusion most fire sign people can shift and pick up the pieces and begin again, often with just as much enthusiasm as with their first goal.

Those that are weak in the element fire can easily become pessimistic with life and prefer to remain low-key and uninvolved in life’s endeavours, unlike someone with an emphasis in fire.  Those lacking fire are not overly expressive and often can withhold themselves.  Those that feel that they have a shortage in some area of life, either become restricted by life and choose to remain in the background, or become overly expressive in order to move beyond these limitations.

Many lacking in fire need to be motivated in order to achieve in life and will look to others to push them forward.  Self-motivation can become a real challenge.  Being less involved than most and not overly fascinated by life, these individuals can become depressed by having no direction to follow and little push to succeed.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are all fire signs and the angular houses, (the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses) are all driven by a want to achieve and move forward in life.  These houses accentuate action and when these cusps are involved in transit or progression, life happens. 

I personally use a specific counting system when defining whether there is an element that is emphasized or has a short fall in a chart.  I give the Sun and Moon two counts each and the rest of the planets one count.  I also give the sign on the ascendant and midheaven one count and when a planet is between the 29th degrees in one sign and 0 degrees of the next, both signed share one count in both elements.  Elements with a count of 6 and higher are considered pronounced.  If there is a count of one or zero in a chart, these individuals would be considered lacking in that element.

In determining if there is a weakness of fire in a chart, you can use Mars in a fire sign to compensate for this weakness, or if it is closely tied to an angle, this will soften the lack.  Also if Mars is located in a fire house particularly in the first house, or if it is conjunct to the Sun or if there is an emphasis in cardinal, the fire element would not be considered to be lacking in the birth chart.

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Monday 2 May 2016


It is very refreshing when our moments are filled with promise and tenderness.  How fortunate we are that we make times for reflection and to watch the unfolding of dreams coming true.  It is so pleasant to release control and to focus on the actual perfection in each and every moment in life. 

We cannot hold on to events for this only creates longing but we can certainly reflect and appreciate the blessings that they brought.  We can appreciate the constant change in life and realize that it was our focus on the positive aspects of these events that created the wonder that we experienced. 

Even the best of events in life will not feel positive if we look at the situation in a negative focus.  When we drift off into a negative attitude or focus, we can get caught up in that focus.  If we choose a positive focus, even the most testing of situations will have positive highlights.  Forgetting our positive intentions and holding on to challenging conditions can and will reduce our appreciation of the learning opportunities we are provided with. 

Some believe that life is always in balance and we cannot have celebratory times without experiencing struggle.  Without struggle we would not appreciate the easy flow.  We would take it for granted.  How do you feel about this?

We believe that the harder lessons in life are the ones we really learn from but we do not have to look at lessons in a negative light.  They are wonderful stepping stones to our development.  How can this be a negative experience?

Life unfolds as it should even during the times that we feel we are challenged.  Our ongoing reaction to life events is key to our experience.  Too many of us get caught up in our focus of misery and despair when we are pushes in directions we really do not want to go in.  Our attitude towards this direction is our only enemy.  If we travel this path expecting events to get worse, our expectations will be answered so let’s expect the best outcome possible.  It is to our benefit.

During times of stress and anxiety it is difficult to turn our thinking around when we have practiced “a negative outlook” for most of our lives.  What can we do to challenge this attitude?  To start, we cannot lay blame on others for the events in our lives.  We must take responsibility for our lives.  We can grab the bull by the horns and start controlling our reaction to life.  We can take action and make the necessary changes mentally so that we can appreciate each and every event we experience. 

If we choose to look at life as though it is only going to get worse, we are guaranteed that this will evolve.  If we choose to look at life as though it is filled with miracles and will continue to improve, we will be rewarded with this outcome.  Which outcome do you prefer?

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Saturday 30 April 2016

We Appreciate You!

We are always so thankful for all of the support we receive on a daily basis and we want to make sure that each of you are aware of our appreciation. It is this support that pushes us to keep going. 

Thank you, thank you!

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Friday 29 April 2016


Some of us find it a little challenging to be part of our spiritual awakening and yet be part of the material world.  So many live out their entire lives simply existing, attached to ego and gathering things.  Money becomes a prime focus and life is wrapped around trying to obtain happiness through security.

Most discover that no matter how fat their wallets become, something is still missing in their life.  Happiness based on material abundance is very temporary and the satisfaction which is expected never seems to be reached or maintained.  Life becomes a frantic search for more.....for something else.

Happiness is not obtained through financial security or through any monetary means but happiness is experienced from within.  True, lasting happiness cannot be bought but can be experienced from a deeper place.  We are beginning to understand this concept.

Although we recognize that we are on a spiritual journey, linked with all living things, it can be challenging when many of us feel as though we have no one to talk that would understands our journey.  We may feel alone in our pursuits and most individuals we are emotionally close to would not understand our beliefs and concepts.  Somehow we feel left alone to explore these areas on our own. 

We also are beginning to understand that once we open the door to this higher internal dialogue, closing the door back up again is virtually impossible (not that we would ever want to).  Once opened to this way of life, it is impossible to return to what once was. 

There are many groups of like-minded individuals that gather and share their thoughts.  In reality, there is no need to feel alone.  As you open this door, you will notice more and more that others share your ideas and focus.  Due to your own personal state of awakening, you recognize and draw to you those of like-mind. 

Do not be in a hurry, for this journey is one of exploration.  If we hurray we will miss part of the beauty of the experience which would include everyday living.  Our earthy experience certainly has its place in this process.

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Thursday 28 April 2016


As we become familiar with the basics of Astrology, such as the signs, houses and aspects, we begin to get a firm foundation of the meaning behind the horoscope.  The birth chart is a precise tool that will delineate the character traits of any individual.  There are many variations found in a natal chart and this is what defines us each as unique individuals.

Once we grasp the energies of the different positions of the Sun and all of the other planets within the framework of the individualized chart, we can move on to delineating a chart for upcoming transits and progressions.  These tools are used in astrology to decipher potential future events and what areas of life will be affected by the passing of these transiting and progressed planets through the natal chart.

We have to take into consideration all of the planets but pay special attention to the outer planets, (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and also any inner planet that is in retrograde motion for a prolonged period of time.  The inner planets move very quickly through the zodiac and under most conditions, they do not have lasting effects on us.  If however any of these inner planets do go into retrograde, they can pass influential areas of our chart and stay within close relationship to these points for extended periods of time, often crossing the same positions possibly three times over the span of its retrograde cycle.

The outer planets and retrograde planets passing over sensitive points in our birth chart, particularly the Ascendant and the Midheaven, can have profound effects on our lives.  They often point towards turning points and significant life events that can alter our perception and instigate action that changes our experience.  At times, they will point towards changes to our lives that are very significant. 

The most powerful transit occurs when a transiting planet conjuncts a natal sensitive point or planetary body.  The energies of the planets merge and become one.  Under most circumstances, this merging intensifies these energies in the area where these planets can be found in the birth chart.  They will also intensify when there is a natal link already between these two planets which provides an outlet for the inherent energies to manifest. 

The houses are areas of life and the transiting planet will intensify these points and may produce profound life altering effects.  When there are several transiting planets defining the same potential at the same time, these energies will be released.  In order for an event to take place, we need at least three links suggesting the same type of event.

The outer planets can be within an orb of influence for up to two-three years depending on when they go into retrograde motion and the timing of when they become direct again.  The first impact when a transiting planet in retrograde motion makes an important aspect to a natal position or planet will be the most potent.  An example of this might be Saturn in conjunction to Mars at 15 degree of Aries.  Both planets become direct when the transiting planet is exactly 15 degrees Aries.  Other aspects such as the square - a 90 degree aspect, the opposition - a 180 degree aspect, and the trine, sextile, and inconjunct, will also impact the areas of life indicated.  The major aspects are more significant than the minor aspects and the challenging aspects (sometimes the conjunction, always the square and opposition) can promote transitions in our lives.

There are several progressed aspects that are also important determining factors when deciphering a birth chart and the potential for change in a person’s life.  We will look at the progressions at a later date.  The progressions are more internal in their nature.  We use the progressed Moon, transiting Mars, transiting Sun and transiting Uranus as timers for a chart.  They often produce a push that activates the energies of the outer planets involved in an aspect and often initiates an event or internal insight.

This is a short explanation on how to delineate potential life events as well as the timing as to when these events may unfold.  We hope this provides a little insight into the understanding of how to decipher potential events through Astrology in the future.

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Wednesday 27 April 2016


Many open-minded thinkers not only believe but know of the power of positive thinking.  There are many who understand and use positive thinking to benefit their daily lives.  They understand how thought and focus transfer into physical reality and that our thoughts and focus manifest over time.  These individuals carefully lay plans for further growth on many levels of creation. 

In the early stages of this process each individual goes through their own personal awakening or understanding of these potentials.  There are times in the beginning that there is doubt in the process and this will temporarily hinder our progression.  When we veer off course, depending on how far we had blindly followed these negative tendencies, we have to recognize ego’s intent and refocus on the positive to realizing our dreams.

Allow you intentions to focus on the things that dreams are made of.  Our visions and ideas will unfold although not always as the exact replica of what we originally visualized.  We can certainly recognize the connection or source of our dreams, and more often than not, that which does materialize far outweighs our original hopes.  All unfolds as it needs to.

Manifestation is a connection with the whole, a connection with source.  Source always knows what is best for our earthly journey.  With a little faith, we can release the need for control and simply allow for our greater good.  Life always unfolds as it should, even though at times it may not appear this way.  Our doubt comes from our lack of true knowledge of our full purpose.

Do not get caught up on the minor thoughts that squeeze their way into our consciousness.  Release them as they arrive and know that they do not have enough weight to transcend thoughts into matter.  If you have issues with releasing control, take control through positive reinforcement and focus.  However, if you can find the strength, have faith and release control all together.
We walk the road of life together.  Some will fall prey to ego’s relentless pursuit and this can create havoc in their lives.  Others understand the power of suggestion and how it plays an integral part in the process.  We can guide our lives through expectations, focus and belief.   We are not at the mercy of life.  We actually have an impact on everything that happens to us.  On the days that it feels as though life has the control, we have the power to change the way we look at these events to turn them into positive stepping stones in our evolutional journey.    Focus your attention to what you love about your life, and in so doing, you invite more of the same into your life.  Life is a boomerang.  What you send out, you receive back. 

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