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Friday 13 July 2018


We were questioned last week by someone reading one of our posts if we could offer some insight into the large number of planets in retrograde and Jupiter stationary.  We appreciate the question and it is certainly a valid one.

This is a significant point in time when we have all the planets excluding Jupiter and Venus in retrograde (beginning August 7, 2018).  Mercury will go direct on August 19 followed by Mars on August 27.  The period between August 7 and August 19 should be particularly interesting.

Retrograde planets, except Saturn, become stifled in their natural expression.  Their energies feel harnessed and they are not allowed full expression.  This can create great difficulty with life events and decisions made under these energies, especially with Mercury retrograde (towards the end of July, 2018). 

Jupiter was stationary July 10 and 11 which indicated profound energies.  Jupiter’s energies focus on expansion, so we may yet experience something more relevant and extensive than what is unraveling now.  If there are hasty decisions being made, it might affect us on a global level, although I never predict doom and gloom as there are always alternative ways of dealing with life. 

There are valuable lessons being taught all around us at this time and we should be listening.  When Mercury goes retrograde, any profound decision making is best to be delayed and then acted upon once Mercury turns direct again (August 20).  This energy should be used as a period of deep reflection and it affords insight not action.  Contemplation too will be stifled especially when Uranus goes retrograde on August 8. 

Saturn retrograde is actually a positive energy as it operates similar to Jupiter.  Saturn retrograde promotes growth rather than prompting stagnation and obstacles.  Saturn should promote sturdy and reliable results over the long haul.  It builds structure and solid ground.  It suggests stability over time, but the rest of the energies are harnessed at least for now.  Maybe this is suggesting a focus on Saturn’s energies and allowing the other energies to be reviewed while we build this solid foundation to move forward in the future.

Once all of the restricted energies are release by these planets going direct again, we will be able to use their energies beneficially.  For now on a personal level, understand that we are being challenged and making rash decisions just might be part of the process.  We must use as much rational as possible, noting irregularities and responding with much more caution than we normally do.  The energies around us are stifled somewhat and it is best to wait before responding especially in matters that can have profound and lasting effects on us and the world around us.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday 12 July 2018


Sometimes the best laid plans go awry and because we do not always travel the path we prefer, we allow reactions of disappointment, stress, frustration, etc. and these emotions can be intense. If we continue to battle the path set before us, we feel as though the stress will never end. This feeling and lack of acceptance can leave us quite depleted and overwhelmed and can eventually lead to serious “dis-ease”.  

All things in life, no matter how we label them, are temporary and all things will pass.  This passing can be accelerated if we allow ourselves to let go and if we change our attitude which changes our approach. 

Nothing remains the same in life. Shifts of consciousness and shifts in circumstance often run hand in hand.

Sometimes we have to let go of where we have been and take new paths that can be quite foreign to us. This can be frightening but at the same time very exciting. 

Take the bull by the horns (as they say) and move forward. Sometimes we need a little push from life or from others and other times we take these first steps on our own. The latter choice is usually the easiest in the long run. It is usually best not to wait for others or circumstance to push us to make change. 

Each one of us has the capabilities to move ahead, but it is important to recognize this fact.  It is also important to face our fears. We may feel at the mercy of life, but this is just a belief. 

Emotional disruptions, more often than not, signify the need for change, and we must allow ourselves that freedom to grow and expand. A place of disruption must only be visited.  We do not have to set up camp there.  We do not have to stay within any type of energy of confinement or with an energy that feels anything less than fulfilling. 

Do not wait for life to dictate that change must take place. It is usually much more pleasant and less disruptive if we take the initiative and make those steps willingly. 

This IS your life! Live it to the best of your abilities. Never sell yourself short or create stress and frustration when it is not necessary.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Wednesday 11 July 2018


We will experience a New Moon in the sign of Cancer at 20 degrees on July 12, 2018, at 10:49 p.m. EDT.  There will also be a partial solar eclipse on July 13, 2018 (because of the time zone differences) which will be seen between Australia and the Antarctica.  Although all continents we will not be able to see the eclipse, its energies can still affect us. 

The Cancer New Moon’s energies are highly sensitive and intuitive.  With the Moon being in its natural sign of Cancer, this New Moon is set to be a powerful one.  It will enhance our emotions, our intuitive understanding and our sensitivity especially when our emotions revolve around our family and close friends. 

Our protective instincts will be heightened, and we will intuitively feel if there are any underlying currents of safety or danger involved.  We will engage in confrontations if necessary and deal with open enemies if required.  This extreme is unlikely, however, for the general population. 

The potential for some type of interaction between us and others may be highlighted due to the opposition aspect between the New Moon (20 degrees Cancer) and Pluto (19 to 20 degrees Capricorn).

This opposition can bring issues to the surface that may be hard to deal with although this confrontation is necessary.  The issue may stem from our early years or it could be something that we have omitted from our consciousness mind.  Whatever this may be, it will probably require some type of focus and this issue that surfaces will often be brought on through our connections with others.  Others may unwittingly bring these issues to the surface or they may intentionally bring the issue to our attention.  One way or another, we are meant to face whatever surfaces so we can deal with it appropriately.

It has been said that solar eclipses can have an impact in our lives in years by comparison to the hours they last.  If, for instance, this eclipse lasts 90 minutes, we may find that for the next year and one-half (when activated) we will experience something related to the areas of life involved, expressed through the house that the eclipse is located within in our natal chart. 

In order for this to have an impact in our lives, we will also have to have links to our natal chart to this position; Conjunctions, squares and oppositions will have the most powerful impact while trines and sextiles would not be as powerful, at least in their expression.  The challenging aspects will bring important pieces of our life to the surface.  We will be confronted with how to deal with them, and we have to make adjustments or changes.  The more gentle aspects will create easy flow and opportunities to resolve any issues. 

Many of those we speak to become fearful when eclipses make contact in their natal chart.  There is no need to anticipate hard lessons.  Difficulty is not always the way the Solar Eclipse and its energies need to express their energy. 

Remember everything, without exception, in life happens for a reason.  Use these energies creatively and push through any lessons that are tabled for you.  Remind yourself that any challenges are life lessons that in turn make us stronger, well equipped for our journey and more resilient.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Tuesday 10 July 2018


If we hold on to what needs to change, we inevitably create a continuous struggle.  If we accept the changes that need to take place, we can close the door to what once was and flourish in the here and now. 

How extreme do events have to become before we are willing to let go of the past?  How much abuse are we willing to take before we allow?

Have you given your best shot at repairing what once was?  Is there something more you can to improve the situation?  Answer these questions honestly then re-evaluate your situation.  Do so with a clear mind (not during a moment of despair).

Sometimes the answer may be quite clear and other times it may not be clear at all. 

When we have exhausted all avenues available, change (whether extreme or minimal) may be the only option.  Sometimes all that needs changing is our perspective.  Sometimes we have to change everything. 

Life can certainly be a roller coaster ride.  If the roller coaster is broken, repair it but if it is beyond repair, release your seatbelt and step out onto solid ground.  Sometimes stepping off the roller coaster ride is more frightening than the ride itself but if the roller coaster is broken you will be left suspended in mid-air. 

Find the ride that is functioning perfectly for you.  Buckle in and enjoy.  Let go of the bars, raise your hands and know that you are safe.  Enjoy your new ride with all of its twists and turns.  Letting go adds to the pleasure of the ride and having faith in the process (our safety belts) is all that we need. 

Life’s roller coaster can feel rickety at times and the ups and downs can be quite intense, but there are always other options.  We CAN choose the roller coasters we want to ride.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Saturday 7 July 2018


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday 6 July 2018


When deciphering a chart, it is important to take into consideration the Sun’s ruling planet, its sign and house position.  This planet will have considerable influence in the person’s life.  

If, for example, you have a Sun in Aquarius in the second house, you will have some Taurus links to your personality due to the second house location.  Knowing that Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius we can use its position in the natal chart to help further define the character traits.  If for example, you have Uranus in the eighth house, we would know that you search for the truth and want to get to the bottom of things.  You would be a “digger” in life and surface things might not hold much importance.  The occult might play a significant role as might a leaning towards sexual tendencies.  

Taking this further, if, for example, you have Mars in Scorpio or in Taurus this sexual expression would be enhanced even further.

Using another scenario, if, for example,you have a Cancer Sun that is found in the first house, we would know that you have Cancer tendencies but would also have Aries characteristics as part of your character makeup.  This would make you more aggressive in your pursuit of emotional expression and would probably enhance family concerns with a powerful urge to protect and take care of those in your family circle.  The Moon rules Cancer, so let’s say that you have the Moon in the sixth house.  The sixth house is naturally ruled by Virgo.  You would still be a caring and protective individual but you would analyze the situation very carefully, scrutinizing the conditions and looking for any flaws or discrepancies that might stand out or that might be beneath the surface.  You would carefully decipher the best approach to helping these family members not only from an emotional point of view but also through analytical observations.

This example does define the Moon and it positioning.  However, if the Moon was in Libra or Leo let’s say, we would have to take this into consideration as well.  Those with the Moon in Leo would have a strong need to have their emotional responses to life’s events recognized.  The Leo Moon individual would also place a lot of attention on assisting others, but would want to play a key role in this.  They may perhaps feel that they would know what is best for the family member they are assisting, although this may not be the case.  

Those with the Libra Moon might want emotional balance and fairness in their emotional expression.  They may constantly try to balance the needs of those around them as well as their own needs.  They would also try to keep things smooth and filtered without being abrasive or putting too much weight in one given area or the other.

As you can see, it is a complex study to analyze any given part in an Astrology chart.  If you can put these pieces all together, you will have a clear, concise and elaborate definition of the characteristics of any given individual. 

Although Astrology is very complex, with practice and patience, we are able to put the pieces together.  Much can be determined by following these deciphering techniques.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday 5 July 2018


In order to maintain a positive outlook throughout our journey, it can be necessary to realign our focus from time to time.  Sometimes we get a little lost in events (we feel as though they are a part of us) and forget that our concentrated focus forms our reality. 

We, humans, find it easy to get lost and become complacent.  Unintentionally, we go on automatic pilot and become absorbed and all consumed in events.  When the lessons get tough we can get lost in an attitude of “why me” and allow this less than ideal attitude to weigh us down.  We can forget that we are not what we experience and begin to own what is happening in our lives.  Thank goodness something eventually jolts us back into the moment and reminds us that our negative focus is actually exaggerating the lesson into stress and turmoil.

We have to remind ourselves that we are human when we find that we have somehow turned our “life” boat around and are paddling up stream against the current of life. 

Always be gentle with yourself and through a loving reminder turn that boat back around to flow downstream with the current.  The faster we recognize our “against the current” struggle (negative focus), the faster we can return to the natural flow of the current and re-centre ourselves and start to enjoy the ride again. 

If we can truly focus on what bring us happiness during these life lessons, we can at the very least ease the stress of these lessons.  Do not take life’s lessons personally.  They are not in place to punish us.

We are always capable of shifting our focus to anything that helps us to experience contentment.  Happiness is a choice.  We can learn to choose calm over stress.

The object of our focus does not have to be anything colossal.  As a matter of fact, it is usually the small simple pleasures of life that help to uplift us.   As we are well aware, focusing on negativity only brews sadness, fear and anxiety.

If we have allowed ourselves to slip back into a more negativity outlook for an extended time or if this is a new concept for us, it can certainly take some work to learn not to identify with these energies.  It can be difficult to even recognize in the beginning, but with constant mental reminders and a gentle but concentrated effort, it does get much easier. 

Eventually a focus on negativity will become effortlessly recognizable.  Your vibration (energy) changes as you regain your positive momentum and life will feel as though it is lifting.  It will feel much lighter and easier. 

It may take some time for these effects to be noticeable as much depends on how long we have been drawn into negative drama and how studious we are at practicing this shift.  Little by little, we notice the subtle changes and our lives will begin to feel and look much more promising. 

Do not give in to the challenging conditions in life.  See them for what they are.  Acknowledge them and let them go.  You do not have to own them.  View them simply as lessons that lead you to great growth and development. 

We can never forget our focus.  By being aware of our focus, we take control of our journey and our attitude towards it.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please