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Monday 18 March 2019


On March 13, 2019, we touched on Ceres in Astrology.  Today we will go a little deeper and look at Ceres in the Signs.

Ceres, as mentioned previously, lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and has been known to be connected to nurturing, both the nurturing of others and also the nurturing that we need for ourselves.  It speaks of the early nurturing we received in life or in contrast the lack of early nurturing we received in childhood. 

For example, those born with Ceres in the sign of Capricorn may have lacked what was considered early nurturing due to the potential for one of the parents either being missing or unable to nurture because of their tendency of being too strict or conservative. 

It should be noted here that Saturn retrograde has also been linked to the missing father and sometimes when aspected poorly (either by square or opposition or by conjunction) the father or authority figure was absent perhaps due to separation or divorce or in some cases the father passed away early in life.  The father or authority figure could also have been absent due to his occupation or a preoccupation with addictions.

There is often a strong feeling for those with Ceres in Capricorn that control or some type of restriction was present in early childhood and this can extend into adult years.  Sometimes one or both of the parents had difficulty expressing sensitivity or was overly reserved or inhibited in some way.  Perhaps the parent was too wrapped up in business concerns to find time to provide nurturing to this child.  This parent may have been strict and may have made the child learn to depend on themselves for any type of emotional support.  This, in some cases, can make the individuals self-reliant but also to appear somewhat cold.  Those with their Ceres in Capricorn, because of their own experiences, want their own children to feel secure.  They will want life structured in such a way that they will have nothing to worry about financially. 

It is suggested that those with Ceres in Capricorn must learn to let go of these concerns and recognize that in the long haul, we each orchestrate our own lives and learn to structure our lives through life’s experience.

In contrast, those individuals with Ceres in the sign of Cancer may have been protected and emotionally mothered in early life, with many warm hugs and a sensitive awareness that the home environment needed to be security for a children and also to provide stability.  Many individuals with Ceres in the sign of Cancer will carry this forward into adulthood by being overly sensitive to their children’s needs, while at the same time needing nurturing themselves in order to feel safe and secure.

Those with a Gemini Ceres learn nurturing through communication and need to hear words of encouragement and should have been allowed to use their own minds to figure out any issues in order to feel nurtured.  Mind frame and attitude will play a big part in these individuals’ lives and as parents they will provide their children with a variety of tools to utilize information and knowledge.  They will offer open dialogue that will help their children as well as their own internal relationship through shared information and discussion.  These people may not necessarily need to feel nurtured through interaction from a physical point of view, but will need to hear that they are needed and valued and likeable because of their keen minds and their ability to communicate freely about their concerns.

Much of how Ceres operates in the chart will also be defined by the house position and aspects to Ceres.  These will colour how Ceres plays out in our lives and define our need for nurturing and our need to nurture others with greater detail and clarity.  We will take a look at houses and aspects in the near future.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 15 March 2019


Chiron is a comet that was discovered in 1977.  It has an orbit that oscillates between Saturn and Uranus and actually crosses orbits. 

In Astrology, Chiron seeks out enlightenment through affirmation of its ability to heal wounds especially those wounds of others.  They say that the internal wounds formed in early life, such as self-worth and insufficiencies, are carried forward into adulthood and that these wounds are particularly hard to overcome and heal.  Through these internal struggles and the lessons that they teach, we are able to help others often before we can help ourselves.

As Chiron swings between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, Chiron can bring with it enlightenment and new avenues of expression by exploring competent and reliable information often learned through life’s experience.  There is a need to rise above the original wound even though it can be very deep and can require much work to find new directions or alternatives that assist in moving beyond the injury and rising above the issue.

The sign and house position of Chiron show what area of life is involved and the character traits of the wound.  In many cases, this is thought of as a spiritual wound and it also shows where we have great healing potential that can help others who have experienced similar wounds in their lives. 

In order to heal ourselves, we have to face the issues, and we will need to work tirelessly to overcome the effects these wounds have on us. 

It is said that the first house positioning of Chiron is the most challenging, perhaps due to the personal nature of the wound, as the first house represents us personally.  In most cases, the healing powers that individuals develop during their lives are very powerful.  Many with a challenged Chiron become doctors, psychologists and healers including modern day techniques such as reiki, hypnosis, etc.

Chiron’s energies do not necessarily have to be overly negative, as hard work often produces great results.  As we learn to overcome deep-seated challenging conditions, we gain internal strength and learn valuable lessons.  The house placement will often define where we have reoccurring difficulties and there is an urgency to repair these concepts and believed notions in order to move beyond the hurt.  We are able to heal ourselves but not without hard work and a very disciplined approach.  Sometimes the healing comes in sporadic moments of enlightenment or happens when we are not expecting it, but a rational and an honest approach will often work quite well.

On some level, our Chiron’s placement by sign and house position is indicative of the ability to heal human kind, and this is not to say that it will be on a grand scale, although we cannot rule this out.  We can all certainly help others.  We will, however, need to heal ourselves before we can do work with helping others. 

The issues/injury we speak of in connection with Chiron often are a big part of our life’s story and most of us unfortunately hold on to these wounds for many years.  Some individuals will be unable to integrate the healing requirements due to self-doubt and preconceived notions.  If we recognize that, in most cases, we are the ones holding ourselves back.  We CAN make great strides in overcoming our adversities.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 14 March 2019


As we have mentioned many times in the past, life becomes much easier if we mirror nature. 

We will soon celebrate the balance of light and dark (March 20, 2019).  (Known as Ostara or in the northern hemisphere, the Spring Equinox). 

Spring is so symbolic of promise, new life, renewal...... and with it comes warmth and light. 

Just as nature sends out new sprouts and buds and many animals bear offspring, it is a perfect time for each of us to plan, to start new projects, to experience new beginnings.  What a perfect time to shed light on the dark corners of life and refresh all that has become stagnant.  Our world and our lives should shed their dark, wintery veil.  Light shines forth and bring promise of all that is new. 

We do not need the tell tale signs of nature, for long before these signs arrive, we know in our hearts that renewal is coming.  We can feel this in the air and small it in the winds.  We do not need the more tangible signs to know that change is near.

We arise from our long winter’s rest and can create fresh new starts for our bodies, our minds and our souls.  Again, we can mirror and utilize the energy brought on through the changing of the seasons to stimulate us and push us in with our pursuits, new or old. 

Now is the time to renew our commitment to ourselves for growth. 

Shake off the weight of the wintery cover which served its purposes but can now be shed. 

How will we take advantage of the renewed energy soon to be available? 

Reach beyond the limits we placed on ourselves over the slower, dark season of winter.  Winter was a time for rest, for planning.  Spring is a time for action to set the winter plans in action so that we can bear fruit in the seasons to follow.  Utilize the promise, approach life with innocence, passion and gratitude.  Allow the seeds of renewed light to germinate within. 

Find you balance in life. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for the 2019 Spring course start up dates (April) at


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 13 March 2019


Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter 

Some Astrologers believe it to be the ruling body of Virgo, although much further study needs to be carried out before we can make this distinction. 

It has been noted that Ceres’ energies have a connection to nurturing and mothering.  The nurturing energies can deal instinctively with those less fortunate or those that seen to be the underdog. 

Cere’s full energies have yet to be completely determined.

Cere’s position in the natal chart, by sign position and house position, as well as any aspects to Ceres (from other planets or points especially by conjunction) seems to play an important role in defining its nature in the birth chart.  As mentioned, Ceres has to do with nurturing and mothering, especially those down-trodden, and with family relations.  Its sign position defines the things that make us feel nurtured and how we might go about nurturing.  It also indicates how we might nurture our own needs.  Its house position will be linked to the area of life that will be connected to these nurturing needs.  Aspects to planets or angles will also determined part of this nature and needs.  Squares and oppositions as well as conjunctions can be more stressful, while sextiles and trines are more easy flowing.  The planets provide their own energy and this energy will need to be carefully defined to reach viable conclusions as to how the relationship with Ceres might pan out in your specific chart.

In addition, Ceres has been linked to food, agriculture and clothing.  It also been linked to grief and the need to seek out what was lost even if it means derailing everything else in order to find this.  Ceres appears to love what is considered natural in life and also has to do with simplicity, although it is also linked to hard work.  It seeks out what is good for us in simple, easy to follow steps and this makes it available to everyone regardless of mental perception, although as most of us understand our perceptions and expectations create our world.

Ceres in the past has been linked to the feminine role, although much has changed with this regard over past generations. 

As mentioned earlier, Ceres is tied to hard work but it should be noted that it does not seek out recognition because of hard work.  (This is a general statement and may not hold true if Ceres is found in Leo in your chart).  It is said that Cere’s energies are modest and show where we can deliver what is needed for our physical existence. 

Ceres is also connected to our need to face our darker sides and our fears in order to rise above them.  This is particularly true if Ceres is found in the eighth house or connected to Scorpio or the planet Pluto. 

Ceres can also indicate what type of nurturing we received in our early year.  It also indicated how we actually received this nurturing and this often plays a role in how we eventually nurture others.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 12 March 2019


Life can throw some pretty heavy lessons at us sometimes.

We should never pretend that these have not happened.  It is not advisable to run and hide from our emotions.  We must experience, process and accept each and every event but we are not suppose to move in on the emotional experience permanently and own these events as part of us.

Face life head on.  Sit down, acknowledge and come to terms with each of life’s events.  

The human mind wants to rationalize each and every event and sometimes there are no rational explanations.  Ultimately, we will have to accept all terms and conditions even though our mind cannot place the event into a neat little package. 

If we bury our emotions from a traumatic event, when a similar event occurs, the emotions we did not deal with from the initial event will flood back and will only serve to compound the second similar event.  Emotional pain and suffering is never an easy lesson but if we face each lesson as they are presented, we are not carrying extra baggage forward to deal with again in the future.

Understand the various stages that are normal mental reactions when dealing with great emotional issues.  Know that you can experience denial, anger, placing blame (on yourself and others) to name only a few.  Our mind will look for ways to avoid acknowledging the emotions we need to process.

It is in these times of extreme stress and utter sadness we find resilience that we never knew existed within us.  Allowing, acknowledging, experiencing and then letting go of emotional pain can be difficult but one that is achievable and essential and actually rewarding in the end.  

As devastating as some life event can be, life does go on.  

We can allow ourselves to be a victim of circumstance and move into our house of grief and suffering to take up permanent residence or we can be a student of the lessons (and there is no question that some life lessons are quite difficult) and embrace the support that surrounds us, learn the life lesson and move forward to “live” (not exist) life as we should. 

If we broke a bone, would we seek out professional help to have the bone set properly (painful while being reset) which will allow us to have a pain free future OR would we ignore the break and allow it to set on its own (less painful now) but what continual pain will we experience in the future? 

Embrace the support available.  Talk to others about how you are feeling.  Reach out for professional support if it is needed and allow the wounds to heal.

The support we require will come from difference avenues.  Our inner strength will rise up if we allow it to.  We WILL become stronger and we WILL heal if we do not deny.  

We have what it takes to heal from any life event……. from every emotion felt. 

Breathe with purpose.  Feel the life force deep within you.  Recognize your strength and abilities.  Love yourself enough to allow healing.  You are worth it!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for our 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 11 March 2019


There are two formulas to calculation the placement of your Part of Fortune.  There is a day calculation (you sun is above the horizon in your natal chart) and a night calculation (the sun is below the horizon in your natal chart). 

Most Astrologers (with a few exception of some modern practices) still use the two formulas as these are very accurate calculations. 

The daytime formula is to add the Ascendant degree to the Moon’s degree and then subtracting the Sun’s degree. 

The nighttime formula adds the Ascendant degree to the Sun’s degree and then subtracting the Moon’s degree. 

Here is a reminder of the degrees of each of the zodiac signs to assist with the calculation. 
Aries - 0°-29°,  Taurus – 30° -59°,  Gemini - 60°-89°,  Cancer - 90°-119°,  Leo - 120°-149°
Virgo - 150°-179°,  Libra = 180°-209°,  Scorpio - 210°-239°,  Sagittarius - 240° - 269°,  
Capricorn - 270° - 299°,  Aquarius - 300° - 329°, and Pisces - 330° to 359°

Again, the daytime and nighttime calculations take into consideration the placement of your Sun in the natal chart.  Daytime calculations are calculated when the Sun is above the horizon (houses 7-12) while nighttime calculations are determined if your Sun is below the horizon (houses 1-6). 

There are many sites available which will do the calculations for you by inserting your information and being given the Part of Fortune placement.  If you choose to do your own calculations always use the total degrees as set out in our chart above.  If you do use your own calculations remember that the seconds and minutes only go up to 59 not 100.

Here is an example.  In the natal chart the Sun (below the horizon) is 23 degrees Scorpio, the Moon is 7 degrees Libra and the Ascendant is 1 degree Scorpio.   

Ascendant  (210+1= 211), Sun (210+23=233) and Moon (180+7=187)
Ascendant+Sun-Moon = Part of Fortune (sun below horizon)
211+233=444-187=257 (257° (within Sagittarius) -240 (Sagittarius starting degree) =17) which is 17° Sagittarius

The Part of Fortune relates to worldly success and its energies are definitive together with the MC’s energies.  Astrologer Noel Tyle refers to this as the mid-heaven extension and describes the Part of Fortune as the areas of expertise we might follow or advance towards as this describes what suits us in our vocation and career. 

The Part of Fortune is also associated with our health and physical body, (together with the Ascendant, the sixth house and the twelfth house).  The twelfth house is known to speak in terms of health conditions, and issues that are chronic, and lifelong illnesses.

It is important to take into consideration the ruling planet of the POF.  In our example above the POF is in Sagittarius and therefore the ruling planet is Jupiter.

If, for an example, the POF were in Capricorn, the ruling planet would be Saturn or if in Scorpio, the ruling planet would be Pluto and so on.  The general condition of the ruling planet in the natal chart is quite definitive and should be considered relevant when trying to decipher what the occupation and the vocation might be.  Remember, there can be a huge difference between our vocation (our calling) and our occupation (what we do for a living in order to survive).

The sign and house position of the POF is connected to inborn character traits and abilities not taught through traditional means.  The North and South Node define our path in life and the POF may help us move in that direction.  Innate abilities or God-given talents are also found in quintiles and even any bi-quintiles (respectively 72degrees and 144degrees) found in our chart.  So integrating these understandings will assist us in our journey and push us towards our objectives that should be our personal goals to be accomplished.

The aspects to the POF along with its ruler play significant roles in determining the ease of its expression or the challenges linked to using these energies appropriately. 

Remember if you find that your POF is very challenged in the birth chart, it only means that it will take more work and dedication to reach these objectives but they are certainly still attainable. 

It is said that nothing worth-while comes without some work, and accomplishment is directly related to our belief in whether we can reach our goals or not. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is accepting registrations for our Spring 2019 courses. For dates, visit our calendar at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday 9 March 2019


Do you already know the basics or fundaments in Astrology but are interested in continuing your studies?

Holm Astrology is currently accepting registration for our SPRING LEVEL II COURSE which will focus mainly on transits and will touch on progressions.  This course consists of ten lessons starting Tuesday, April 2, 2019.  Classes run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and then a half hour discussion period follows. 

If you have not studied Astrology previously, our Holm Astrology’s Beginner’s Course is a prerequisite. A Spring Beginner’s course is commencing Monday, April 1, 2019. Visit to review our course outline and insure that you will meet our prerequisite study requirements for Level II

We have a private group page on Facebook for discussions amongst students and space is limited to allow individual attention to our students.

For a course outline, please see
Classes will be held April 2, April 9, April 16, April 23, May 30, May 7 May 14, May 28, June 4 and June 11, 2019 at a cost of $25.00 each.  We are offering a $25.00 discount if the full course is prepaid.  To take advantage of this offer visit

If you have any questions or would like to register, visit

THIS IS NOT AN ONLINE COURSE. The classes will be held just north of Barrie, Ontario. The address will be provided upon registered.