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Thursday 11 April 2019


At times it seems as though we have to be backed into a corner before we are capable of recognize an alternative route to the one we are currently on, or unexpectedly, out of the blue, an alternative route becomes visible.  More often than not, we feel lost and somehow lacking in direction before we have this recognition, and we accept the new course of action only because we feel there is no other choice.

When the choice has been made, we do not understand why we never thought of or recognized that alternative earlier.  This make us realize that we were so enveloped or consumed by our previous focus and what we thought were inescapable conditions that we were blind to new ways of looking at things.  This is an easy habit to slip into and one we should certainly guard against. 

Why did the new choice come to light?  Really, the answer to this is not important.  It is only important to recognize our habits and to work to changing them.   Nonetheless, no matter why we have changed our focus, we now have new options and different paths to take if we so choose.  With this new realization, life’s circumstances seem to change in an instant and our outlook, as a whole, can go through an equal transformation.

Things often seemed to have to reach a very bleak point, before we release control because we feel there was no other alternative.  Once we have released, recognized and moved forward with this new choice, suddenly everything changed.  This proves that we sometimes have to look at things from a different perspective and then new doors will open.

Do NOT “allow” negativity to enter into the equation.  There are always options.  Sometimes that option is simply to let go of control.  Whatever the options, we have to be open to them.  In the worst of conditions, things can magically turn themselves around.  Do not become dismayed and tarnished by life’s events.  They are events; they are never a reflection of you. 

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for the 2019 Spring course start up dates (April) at

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Wednesday 10 April 2019


 As this post is written in April of 2019, the aspects indicated will primarily fit this specific time period although you can use your ephemeris to track the movement of these transits to the natal position of your Sun in Aries.

Saturn will move into conjunction with Pluto from February 2019 throughout the rest of the year and then make a tight conjunction in the beginning of 2020 waning off a little later into 2020.  This is a long lasting aspect and the energies of Saturn along with the energies of Pluto can pack a pretty powerful punch.  These energies are not considered overly favourable; however, there is always positivity in the lessons regardless of what energies are in place.

This does suggest a potentially trying time where dedicated work and close self analysis should be involved.  But as with all things, there is a choice on how we handle any aspect.

Pluto on its own is a powerfully transformative agent that pushes for change, often through disruptive and finite means.  Its energies are suggestive of deep reflection and sometimes this involves self-analysis with an honest approach which over time uncovers deep information and the need for adjustments and then reconciliation.  When Pluto is conjoined with Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, work is required which is often accompanied with obstacles or hard lessons.  There should be no hurry or rush to resolve these deep issues.  As you can imagine, these two energies together are intense and there is a need to create transformation.  This is not a want; this is a requirement.

A square aspect will affect those individuals with their sun between 14 to 28 degrees in Aries.  When these energies are aspected by square to the Sun in Aries, action in required for these individuals to move ahead and go beyond the obstacles. 

The Sun deals with our core identity and also has a great deal to do with our life’s objectives; so these changes are personal in nature and will also affect the Aries individual’s life’s path. 

Do not forget that this conjunction between Saturn and Pluto affects everyone regardless of their Sun sign, but those with their Sun in Aries are subject to the square aspect while others will have to investigate to know what aspect their Sun sign is making to this conjunction between Saturn and Pluto. 

For example, those with their Sun in the earth signs and in orb of this influence will have a trine between the Sun and this Saturn/Pluto conjunction.  The most powerful would be those with their Sun in Capricorn as this would be the conjunction of all three, Sun, Saturn and Pluto.

We can always work our way through life’s periodic time of emphatic change and if these issues seem to be too much to handle on your own, professional help is certainly suggested and available.  Each of us have to be the judge for ourselves as to whether we confidently feels we can overcome issues on our own or with guidance from someone else.  Reaching out does not make you weak.  We have a lot more strength and resilience than we often give ourselves credit for and can build on this working alone or with others.

In many cases, this influence will have a powerful impact in our lives and these energies may be in place for an extended duration.  We have the strength and we can take whatever time is required to challenge any issue.  It is important not to just react but to take control under the influence of any stimuli or circumstance to use or take advantage of whatever energies are implied by the aspect in our personal chart.  Checking the houses involved and aspects from other transits at this time will be important to get the full picture. 

Pluto and Saturn together with the Natal Sun suggest uncovering any obstructions that lie beneath the surface and facing them with objective reasoning.  Saturn’s energy has to do with life lessons and periodic testing as well as creating a concrete action plan that will eventually solidify resolutions to any issue that may be present. 

After meeting the challenges and learning the lessons indicated by the aspect between the Natal Sun and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, transiting Jupiter will conjunct this placement in May of 2019, and if other planetary alignments agree, this can be a time of growth and expansion and lessons well learned.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  There is still time to register for our 2019 Spring course which started last week.  See the schedule at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 9 April 2019


Do you feel comfortable being exactly who you are? 

Did you hear an answer from your inner self or from your mind(or both)? 

There is a difference.  In many cases one voice is a lot more subdued than the other.  The quiet voice is from within and the much louder voice is that of the mind. 

Over time, however, and with recognition, the inner voice begins to get more audible although not in volume.  We begin to hear through realization of the inner voice’s intent. 

For most people, they live a life that they believe other people expect them to live.  Will you heed the quiet deep voice or will you go on living a life to suits the opinions of others? 

There are many individuals who are prisoners to what others want them to be.  Some live a life completely dedicated to other people’s wants and expectations.  Some hardly even know who they are because they have become so engulfed in everyone else’s expectations.  They have forgotten what they need and how to bring these requirements to life.

Have you come into this life to be a servant to other people’s expectations or are you here to direct your own life and live the life that will facilitate your growth (which can certainly include a higher calling of service to others but one that can still honour self)? 

You cannot feed the masses if the cupboards are bare. 

Your choices have to including your own requirements, regardless of what others might think. 

You have a voice and you truly matter. 

To be clear, we are not speaking directly about helping others because many of us have come into this existence to learn the value of helping and being of assistance in some way.  You cannot, however, live your life because someone else expects you to do this and do that.  You live your life because what you do fulfills your higher purpose. 

When you realize there is no other person that suits your “being” more perfectly than yourself, you then can begin to live and be fulfilled regardless of others’ differing opinions.  You can never be happy or content pretending to be something you are not. 

Be yourself.  There is no one else better to be. 

Why would you want to be something that you are not? 

You have come into this life to experience self, to understand self and to grow.  How can you do this if you are not “self”?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 8 April 2019


The progressed chart is a wonderful tool available in Astrology to tell us the story of how we are evolving in our personal life. The progressed chart, along with transits and the solar chart, are the three main factors in determining how the energies of the planets will unfold over the coming year. (The solar chart is a chart drawn up for any specific year from birthday to birthday).   Advanced Astrologers can also use the midpoints to obtain more information when delineating events and timing.

The progressed Sun, Midheaven and Ascendant all move approximately one degree of arc each year, as well as all the house cusps.  The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all have a three year affect, while the outer planets move much slower and their orb of influence is very tight. Some Astrologers use a 10-15 minute (not degree) orb of influence with the outer planets to the natal positions. 

You can read the progressed chart without including natal planets.  Transits to the progressed positions can be utilized.

Each day of life after birth equals one year of life in a progressed chart, so your chart will have moved a full 30 days forward at age 31. The first year of life in a progressed chart is reflected by the actual first day of life.  There are specific intervals in accordance with the aspects used in Astrology (solar arc) where at age 30 all the planets are in semi-sextile and at age 45 all the planets are in semi-square and so on.  This is another form of delineation used by advanced Astrologers.

The progressed Sun, Midheaven and Ascendant are very significant in the progressed chart, just as they are in the natal chart. The angular points (MC-Midheaven, ASC-Ascendant, DC-Descendant and IC-Immum Coeli) are activity areas of the Astrology chart.   They are considered action points. These are very important indicators as to when activity will take place. These angular points become active when a planet is within one degree of being direct to the angular point. However, activity or intensity increases the closer they are to being direct (most intense when at the exact same degree). An example might be having the Midheaven at 14 degree 27 minutes Gemini so the transiting planet becomes exact at that degree of 14 degrees 27 minutes Gemini.

The progressed planets when in conjunct (0 degrees) to one of these angular house cusps will play a significant role for that particular year of life, and the energies will mix with the sign on the cusp of the house. The progressed Moon moves approximately one degree per month and when activated, this influence period is often suggestive of change on some level and/or some emotional interaction.  This can also be used as a timer in Astrology. The Moon’s influence would be 3 months, one degree approaching, one degree while direct and one degree while separating. Each degree equals one month of time. If, therefore, a planet is at 12 degrees of a sign, the progressed Moon will be active from 11-13 degrees of that sign or in aspect forming an angle to this placement in the chart.

The progressed chart is similar when being delineated as the natal chart, but the orb of influence is not as wide. The influence becomes stronger the closer to exact degree the aspect between the two planets (or planets to angular cusps and as mentioned a direct aspect) is.

Progressions are experiences that are on a more internal level, but they can still activate energies during the lives of individuals on an external level. The Sun and Moon and angular points are very significant and can affect the individual on an energetic and event-oriented manner.

All of the major aspects hold relevance just as they do in the natal chart (Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, Quincunx, although they use a smaller orb of influence). The minor aspects are also important but again you must use a much smaller orb of influence than the orb used in a natal chart.

You can have the inner progressed planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) affecting the natal chart indicating activity or influence, as well as transits influencing the progressed chart.  The outer planets can have a profound effect if they become active or once again touch off an aspect in the natal chart through retrograde or direct motion.

The progressed chart defines how the individual is developing in life through the movement of the planets forward. Progressions are a wonderful tool available to define how we are evolving in our personal lives.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  There is still time to register for our 2019 Spring course which started this week.  See the schedule at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 5 April 2019


We will be experiencing a New Moon at 15 degrees Aries today,  April 5, 2019, at 4:52 am EDT. 

Aries is a Cardinal, fire sign and is suggestive of a sometimes aggressive urge to motivate one’s self forward in life.  This could incorporate anything from internal changes and self-examination to beginning a new relationship or starting a new business. 

Aries is an enterprising sign and most often needs little to find motivation.  This New Moon will affect all people with a planet within an orb of up to 5 degrees (so anyone with a planet or angle between 10 to 20 degrees of any sign).  Conjunctions are always the most relevant and often instigate activity and emphasis depending on which planet and which houses are involved in the equation. 

A New Moon is a good time to be starting a new project, getting it off the ground or deciding on a plan of action.  Motivation is always the key and with this New Moon being in the sign of Aries, there may be more intension to push forward.  Motivation should come easy and we will not have to work as hard at pushing ourselves ahead under this influence. 

It is important to understand, however, that even if the energies suggest positive push, we can always enhance the experience by pushing ahead ourselves.  Never let energies pass by without taking advantage of what is available, without putting in some type of effort.  The amount of time we spend and the energy we put forth with our objectives will be evidence in the outcome.

The energy of Aries can be a little too pushy, so if others are involved, it is important that we make sure we do not dominate others by expecting them to push ahead as hard as we might want to. 

We will be quite eager to move ahead and the energies might be quite favourable because transiting Jupiter will touch this degree and may have some influence in the summer of this year.  Jupiter will be trine to this Aries position in the sign of Sagittarius and may stimulate positive flow and positive influence with what we are putting into place at this time. 

It will be important to be patient during this influence.  Do not rush things even though Aries will really want to promote anything it is trying to achieve.  Aries is known to jump ahead prematurely and in so doing, it is normal to experience mistakes along the way.  This does not necessarily mean that we will make mistakes and have to begin again, but it would be wise to take our time and assess matters to ensure that we seeing things clearly and not just jumping for the sake of jumping.

This will be a time to forge ahead.  If we set out on a new venture and fall short, we can always pick up the pieces and begin again if so required.  This is the Arian way.

The energies are always positive even when stumbling blocks are part of the venture (example natal Saturn square to this position).  We can do much with the right attitude and expectations.  Lessons are always important. 

We cannot sell ourselves short by not trying something because of fear, no matter if the fear is generated by others or from within. 

We are the only ones that hold us back.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 4 April 2019


What is your definition of being lucky?  What is good fortune?

What is your thinking on attracting luck?

Let’s stop for a minute and have a look at ourselves without judgement; yes…no judgement just for a moment.

Are you considered elderly by today standards?  If you are then you can say you have lived a long life and this could be considered lucky, good fortune…..a blessing.

Are you middle aged or young?  Have you met some of your expectations or scratched items off your bucket list?  Make sure you truly review your life.....accomplishments, things you have learned and built on, actions that made you feel fulfilled or good inside, relationships that you share, comforts that you live with, health, wisdom, hope, freedom, etc.  

Have you reviewed your life in this manner before?  Perhaps, you took much of your blessings in life for granted.  Perhaps you accepted your life’s achievement without due recognition.  After this quick review, take yet another look through appreciative eyes.  What would you consider your blessings and accomplishments in life now?

Did not forget to include your job or occupation as something you appreciate, regardless of how you categorizing it by monetary gain or standard.....even if you think it to be mundane in nature.  How different would life be if you did not have this job?  What if you were unemployed and without income?

Do you have family and friends?  These are people you share your life with.  Some of these individuals you will enjoy their company and others may not be that enjoyable but they bring valuable lessons to the table.  How fortunate are you to have these people in your lives?

Do you enjoy good health?  Even if you do not, has your life been good to this point?  If you suffer from ailments or disease, what have these issues brought to the table for you?  What valuable lessons are being learned through your less than perfect health?

Are you living in comfortable surroundings?  Do you own a car?  Are you able to buy clothing so you are warm and comfortable?  Do you have your own shoes or boots?  Can you take a shower with fresh running water?  Have you eaten lately?  Do you have occasion to go out for dinner?  Can you cook and do you have the resources to do so?

Each and every one of these is a blessing that so many of us in the developed world take for granted.

Can you process thoughts rationally?  Can you communicate?  Can you meditate?  Do you acknowledge the miracles and magic which happen each and every day in life?

Ours lives are filled with blessings.  Perhaps it is time to recognize our lives for what they are rather than complain about what we feel is missing.

We live in a beautiful world, surrounded by nature and events that should fill us with wonder and awe.  We have clean water, food to eat and a place to call home.  We share our lives with family and friends who support us and we in turn support them.  What a blessings!  We ARE so fortunate (even if life is not perfect and does not meet our expectations)!

What mysteries lie ahead and what wonders will we uncover? 

Take a moment to be grateful no matter what that gratitude looks like.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology's 2019 spring classes commenced this week.  There is still time to join.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 3 April 2019


The Vertex (also known as Destiny’s Gate) along with the Ascendant/DC, the MC/IC and the nodes are incarnational axis points in Astrology.  Much like the Nodes (also known as the dragon’s tail) have a north and south end, the Vertex has an Anti-Vertex point as well.  They are always exactly opposite one another to the exact degree, minute and second.

The Vertex is often seen as being quite positive in nature while the Anti-Vertex is said to be less fortunate.  They are known as sensitive points in the chart and often indicate destined points related to people (often relationships) coming into our life.  Some Astrologers have linked the Vertex to people that we have known from the past inevitably being brought back into our lives.  Some say that it can be someone from our past (this life or a past life) who has come back to meet up once again.

This, at first glance, often seems fated, as mentioned, but after some time, may not always unfold as we might have thought it would initially.  It is not always as blessed or welcomed in the end as we may have thought.  Is this simply a human judgement?

The Vertex, just to add a little flair to its description, often produces eventful times but sometimes passes by with little, if any, relevance, so it is best not to put too much emphasis on when it is aspected by transit or when it transits one of our natal planets. 

The energies of the Vertex can be used in any chart, including relationship charts, solar charts, progressed charts to name a few.  When found natally conjunct to a planet or angle, the Vertex has a tendency to add strength to the energies of that planet and it also adds focus to the area of life represented by the house it is in.  The Vertex is always found between the fifth and eighth houses, hence its connection to people in our lives.  When these people come into our lives, there is, as mentioned, a turning point or what seems to be a destined meeting and it will feel as though it cannot be ignore.  We have to commit to this “meeting” on some level and go through the motion until what is put in place is played out.  There is a strong need to bring things to a conclusion or a finishing point.

It is important to utilize a narrow orb when using this point in a chart reading (an orb of up to three degrees in the natal chart and less with transits or progressions). 

The Anti-Vertex has been noted to have a lesser effect and its energies are not always as fortunate in nature as the energies of the Vertex.  This is similar to the North and South Nodes.  The North Node has been compared to Jupiter, while the South Node has been compared to Saturn.  The nodes are karmic in nature while the Vertex and Anti-Vertex seem to be destiny points.  It is said that you should be careful what you wish for when the Vertex is involved because it might just come to fruition.   

More study should be conducted before we can come to a full understanding of the Vertex and Anti-Vertex in Astrology. 

The study of Astrology is infinite in nature and there is always more to learn.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit