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Thursday 7 November 2019


Recognizing who we are can certainly be paramount to our awakening.  

We have to understand our true identity, which is not of an earthly nature.  Our connection with our true self begins with this understanding and any progress can become stagnant is we are caught up strictly in the mundane concerns of earthly living, although much can be utilized from our life’s experience.

We are not our bodies.  We are not our achievements.  We are not our failures. 

We are spirit opening up in varying degrees to true awareness.  We are spirit wrapped in human form; temporarily experiencing a human experience.  We are the one that dwells within.  We do not have to wait until we move into the next level of consciousness or pass over to gain entry to the door to our higher self.  That door is accessible now.

Recognize ego’s fear based manipulation and refrain from identifying with it.  Many of us can be caught up in this transitional stage and have a hard time seeing beyond ego’s grip.  Many individuals actually believe that they are their ego.  They recognize its negative influence in their lives and believe that for some reason that they do not deserve anything better.  Guilt is a by-product of ego and as long as ego maintains its stranglehold, guilt accompanies us in our journey.

For many of us, how we live our lives is often based on guilt and fear.

When we look down on ourselves and our qualities, we are lacking in self love.  Too many people believe that ego is their only identity, and more often than not, ego has a negative influence not a positive one.

We CAN love ourselves enough to rediscover the wonderful energy that resides within.  We can awaken to our true potential through self love.  From there, we can then radiate that love outward into the global consciousness. 

We are all one consciousness which is aligned with source.  There are no exceptions.  We are one and we move as a whole. 

Working on ourselves moves our global consciousness in an enlightened direction.  Accepting ourselves for who we are allows us to see the beauty within but also allows us to see the beauty that surrounds us. 

Recognize the chatter of ego and experience life as we were always meant to experience it.  We can 

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Fall courses have already commenced but we will be offering courses again in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

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Wednesday 6 November 2019


Uranus’ energies are very revolutionary.  They seek freedom of expression and have a strong desire to remove us from anything that has gone stale or no longer serves a viable purpose.  Uranus’ energies act in unexpected manners, and you can never be totally sure how they will respond under pressure. 

Under most conditions, the area of life being affect by Uranus will be the house it is transiting through especially when in retrograde motion.  There is often a feeling that something has to change or be shaken up somewhat before its expression is activated.  Quite often, you get warnings of necessary changes in the area of life under its influence when in retrograde and then when it turns direct either you make the necessary changes or life makes things happen for you.  If you choose to do nothing, life will often take a leading role and see that the changes take place.  More often than not when changes are forced upon us, they may not be overly pleasant in their expression.  Things can happen at the spur of the moment, suddenly, unexpectedly, without warning. 

Uranus motto could be “Expect the unexpected”.

When a planet is in retrograde, the energies related to the planet and the house(s) it is transiting are stifled or held back.  The energy is turned inward and a time for review is at hand.  It is a time to re-think things, to re-do things and in an attempt to repair things, you can prepare for when the energies are released so that you can move forward in the new direction of choice.  The best time to move forward in your objectives is when the planet goes direct.

Uranus suggests that this is a time for inner reflection not only about your life but on a more personal level – the level of “who you are”.  It often provides you with more freedom of expression and you just want to be you, or the new you.  This is particularly so if Uranus is retrograde in your birth chart.  (Any planet that is retrograde in the birth chart becomes more powerful when it turns retrograde through transit.)

Uranus is known as the awakener and this is what it will try to achieve in the area of life dictated by the house it is transiting through in your chart.  You should also have a look at the natal placement of Uranus by house and also by aspect as this will give you clues into how things might unfold.  As with all of the outer planets, Uranus will make suggestions along the way but it will often create a course with little or no direction or input from you. 

Life happens and things change.  Uranus will be the instigator behind these actions, but remember regardless of how drastic and challenging the conditions may be, Uranus always provides you with exactly what you need.  The end result is or will be beneficial.

When Uranus goes direct, this will often be the time when these areas of life that are involved will be motivated to move towards the new and to make necessary changes.  Again these can be in disruptive ways but just for the moment.  Do not spend any time worrying about how things might manifest, as Uranus acts on impulse and without warning and often releases in ways that you cannot be prepared for.  

Remind yourself, as these changes are taken place, that these are happening for a better future.

Some people fear changes.  Those who are more evolved, or open to the new, know that when the timing is ripe and change is necessary, it should be welcomed with open arms.  Uranus will take you where you need to go, so be open and listen.  You will know which avenue to take, if life does not dictate, that is.  You have freedom of choice on your response however.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Specific monetary and material goals can become a fixation for some people.  They strive to achieve monetarily and often can become obsessive and relentless in this pursuit.  Material abundance or financial success becomes their sole objective and some individuals will stop short of nothing to achieve what they set out to do.

Financial security is not wrong or evil as some would want us to believe.  We currently live a material existence, and comfort and enjoyment are all part of this experience.  Unfortunately, for many individuals financial rewards and positions of power only serve to pad their feelings of superiority and accomplishment. 

For many there is an excitement of accomplishing these material goals but an unhealthy relationship with money can lead us to believe that more money provides more happiness, but far too often the financial rewards of “happiness” are short lived as are the feelings of security for some.  Nothing seems to satisfy the hunger for more and they are never satisfied for long.  This is when the drive for security becomes an obsession.

We can have a healthy relationship with money but for those who become obsessed, material success often comes with a very steep price, (including unsuccessful family relationships and the ability to truly live for anything other than increasing the bottom line). 

For those that have climbed the corporate latter, and when the time comes to retire, do they lose their identity and purpose once they are no longer connected to their job?  Are their efforts soon forgotten by the corporation?  Does it matter?

During the ascent of the corporate ladder, many have mentioned a period of when nothing seems to satisfy them and an empty void was experienced that nothing in their lives seemed to fulfill.  This can be a lonely and empty place where gratification and happiness just cannot be found because they were attached to an unrealistic source.  Perhaps this is when we begin to realize that material gain just isn’t enough.  It is then that many can begin to look beyond this one focus.  

We begin to realize that happiness cannot be purchased.  We realize that happiness is an attitude.  We begin to realize that we can work towards security but we cannot make this effort the sole purpose of living. 

We certainly live in a material world and have come into this life to learn from each of the lessons we experience here.  Find security in whatever form it is representative to you. 

Be sure that your goals include the ability to feed your hunger to experience, to grow, to love, to be truly happy without attachment.  I believe balance is the well known solution which is often neglected. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 4 November 2019


Saturn has a 28 year cycle and remains in each zodiac sign for approximately 2 and ½ years.  During its cycle, Saturn moves into retrograde on a regular basis and about 15 degrees of each astrological sign experiences the retrograde motion of Saturn.

To show the contrast of the energies of a retrograde planet, we will look at Jupiter.  Jupiter often brings good luck and expansion in its direct motion but when in retrograde motion as discussed in our last Astrology post, its energies are similar to Saturn while it is in direct motion. 

Saturn’s energies in direct motion are restrictive.  Its energies are challenging and can make life difficult.  Saturn is known as the teacher and disciplinarian of the Zodiac. 

On the other hand, Saturn’s retrograde energies work similar to Jupiter’s energies when in direct motion.  As a result, the extreme energies apparent with Saturn in its direct motion become somewhat softened.  Saturn direct normally deals with past issues but while in retrograde, it can and will open doors to new things that somehow we may feel familiar with, even though they are new to us.

Some Astrologers link Saturn with diseases that have longevity and the duration of their affects are sometimes lengthened due to the influence of Saturn.  When Saturn is retrograde in motion, any recovery process with these ailments may become sped up and often the individuals that are involved feel more carefree and worry-less about these conditions in their lives.  This is beneficial as any focus or concentration can enhance illness and draw even more energy into these areas.  In many cases, disease can stem from adverse reactions to life’s events and it is wise not to allow obstructions or hard lessons to become personal or to own them.  This free flow attitude can provide us with ease of moving beyond these experiences.

Saturn is often linked to business in some way including searching out a new career, entering into a study programme or beginning a new business.  During the course of transiting Saturn turning retrograde, it is wise not to enter into any news enterprises or business dealings.  It is best to wait for Saturn to turn direct before moving forward in business related activities, even if you may feel somewhat positive about the outcome.  Utilize this retrograde time to review your plans and make sure you are ready to move ahead.  When Saturn turns direct (even though things might stagnate for a little while or be slowed down) another planet in transit will come along to start the process of moving forward. 

Check to see which house Saturn is transiting through in your birth chart as this will provide you with some specifics.  Also check to see which house natal (birth) Saturn occupies.  These houses will both be areas of life affected by the retrograde motion of Saturn. 

When Saturn is direct in its motion, these areas will be avenues you can move ahead in although it is wise to take things slowly as you move forward.  Saturn insists on structure and a solid foundation.

If Saturn is poorly aspected in your birth chart, the house where it is situated in may require additional hard work and a conscious effort to resolve any issues related to that area of life.  Since Saturn often points towards a dominant individual in your life (sometimes the most restrictive and strict parent or an authority figure in our life), Saturn retrograde in the birth (natal) chart has been associated with that particular individual somehow missing in your life.  The most authoritarian parent could be away often perhaps on business or actually missing from your life in early childhood.

Wherever Saturn is found in a chart, whether it is in retrograde motion or direct motion, this is often an area of life that requires more work and challenging conditions to overcome.  However, it should be pointed out that Saturn is the educator as well as the disciplinarian in the chart, so it also rewards hard work and diligent efforts.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 1 November 2019


Mars traditionally is reflective of energy directed outward.  During its retrograde cycle however, those affected by this transit may feel stagnated in their efforts and feel as though they had little to no energy.  This is particularly true if you have a natal planet in conjunction (the most powerful aspect), square or in opposition to transiting Mars.  These aspects are known as maleficent energies when associated with Mars, the planet of aggressive force and drive, although the conjunction can be released in many other ways.  Much will depend on the sign and house position as well as aspect to this conjunction in the natal chart.

When Mars is in its retrograde motion, the energy is turned inward, which is not a comfortable expression of Mars’ energy.  You may feel that you could neither release your inner drive nor could you motivate yourself into a forward direction.  You may feel a release of that energy once Mars turns direct again and what previously felt restricted or held back may now come to the forefront and be released.  Make sure that the release of these energies is not in an aggressive manner, even if you have felt thwarted in the past few months.  Mars can be quite forceful in its expression.

If, for example, transiting Mars in retrograde was conjunction with the Moon in your chart.  You could have felt as though your emotions were on hold or even though you had strong inner emotional reactions to life’s events and situations, you were not able to release those emotions.  This could have included the want to make changes in your life.  Your emotions were so stifled that they kept you at bay and nothing seemed to have moved in the manner you wanted.  All you really wanted to do was to express how you felt on an emotion level.  After Mars turned direct, you would have been able to express yourself which is what you wanted for what may have seemed an eternity.

A further example, if Saturn had been involved in the equation with this retrograde Mars, this cycle would actually have been to your advantage as you undoubted had needed that time to examine all the details before you plunged into some activity. 

Most planets in retrograde suggest a time of review before moving ahead once the planet go direct again, transiting Saturn in retrograde however often works in the opposite.  Be sure to watch for our post on “Saturn in Retrograde Motion” coming soon. 

Mars retrograde is a time to examine and review all details to make sure that you were prepared and on a solid foundation before you moved ahead.  Saturn normally restricts action and suggests that you build a proper base before you move ahead and your drive would have been held back which gave you the perfect opportunity to prepare.  Once Mars goes direct again, you may be ready to move ahead in your endeavours. 

Mars is also about sexual energies and sexual drive, and you may have felt as though you were stifled in this area.  Perhaps you wanted to pursue a sexual union with someone you were interested in and the events never seemed to play out to allow this union to come together.  You may find that once Mars goes direct that things move along in ways that were previously stagnated or held back.  Just make sure that your feelings go beyond just a sexual nature.  Mars tends to be overly aggressive when it comes to sex and the sexual drive, especially when it moves through Scorpio.

Check to see which house transiting Mars is moving through as this will indicate the areas of life involved in the process.  Also you will need to review which houses are involved with other planetary energies and how they may surface or fail to surface during the retrograde cycle and again when Mars goes direct.  The placement of natal Mars by house position will also be highlighted.  Transiting Mars may pass over planets or significant areas of the natal chart (ascendant and midheaven) three times as it goes through the retrograde and direct cycles making these areas of extreme importance in your life at that time. 

If Mars stations on a planet or significant point in the birth chart, it will also be noteworthy.
Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 31 October 2019


October 31, in the northern hemisphere, marks the end of the harvest season, summer’s end, a holy day for witches, the wiccan/pagan new year, all hallows eve, the day of the dead, the beginning of Samhain, etc.

The day light hours are becoming much shorter and the sun is much lower in the sky.  There is much less dancing in the sunlight and you can feel the mood change around us. 

The long dark nights ahead of you, however, gives you a wonderful opportunity to reflect and go deep within. 

Who are you? 

What weight from your past have you been carrying on your back?  What can you release and let go of? 

What new journeys would you be fond to embark upon? 

What opportunities have you squandered?  What opportunities have you taken advantage of? 

What is your heart telling you?  Do you listen to your heart?

What ideas and goals give you goose bumps?

The seasons offer you many opportunities.  Mirror nature.  Now in nature is time to release.  Let go of those things that no longer serve you.

Do you feel the change in the energies around you?  Utilize this change of energy and use it to your advantage.  It is a wonderful time to revisit your inner self—to reflect on where you have come and examine what feels right moving forward.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 30 October 2019


When Jupiter goes into its retrograde, this cycle lasts about 120 days and will move between 10 to 20 degrees.  Jupiter goes retrograde every year and as retrogrades usually indicate that the energy is not strong or its full expression is restricted, Jupiter in retrograde still offers up opportunities for expansion and optimism, although somewhat challenged when it is in touch with Saturn.

You can use an orb of 3-4 degrees when determining if Jupiter will affect any of the planets or important points in your natal chart.  As it crosses these placements, the energy of Jupiter will increase.  As I write this post, Jupiter has been direct since August, 2019 and its positive expansiveness is considered to be alive and well.

Under normal conditions Jupiter is known as the great benefactor, but it is said that when it moves into retrograde, the energies of these characteristics seem to fade and its normal opportunistic influence is felt on an inner level.  On the material side of things, however, it is less effective but still present.  It is suggested that if you are considering buying property or big luxury items while Jupiter is in retrograde motion that you reconsider and wait until Jupiter is once again in direct motion.  Much depends on the natal aspects to your Jupiter.  In general, Jupiter’s energies are not as lucky in retrograde motion as they are under direct motion.

When this planet moves into retrograde, its impact is felt on an inner level rather than in our outside world.  During a retrograde cycle, you can benefit greatly if you focus on inner growth and awareness.  Getting in touch with you and objectively view yourself making alterations along the way as this would be very beneficial. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is connected to spirituality and the philosophies of life that have deeper meaning.  If you have a look at the house it is transiting through as well as the house it is located in your natal chart, these will be areas of life that you can do work on and transform in ways that will suit you better (when Jupiter is direct again).  It is a time of introspection when Jupiter is retrograde. 

Remember to view Jupiter even when retrograde on a positive note, even if what you see or if your life’s direction is not what you thought it was.  Under the retrograde influence you can make adjustments to the way you have been living your life, transform your life’s direction and put yourself on track with where you should be going.

Jupiter in retrograde is connected to the lessons in life that are required during that specific time.  Be honest with yourself under this influence, and you will be able to re-examine your truths and gauge these with a keen eye in order to decide what you want to change and what is worthy of keeping.  These are often aspects of yourself that need some tweaking, in turn creating a higher version of yourself on track and ready to move in your intended direction.    Look inside yourself and find those inner riches.

While under the influence of Jupiter in retrograde, if you are making plans on going into a business venture, make sure that you take the time to consider all the aspects connected to making this decision.  You may find that you will make great expenditures when Jupiter is retrograde.  This is not always a wise decision and likely not one you would make if Jupiter were in direct motion.  It is actually best to wait before making any decisions, unless your natal Jupiter and the planets connected to it in the natal chart are quite “well” aspected. 

Check to see what the natal chart is saying and then make your decisions.  Just make sure that you are viewing these contacts with clarity and watch for expanded optimism.

As a side note, the next Jupiter retrograde will be May 15, 2020.

Once Jupiter has gone back into direct motion (again this year was August 11, 2019 and in 2020 it will be September 13) and is making aspects to other planets in your natal chart, you will be able to gage what areas of life might be affected and the potential outcome of actions taken once Jupiter is direct. 

Jupiter is a very positive influence in your life and will enhance most experiences, especially when linked to higher forms of delivery.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall courses have already commenced but we will be offering courses again in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit