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Wednesday 24 June 2020


This post will apply to those with their Sun in Cancer or Pisces.  Transiting Uranus has remained in the sign of Taurus since the spring of 2019 and stay in Taurus for about 7 years.  This sextile will at some point apply to Cancer and Pisces individuals over this period depending on the degree of their Sun.  You can give yourself a 7-8 degree orb of influence gaining in strength as it approaches and dissipating at about 2 degrees past being direct. 


Uranus has a powerful impact when it is direct and is often used as a timer of events because you can depend on something taking place within a couple of days of its direct impact.


Transiting Uranus has to do with change, and it has been known as the awakener.  It often works in sudden and unexpected ways without much warning, although sometimes we get little hints suggesting that something needs revamping or concrete change.  Uranus seeks freedom of expression and acts in unusual ways.  It is very challenging to pinpoint exactly how things will manifest but its intension is to create needed change in order for us to move in a more appropriate direction that suits our evolutionary quest at the time.


The Sun in its broadest terms speaks of our inner selves, who we are and our life’s path.  It can also speak of goals and aspirations which can manifest on many levels.  The Sun is our vital energy and along with Mars and natal aspects to either or both from any planet can define our core vitality and energy level.  The Sun has to do with drive, ambition and achievements and when connected to Uranus it is often a time of change with our ambitious intentions, and directions go through change and reorientation.  


Uranus seeks out the new and prompts us to evaluate conditions that have been in place for some time.  You may find that you are asking yourself if this is appropriate for this time in your life and whether or not you need to make significant changes of direction or begin anew in a totally new direction.  This can include relationships, occupation, life’s direction, and goals which suggest that this can be vast in its expression. 


To get a clearer picture have a look at which houses are playing significant roles.  Transiting Uranus and the position of your natal Sun will define much of what is going on.  Always look to the aspects between both planets in the natal chart as well as other planets which will be affected at the same time, defined by aspects to the Sun and natal Uranus as well.  This can be both transits or natal positions that we are referring to.


Sextiles usually imply opportunities and fortunate conditions but the whole chart needs to be carefully studied to get a true picture of what is unfolding.  The whole change may take as much as a year or in some cases longer to completely unfold, so be ready to adapt and make change where change is suggested.  These changes, although they can be difficult or sudden, will over time eventually find their way through and you will realize that these changes were due and that this new road ahead of you suits your way of life and the current path much more effectively.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  The commencement of our Beginners and Level III classes for the week of March 23, 2020 has been postponed. Please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 23 June 2020



Do you feel as though you have lost your identity? 


Are you caught up in the challenges that this virus has brought forward? 


Are you questioning your path? 


Embrace what you know as truth but be open to new information. 


Believe in yourself and know that what we are experiencing is just a new life lesson that we will move beyond.  When you work your way through this (and everyone else), you will discover a new you emerging.


Life offers up change because on some level change is due.  We are not supposed to stagnate and stay the way we were.  We are constantly being renewed and expanded so that we are open to what is coming in our next stage of life. 


Our potential is endless and if we think about it we have continually been shedding the skin of our former self.  What we are currently experiencing is no different other than it is on a much grander scale than just the immediate self.


This is a time of change and we can grow immensely from this experience.  Look deep within.  Recognize that inner strength and renew commitment to self and those around us.  There is much for us to do but be patient and be ready to do our part.  Take advantage of the synchronicity presented and take a step forward.


Our attitude is forefront in our development.  What is yours?  No matter what unfolds, our reaction is what matters. 


Sometimes it feels as though life dictates and it can certainly push us in new directions.  Many of us are resistant to change because we fear the unknown and are more comfortable staying with something that is familiar. 


New directions open up because we are meant to experience, expand and learn. 


Walk this road with confidence and know that we are going where we need to go.  We are not being misled as we will find our way.  We were never lost to begin with.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 22 June 2020




We are continuing our look at the past life signature from our Part I post on June 15, 2020 and Part II on June 17, 2020.  We would suggest reading the previous two articles to get a little background if you have the time to do so. 


We still need to go deeper with this signature and see if there are any planets making aspects to this Sagittarius South Node position we are using as our example.  Conjunctions bring emphasis into the equation and if for example this individual had Pluto attached by conjunction to this placement then there may have been power struggles and issues related to control.  Huge transformations would have accompanied this individual throughout life, due to the difficulty brought on by Pluto’s contact.  Pluto deals with open conflict and can unleash powerful forces that create havoc in life, but it also opens doors that would otherwise have remained closed.  Pluto is the agent of disruption through aggressive action and everything changes as it moves through by transit when it touches an area of life defined by the house position.


It is important to look at what energies have been brought forward into this incarnation due to the life events set in place from a previous life.  This person in our example because of Pluto’s energies may currently have issues related to power struggles and change, and transformation would be part of life now as well.  It would be important for this individual to get to the core of what ails them and uncover any details that might be hindering their growth potential set in place by the current North Node’s position in Gemini (found in the sixth house).  There may be a fear of being taken advantage of or not being worthy.  This could be a person who is all giving and there may be little take.  This might be the markings of a martyr or someone who expects nothing in return.  They may even have a failure complex or they may become ill due to constant worry or anticipation.


It is important for this individual to obtain information on how to move forward with these characteristics.  Perhaps, they would need to realize their own personal importance and their religious beliefs could actually provide them with faith in the process of healing.  Perhaps they must learn to be self-reliant and to face life’s challenging conditions and work their way through these adversities.  Perhaps they are now here to help heal others because of their instinctual knowing of this suffering, but first they would have to heal themselves and free their minds, accepting that something good awaits them just around the corner. 


There is much information to be found concerning past life in our birth chart.  Armed with this information can help us to understand our current challenges and provide information to help us look ahead as to what this life might be about.


When we are reviewing or getting a feel of the personal characteristics in a past life, we look at the South Node position by sign and house.  The sign and house position provide detailed accounts for both the basic characteristics as well as the circumstances surrounding the individual.  We also look at the conjunctions that are part of the profile to the South Node, again all found in the natal chart.  We also need to look at the ruler of the South Node which in our example would be Jupiter which rules Sagittarius.


To get a clearer picture of the theme behind that a past life experience, we look at aspects to the South Node, especially the square and opposition aspects.   


We have briefly looked at past life information that can be deciphered in the natal chart on June 15, 17 and today. 


Look at your natal Astrology chart.  What is it telling you about your past and your current lessons?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  The commencement of our Beginners and Level III classes for the week of March 23, 2020 has been postponed. Please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 19 June 2020



On June 20, 2020 the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer around 5:44 p.m. EDT. 


Cancer is a Cardinal, Water sign.  Individuals born under the sun sign of Cancer are generally energetic especially when it comes to matters related to the home and family.  They are enthusiastic about nurturing others and taking care of family matters.  In many cases, they are home bodies and they need a comfortable environment that they can come home to after a day’s adventures, whether that be a day of work, or play.  They need a place to recharge their emotional batteries.


They are extremely sensitive, emotional and “feel” long before they think.  This can make them quite intuitive as they feel the vibrations of others easily and genuinely care about them.  They want to nurture but also need to nurture themselves.  In most cases they are gentle and kind people who will make you feel like family even if you are a stranger.  They do, however, need to feel comfortable with you before they will treat you as family and they trust their feelings.


Second only to Pisces, this is one of the most feeling signs of the Zodiac, and they try to hide this great sensitivity behind a shell of protection.  Many Cancer individuals feel that their emotions are their weakness, although this is likely the best quality they have.  They feel deeply and are concerned for others.  If you have been wounded and this can be physically or emotionally, they will tend to your wounds and nurture you until you have recovered on some level.


Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto are all in the sign of Capricorn currently and this is the opposite sign of those with their Sun in Cancer.  If you have your Sun in the mid to late degrees of Cancer, you may have one or more of these planets in opposition to your Sun.  Check your ephemeris.  Oppositions tend to be tedious and often speak of other people causing some disruption in your life.  The events around an opposition will stem from others and whatever is transpiring will be disturbing enough to the Cancer individual that they will feel that they need to speak up. 


Cancer individuals do not like confrontation and may withdraw rather than speak their truth in most cases.  Something has to greatly affect them for them to speak up.  The oppositions we spoke of earlier may be enough of a hinderance to make these individuals reach out verbally.  These Cancer individuals must remind themselves that they have the right to voice their opinion.  If someone is causing them grief, it is their right to speak your mind.  They just have to ensure that the issue is worth pursuing and they can stand by their word.


For those born under the sign of Cancer, check to see which house your Sun is in and in most cases transiting Pluto, Saturn or Jupiter will be in the opposing house.  The areas of life that these houses represent will be areas of life influenced by what we are speaking about.  Other connection will also give further information in the natal chart and will add to the story. 


If you are born under the sign of Cancer, have a close look at what issues are being brought to light by your chart and how it would be best to deal with them.  Check closely for conjunctions to any of these planets as this will also add intensity to the influence at this time. 


Remember all things can are manageable and solvable.  Sometime, stepping back and having patience is all that is required.  Other times, action is required.  Squares to this placement will stir you into action, but not all oppositions will.  What is your chart saying?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 18 June 2020



As we sift our way through life and its many experiences, try not to get lost in the events and appearances.  Often there is a need to go beneath the surface to discover the true meaning of what stands in front of you.  Many of us live on the surface of what appears to be solid information.  What we don’t understand is that solid facts are in the eyes of the beholder.  We control what we allow ourselves to see and more often than not we should be willing to explore a little deeper.  Remember however we will only comprehend as deep as we are capable of understanding in this moment.


We are not to explore the surface of life’s experiences for the true understanding and beauty will be missed.  What we are to explore lies just beneath the surface yet not buried so deep that it cannot be discovered.  If we choose to explore, many meanings are easily attainable.  Truth is available to everyone. 


Challenge yourself to go deeper.  What can this effort reveal?


Be reflective and don’t get swallowed up by what is presented to you on the surface.  There is always greater meaning to what takes place although sometimes what you see is what you get and we complicate matters denying what is in front of us. 


There is usually an upside with everything, but we have to choose to see an experience in this light.  In many cases something positive can easily find its way to you if you are open to that possibility. 


Don’t be swept away by fear and anxiety.  Let love guide your way to true understanding.


We are never at the mercy of life, although we can most certainly be swept up by what feels to be a relentless bombardment when we focus on the less than positive aspects.  We always have choices to make and how we look at life often dictates what comes next. 


Always keep the candle of love lit to light you way, no matter how bewildering life looks.  Always maintain a belief that there is purpose behind every action and that something viable is always being taught to us. 


Live in the moment and let the moment envelop you. 


Stay alert and focused.  Do not over think life events and yet be sure to dig for the truth whatever that may look like.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 17 June 2020




We are continuing our look at the past life signature from our Part I post on June 15, 2020.  We would suggest reading the June 15 article prior to reading this post to get a little background if you have the time to do so. 


The South Node by sign, and we are going to use Sagittarius as our example, suggests that in a previous life this individual may have been a wanderer who traveled extensively and was taught through these experiences (these are Sagittarius qualities).  Sagittarius has to do with higher learning attached to religious doctrines, life philosophy and the need to explore the higher regions of the mind to find ultimate truth. 


This individual could have been a priest, minister, etc. or a follower of religion or a philosopher with no ties to others.  This individual may have roamed the countryside spreading philosophy and spirituality, and although they likely got along well with others, they may have been considered a loner and footloose.  They may have lived the life that they wanted to live in spite of other people’s perceptions or opinions.  They likely loved the wide-open spaces and may have found peace in nature and its surroundings.  They were expansion seekers and found great pleasure in the simple things in life.  It may not have taken much for them to be happy and content although they were always on the move and no one place to call home.


If for example this Sagittarius South Node’s placement was in the twelfth house this would exemplify the potential for this individual being of a religious order.  Perhaps they were a minister or worked with the underprivileged with little need for recognition or ego enhancement from their efforts.  They may have worked with individuals who had issues related to self-worth or had addiction problems or were confined to institutions or jails.  This Sagittarius South Node individual may have had a saviour complex and needed to be the one doing the saving or in contrast the one who needed being saved. 


If we look at the South Node as being negative in its manifestation, this person may have lived the way they did because no one accepted them.  Perhaps they had severe mental challenges or were so far-sighted that no one understood them.  Perhaps they were mistreated and pushed aside because of their beliefs or hurt and beaten by more aggressive individuals that did not agree with their philosophies.  The story goes on and on and of course unless we use past life regression techniques, we will never uncover specifics of the actual story, but Astrology and the Astrological nodes will definitely give us some direction.



To get further indicators as to what that previous life might have looked like we also need to have a look at the ruler of the South Node and any conjunctions it has as well as any other aspects it is receiving.  In this case because the South Node is Sagittarius, the ruler would be Jupiter.  Let us say that Jupiter is in the third house and conjunct Saturn.  This suggests that along with the other indicators about the past life, this individual also had a certain amount of good luck and was open to conversation and communication.  This individual may have been a public speaker as public speaking was important to this person.  This individual would not have wanted recognition, perhaps they were a monk.


With Saturn connected to this positioning, this individual would have spoke of serious subjects. There would have been nothing light about their topics of conversation and perhaps there were people in authority that did not especially like what they had to say.  Perhaps these authority figures tried to shut this individual down.  It could be suggested that this individual would have purposely been removed from the public eye so that they would not influence those around them and sway public opinion.


As you can see, the story begins to unfold and we learn a lot by searching out the indicators of past life for relevant information.  By studying these important features, we can see how this energy and influence might carry over into this incarnation. 


There is more to come.  Watch for our article to be posted on June 22, 2020 for more information. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  The commencement of our Beginners and Level III classes for the week of March 23, 2020 has been postponed. Please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Tuesday 16 June 2020



Do not let anything stand in the way of your being comfortable with who you are.  Be yourself regardless of what others might think.  You have grown and matured into the person you are now and for now that person is perfect.  You will continue to develop and mature.  There likely is no final end of this development.


If someone does not like who you are, they simply do not know you or they see something in you that is in reality is a reflection of something within them that they feel is unacceptable or needs tweaking.   In some cases what we dislike in others is a reflection of us or something that we fear. 


You are who you are!  Be proud of that person.  If there are qualities you are not comfortable with, change them, but do not do this for others, do it for you. 


Acknowledge all that you are.  Until you have accepted every part of self, you cannot make adjustments for change or be content.


You are who you need to be for this moment. 


Your life is in your hands.  What you want to be can be altered at any time.  Let go of what you do not like or are uncomfortable with.  Be and embrace the real you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit