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Friday 8 January 2021


 Jupiter is known as the great benefactor and often extends good luck and opportunities when it makes contact with planets while transiting through the horoscope.  Jupiter’s energies are what we wait for and it brings with it expansion on many levels related to the house position that it is transiting through and the areas of life represented by those positions.


It will bring beneficial opportunities and success into life unless the planet it touches is severely afflicted in the natal chart or poorly aspected by other transiting planets.  In this case, there are times when one becomes expectant of something good happening and overestimates the outcome. 


When Jupiter makes aspects especially by trine or sextile and in most cases conjunctions to the Sun, Venus, the Ascendant, the midheaven and even the north node, opportunities for advancement are likely.  When these planets and important points are aspected adversely, opportunities still present themselves, but you may have to work harder for lesser results. 


Saturn is basically the only planet that suggests challenging conditions linked to Jupiter unless it is really well aspected in the birth chart.


Jupiter deals with religion, spirituality, philosophy and is often tied to higher learning.  It does rule law and the legal system and there are times when Jupiter aspects a planet or is moving through the ninth house that legalities are enhanced and opportunities for a successful conclusion are more likely.  It may work in your favor but not always in as big of a return as is expected.  Jupiter does sometimes bring just what you are asking for so it is important to ask for what is appropriate and to find satisfaction in all outcomes.


Even the squares and oppositions when involved with Jupiter seem to bring more benefits than when these oppositions are associated with other planetary energies.  Just watch for overextending yourself during these times as Jupiter tends to expand everything it touches. 


Some people gain weight when Jupiter crosses over the Ascendant. 


If there are other energies that suggest that there is the potential for things not working out, Jupiter can expand on these energies although in most cases it helps rather than hinders. 


Jupiter almost always promises opportunities for expansion and growth so take advantage of these times in your life and make Jupiter work for and with you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Thursday 7 January 2021


 The only thing to fear is fear itself.  We have heard that saying many times before.  There is a reason why this message has been around for so long. 


Understanding the origin of fear will perhaps provide us with a clearer awareness of precisely why fear is generated. 


Fear was a primal instinct.  Some respond to fight, other respond to flight.  It is in place in order to survive. 


Our fear response is not required in our civilized world of today as it was in days gone by.  Our fear response in today’s society is more of an ego base response.   It is more of a fear of failure or embarrassment than a fear of not surviving.  Today’s fear response is not a part of the true self. 


We cannot conquer fear until we accept that fear is a concept that stems from the ego.


Fear has many faces.  It can come at us from all directions and in many forms.  Fear is believing in something that prevents you from reaching the truth.  Fear in its many forms can reveal itself through  not feeling you are worthy, that you are not good enough, not pure enough, not smart enough, not capable, not intelligent enough, or simply not able to achieve what you set out to do.


It is related to your beliefs and concepts of what you accept is the truth for you.  How often do you hold yourself back because a part of you, your ego, tells you that you will not succeed?  How often because of this ego-generated fear do you stop yourself short, because of your expectations of potential failure? 


Truth is found within.  You are your truth.  If you choose to believe that you cannot do something, you have just drawn the line and a large part of you believes that in moving forward there is a potential for failure, so you let the idea go.  That part of you that you are identifying with is the ego and it creates interference and stops you from accomplishing something, anything. 


In order to achieve, you have to recognize and release that ego holds you back.  Recognize that this is not part of the true you.


If you follow the advice of the ego and make it part of your belief structure, then the chances for success slips away.  You will not succeed because you have chosen to believe your will not succeed.  This is a choice. 


Acknowledge to yourself that it serves no purpose to identify with anything that does not make you happy.  Do not identify with anything that will not serve a higher purpose.  Heighten your awareness and open the floodgates so that your true self can shine through.


Your belief structures, particularly the belief you have in the outcome will play a very significant role in what actually takes place in your life.  Fear is generated through the ego and rests in this place.  Challenging any negative belief structure and learning not to identify with ego generated concepts, will transform what is ahead for you.  The outcome of your actions plays a significant part in your awakening to the fact that the ego is the only thing that stops you from achieving and moving forward.


Today’s fear is the ego’s strongest defense and an alliance with fear can manipulate your unfolding to the point of stagnation. 


We are not suggesting that you put yourself in harm’s way to achieve but what we are suggesting is that you move beyond the fear being generated that stops you from succeeding.  Let your intuition be your guide.  Do not let the ego stand in your way. 


You can accomplish anything, so make your pursuit in life a worthy one.  Take the steps required to achieve and bring into life something that will not only benefit you but will also serve a higher purpose for those around you.  You can gauge your efforts by asking yourself, “is what I am in search of coming from the heart”?  If your answer is yes then move forward in anticipation of something positive manifesting in your life. 


You can do it.  You can find it.  You have all you need.  Just believe!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 6 January 2021


 Today we are continuing our focus on the North Node and will look specifically at North Node in Aquarius.  Please read our introduction contained in our post on November 30 to get an understanding of the overall influence of the North and South Nodes.  It will assist you in understanding the information we are about to provide for the North Node in Aquarius. 


With the North Node in Aquarius, the South Node, which is always exactly opposite to the North Node, would be in the sign of Leo.  The North Node is the path ahead or for some the path already in motion.  The North Node’s positioning in the sign of Aquarius suggests that this individual is here to pursue humanitarian endeavors.  For some this positioning suggests notoriety or working together towards a goal that benefits all.  Group involvement can be important in this life and if they are not meant to lead the group, they are encouraged to share their ideologies within that group or on a larger scale.


These individuals are not here to gain recognition and promote themselves which was likely part of the profile with the South Node is in Leo.  These individuals are here to pursue a path that leads to enlightenment and as they are encouraged to follow this route, they can in turn share it with others.  They may find that many others do not understand their ideas and perceptions, and some individuals may not be ready to hear the Aquarius North Node’s message.  This may be due, at least in part, to the fact that Aquarius North Node individuals are somewhat ahead of their time.  Because of this, they can lose some of their followers but opening the door to greater insight is the prime objective for themselves and for others.


The water bearer is their Astrological symbol, and this is what they are here to do.  They are here to open the door and bring insight, in turn leaving behind anything that holds them back or others back from achieving this.  They are here to overthrow or distract others, so they move away from any primitive matters that no longer suit their evolutionary path forward.  There is a movement taking place in our world and these individuals are part of it.  Complacency is not part of the path and reluctance to advance a cause is not the answer. 


Do not forget that the North Node is not an easy path as it is unfamiliar, but life will push us in whatever direction our North Node is suggesting.


New fields in Science may be a part of the profile as the Aquarius North Node individual forges ahead sometimes in quick unexpected manners.  There can be sudden realizations and intuitive insight and flashes of intellectual supremacy although ego is not involved.  This is due to Uranus’s input as it is the ruling planet of Aquarius and sometimes moves in unexpected and rather dynamic ways.  These individuals can expect the unexpected in this lives and profound insight with new and unexpected revelations will be part of the path ahead. 


Technology can be taught through education but a lot of what these individuals are searching for will be innate and found within.  Inner guidance is strong, and they may find that although they connect with people in their circle with the same views, they are somewhat alone on this journey.  They know they are different from most, but are comfortable with this knowledge.


Awakening to truth is the objective and Aquarius North Node will discover it through life’s experience and unforeseen acts and coincidences that can occur when they least expect them.  Although the path ahead is a little unpredictable, they will move ahead when the timing is right, often put in place by transits and progressions to the Nodes in their Astrology chart. 


Be open and have faith in what is yet to come.  It will be all-inspiring. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 5 January 2021


There are many ways to determine if your gut instinct is telling you fact or fiction.  The best route and most reliable factor is aligned with your intuitional insight.  We all have intuition and it works with us when we are confused about the outcome or when we are making a decision.  Sometimes we can be apprehensive about making the right decisions, and this is when our intuition can provide us with the right answers for moving forward.


Our intuition is the guiding factor and although it is good to question and analyze life situations, in general, our intuition is a guide from within that helps us make choices that can have a profound effect on our life’s direction.  We instinctively know what is right and should move in that direction without hesitation once we allow intuition to lead us in a particular path.


Sometimes we can get so caught up in a situation and we cannot, for the life of us, make a decision.  We are worried that it may be wrong and we are completely out of our comfort zone.  It is surprising how we humans can become complacent and find ways to adapt to life’s situations even when everything tells us to make a change or move in a different direction.  Change is uncomfortable and fear often stands in our way, as the outcome of our actions is not always clear.


We must find ways to trust the voice within and allow our instinct to help us through life’s challenges. 


Have faith in the process. We are not suggesting however that we just move out of a situation without full consideration and a plan of action.  Sometimes the path ahead looks murky and we are afraid of where it might lead us.  Part of us, however, knows when it is the right thing to do.


Sometimes when we do make that final commitment, the transition itself can be tedious and challenging but over time, life does settle in and we will see that what we did was the road we were meant to take. 


Sometimes we need to put ourselves first and to take that leap of faith.  So when spending a lot of time trying to find a solution to a problem, let life lead and follow your intuition.  Be wise; take that first step and see where it takes you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 4 January 2021


Pluto plays a significant role in our lives regardless of its dwarf planet classification.  It has been demoted by astronomy and some Astrologers are wondering if it should still be used in chart analysis.  It is this Astrologer’s opinion that regardless of classification, Pluto has not lost its significance in an Astrology chart and still has a very significant influence in our lives.


Pluto regenerates and revolutionizes our lives as does the other outer planets, yet its apparent influence is more powerful than most.  When it is time to review our lives and transcend from a previous condition, Saturn and Uranus have their part to play, but the agent of change is often the energies of Pluto.  Pluto transforms our lives and its interaction is not something that we should take lightly.  Its impact is often subtle in the beginning but becomes more apparent as time passes.  Its impact is so powerful that it often takes several years to fully comprehend its impact on the conditions in our lives.


Pluto pushes you to face yourself in a more powerful way than any other planet and forces you to dig deep before there is any chance for regeneration and transition to take place.  It can be quite disruptive, acting in similar ways to Uranus.  Uranus action, however, are usually instant and you cannot prepare for what is about to take place.  With Uranus, you don’t understanding how it will affect you, but the unexpected will happen.  Pluto does not suggest that you reflect and take notes, it demands action and if you choose not to react appropriately, its energies will foster change and transformation in more aggressive ways when gone unheeded.


Pluto is important in many different ways but one certain action is that it opens the door for required change and puts an end to conditions that no longer serve a purpose.  It is evolutionary in its energies and will help you facilitate the growth that is required in your life.  Pluto is a powerful agent for change and transformation and when it passes across your Ascendant or MC you will know that it is present.  Life will undergo massive change and the changes are designed to move you in the direction that is appropriate for your evolutionary growth for that point in time.


Once Pluto’s energies are triggered in your chart, it is hard to ignore and when it has completed its cycle, things will pass away or be massively transformed.  Pluto will not be ignored but it helps you uncover any deeper facets that need to surface and either be challenged or deleted from your life.  It is a necessary ingredient for evolutionary growth and its influence is very powerful and affluent for your life’s progress.


Pluto transforms, regenerates, and underlines all of life’s complexities, forcing you to make alterations often presenting you with obstacles or challenging conditions to help you facilitate this growth.  Pluto is often present in times of death but is suggestive of transformation on the highest level and propels individuals to the next stage of evolution beyond that of physical reality. 


Pluto is never a negative factor and it always has its place and is a required element in our life, although it might appear to be negative as it presents itself.  When it is activated in your chart be ready for transformation and know that you are in the right place at the right time for this to take place. 


Welcome Pluto’s impact in your life and take in all the energies and life-changing elements that are on the way under its influence.  You will have thankful in the end.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 30 December 2020


 We continue our focus on the North Node in the various Astrology signs.  Please read our introduction in our post on November 30 to get an understanding of the overall influence of the North and South Nodes.  It will assist you in understanding the information we are about to provide for the North Node in Gemini. 


The sign placement and house position define where we are meant to go (North Node) and what we have brought with us to assist in this life’s journey (South Node). Some Astrologers feel that the house placement is more relevant than the sign and others feel that they deserve similar importance and that both are quite significant in their own way. The house position is the area of life where we play out the energies of the sign position and the sign position is the expression we are meant to pursue.


Having the North Node in the sign of Gemini in this incarnation suggests that life is to be pursued with vigour and excitement.  You are here to learn and gather information particularly pertaining to the house that the North Node is located in.  Schooling on all levels will be an important factor moving forward, and you may even study more than one subject at a time.  However, if this is the course of action, finish one subject completely before moving on to a new subject.  There can be a problem with not finishing what you set out to do.


You are here to gather information and then pass it on as your communication skills will be something that you will be working on as well.  You will be a teacher/student in this life and have the aptitude and hopefully the desire to move ahead.  Sometimes the North Node is not an easy path which at times can make the desire to move ahead difficult, but as we continue along our life’s path, it becomes easier as the door opens. 


You are here to learn communication on many levels, and one form of communication might be in the written form.  Some are here to publish a journal on life’s experience while others are here to publish information that they have gathered over time.  This will be an interesting journey with much to learn and there should be an endless pursuit on whatever subject you might want to engage in.


With the South Node in Sagittarius, you have at your disposal an adventurous spirit, one who in a previous life explored foreign cultures and likely did a lot of traveling.  You may have been like a nomad who never settled down but gained a great deal of insight through your explorations.  So, in many ways, your foot is already in the door and you have an ingrained sense of ideologies that can be used to advocate what you set out to do in this life.


You learned a great deal about life’s philosophies, religion and spirituality.  These were high on your life’s lessons, and now you are here to spread the word and perhaps write about these avenues.  You were alone in the past and might not even have taken notes or spread the word, but this is what you are meant to do now.  Pass on this information with enthusiasm and quick response.  Tell as many people as possible about your interests and get their point of view as well, so you can incorporate this in your delivery. 


You are an explorer of the mind and its complexities.  You have come to be a gatherer of information with the ability to communicate at the highest levels due to your intellectual capacity.  Yours is to discover what lies behind the vail and then spread the word.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 29 December 2020


 In the face of adversity, what is your best mode of defense?  Do you run and hide behind the veil of uncertainty?  Do you seek shelter from the colds winds of aggression and attack? 


How do we respond when our backs are against the wall? What is our best approach when the prevailing forces or circumstances seem to weigh us down?


They say that fighting aggression with aggression only creates more of the same and we tend to agree with this. 


If we are attacked physically or emotionally what is the best approach? 


I am not referring to a war situation.  I am referring to situations when we are prisoners of our own personal attitude and/or affected by other people’s personal behaviors.


You have to stand up for yourself when need be and use your inner power to rise above the situation at hand.  Sometimes life comes at us from all directions and we are forced to find or remember that inner core strength and find ways to survive and conquer.  Through our own acts of determination and strength, we reach within and find the power to not only carry on through these situations but to rise above them.  In so doing, we find stamina and perseverance. 


We reach within and find hidden strength that we never knew existed and the determination to overcome any adversity that stands before us.  Our strength comes from within and we all have the capacity to overcome.  We emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to forge ahead with our heads held high.


We are the masters of our destiny regardless of what stands in the way.  We have the ability and the know-how to pull from our own resources.  We are much more powerful than we realize and nothing stands in our way that can’t be rectified or adapted. 


We have what it takes and always have.  The only things that stand between our mastery or our defeat is our ability to transcend our thoughts and rise above life’s conditions that once seemed impenetrable. 


Utilize your instinct to survive and rise above the mundane and destructive, often self-inflicted, intrusions.  Know your strength and realize your ambitions.  Follow through!  Reach for your heart's objectives. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit