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Wednesday, 14 October 2020


The planet Mercury moves into its retrograde cycle on October 14, 2020, and remains in this cycle until November 3.  Mercury will be in the sign Scorpio at 11 degrees and moves back to 25 degree Libra over this retrograde period.  All planets except for Saturn do not perform at their best when in retrograde motion. 


Mercury rules communication and can have an impact on travel and has to do with written contracts.  In many cases when Mercury is in retrograde, it causes delays and challenges sometimes creating disappointment and uncertainty when dealing with the matters that Mercury rules. 


While in its retrograde cycle, Mercury seems to have a much stronger effect on those that have it retrograde in their birth charts and also those individuals who have planets in the birth chart that are close to the varying degrees Mercury moves through during the retrograde cycle.  Due to Mercury being retrograde, it will pass through these degrees making aspects (use the conjunction, square and opposition) to planets.  This can create challenging issues related to matters such as the signing of documents, making plans and starting projects or moving ahead with these projects.  Mercury will impact these planets three times while in retrograde, once in direction motion and again when it crosses the same degree in retrograde and then once again when it returns to its direct motion.


Many people fear Mercury while it is in retrograde as it seems to create frustration and delays.  The ideal way of handling Mercury’s energies would be to wait until it goes into its direct motion before moving ahead.  However, you should not put your life on hold if things are already in motion.  You can expect some degree of challenges in many cases.


This is a great time to review and examine any projects if possible.  Sit back and take some time to analyze the situation before plunging ahead.  Be more flexible with your plans whenever possible. 


It has been noted that intuition is often high at these times and you may feel things before they happen or just know when something is wrong. 


Do not become overly concerned as it is not an end all situation when Mercury is retrograde.  Sometimes plans just needs minor adjustment before you make the final decision.  Do not sign on the dotted line until you review all the details and are certain. 


If your intuition does play into it then listen to what is being suggested.  However, when reviewing your chart and if Neptune plays a significant role in negative terms, watch out for your imagination to have a role in what unfolds. 


Take your time, reanalyze and review.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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