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Monday, 26 October 2020


We are continuing our post from October 23, 2020.


As mentioned in our previous post, there are two Moon’s Nodes in Astrology, the North Node and the South Node.  In the previous post, we touched on the energies of the Nodes and their meanings. Today we will dig a little deeper and look at examples on how the energies would work.


When a transiting planet conjuncts the North Node and if for example, it were Uranus, this may be a time when you should follow the desire to break free from any type of restriction that has held you back or stopped you from achieving what the North Node’s energies are suggesting. Because of the transiting Uranus’ influence, this may happen on the spur of the moment and without warning. It may push you in a direction that requires immediate decision-making and the desire for something new and innovative especially if the North Node were in the sign of Aries for example.


If Uranus were transiting your South Node, this would suggest that it is not the time to do these things and that you should weigh out all consequences before making any commitment to change and taking a new life direction. It may be a warning that sudden decisions might hamper you later in life. Rash decision making would not be recommended under this example. This example is suggesting  that you time to ponder your actions before making any moves regardless of the desire or urge to move ahead in a new direction.


You always have to check the house that your North Node and South Node are located in to give you further information about what areas of life are involved. You should also check which house your natal Uranus is in to add to the underlying information being provided to you through your birth chart (with this example of transiting Uranus making an aspect).


With the example of Uranus making contact with the South Node, if you take the time suggested (and remember the South Node has similarities to Saturn’s actions) you can make informed decisions rather than jumping, which is what Uranus would want from you in our example.


The North Node and Uranus however, would suggest that you take that giant step forward and move towards the intended direction, as the North Node is similar in its action to Jupiter and usually provides good fortune and positive outcomes.


Of course, you always need to look at the overall picture of what is happening in your chart before making any life-changing decisions. Rash decisions are seldom a good idea.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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