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Wednesday, 23 December 2020


 We are continuing our recent focus on the North Nodes.


If this is your first North Node read, the Nodes play a significant role in the path that lies ahead and what we experienced in a previous life linked to this one.  The North Node is new for us but it is the path we are to learn and travel during this life.  The South Node can help us reach this objective but should not be pursued even if it feels comfortable and is easily attainable.  We can use the energies of the south node to help us achieve what is indicated by the North node but we must not ignore our north node journey because of the comforts of the South Node familiarity.


With the North Node in the sign of Pisces (the house placement should also be studied, as it is the area of life where our objectives defined by the North Node will be accomplished) our goal has to do with spirituality and faith.  We are here to fulfill a higher order and learn how to merge with the field of consciousness connected to source.  Our goal is not to achieve this state but to recognize that it already exists within our collective being.


In a previous life, we were very much connected to practical application and organized.  We would have been structured mentally but now we must let go of earth matters.  With a Piscean North Node, we are here to understand the forces beyond what many consider normal and to rise above mundane concerns connected to material focuses.  Freedom is found with the intangibles, with the unseen, and through visualization and our connection with the whole.


The Piscean North Node individual is here to learn compassion, selflessness and to have faith in the process recognizing that something much greater than what we identify with in earthly terms is the guiding force.  Insight and intuition are in play and can be found simply by opening up to this potential.  Mystical alignment and spiritual understanding are brought forward to enlighten the search and will keep these individuals on their path. 


Pisces North Node individuals will find that life dictates at times as they will be found in the light of encouragement to pursue these paths.  These opportunities will often be right in front of these individuals and always within reach even when they do not believe that they are available.  Ego will try to interfere in the search for truth although this is an egoless incarnation where in many cases the plight of others comes before the Piscean North Node’s own needs.  The door will continue to open although meditation practices can help the procedure and vivid dreams will often point the way or define the path in the moment. 

Those that do not choose to follow that objective of their Piscean North Node may find that they turn to drugs or alcohol to escape from this new reality.  Escapism and martyrism may be part of the experiences that find those unwilling to work towards the innate knowledge that is found with the North Node in Pisces.  It is imperative to accept the truth of the awakening with this North Node placement. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

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