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Monday, 21 December 2020


 The Winter Solstice (Hibernal Solstice) falls on December 21 at 8:30 a.m. EST in the northern hemisphere in 2020. 


December 21 will be the least amount of daylight we will experience in the northern hemisphere as the sun is currently on a very low arc in the sky for our area. 


The good news, the day light will start to get longer and our precious sunlight will soon return.  The arc will heighten and the days will slowly lengthen.  As nature sleeps and the light is low, we can use the longer nights to reflect on our journey.  Go inward to work.  We can plan our intentions for when the energy and the light returns.  Mother nature always knows best.  Follow her example.  Look at the rest of nature.  Many species are hibernating or slowing down and resting and waiting for the return of light, for the return of warmth, the return of the energy that nurtures us mentally, physically and spiritually.


Our current lesson is patience.  Utilize the wait to look deep into the shadows of self.  Bring light to the darkest corners of self.  Fill each corner with love and allow spirit to grow.


Is it coincidence that during Yule season (the rebirth of light), many celebrate the birth of Christ for example (the rebirth of salvation)?  This is a time of celebration for many, whether it is Yule, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, etc.


We have much to celebrate.  Be filled with promise, with faith in all that is, with gratitude, with love and with inner healing light!


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