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Tuesday, 1 December 2020


 There are often times in our life when we are confronted with pressing life issues.  It can be very difficult, but we continually meet the challenge and grow from the lessons.  There are times that we are aware of our powerful internal resources and there are times that our energies are low and we feel powerless.


There are times that we cannot find the courage or determination we need to conquer.  It is during these times that we define ourselves as weak and can be carried away by events. 


It is important to realize that these issues whatever they may be and however difficult they may appear, have been directed into our path as a lesson to learn and overcome.  They are not in place to permanently crush our spirit; although our first impressions, which is always the most difficult to handle, might appear that way. 


We have the resilience to overcome anything life throws our way, regardless of what you may think.  However what we think is our biggest obstacle. 


If you were assisting a friend under the same circumstances, what would be your approach?  Encourage your own ability to persevere and maintain an attitude that will help alleviate these conditions with the intent to overcome.  We have more strength then we sometimes acknowledge.  We are provided with challenging conditions to learn and to build confidence in ourselves and to recognize our capabilities.


See the condition or event for what it is……factual not opinion.  There is no running away from these lessons to face them head-on.  Often when we remove the emotions and see the lesson for what it is, it usually is much more manageable than first thought but the longer we wait to confront the issues the more time your mind has to make a molehill into a mountain. 


If we ignore what life has brought before us, the lesson may come at us even harder on its next approach. 


No lesson is too big to tackle.  Do not let you mind create what is not there.   The mind tends to exaggerate many of life’s situations and often the giant, when faced head-on and with an attitude of “I can do this”, shrinks to a manageable situation.  It is human nature to fear the unknown but we still place one foot in front of the other and move forward.


Life can provide difficult lessons at times, ones that are life changing.  We have the tools, however, to overcome anything that comes our way and the tool may be asking for help. 


Stand tall; recognize your abilities, your strength.  Channel your thoughts in directions that help you learn the lesson at hand and enjoy the education as best you can


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

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