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Monday 30 September 2013

The Plan

When we enter this life, our soul comes equipped with a plan. The course is already prepared before we begin our journey. We step into this new found identity understanding this and although our body may be foreign to us, it links up with our soul upon entry. Our soul or inner self is well acquainted with the design and readies us by providing us with insight, as required. We begin this journey and move forward ingrained with this knowledge and prepared to embark on our life’s quest.

Along the way be become acquainted or reacquainted with our family. It is thought that we have already had incarnations with many of these family members. We have agreed to meet up again, as often those close to us are on similar paths, and we help each other along the way. Our close acquaintances, particularly our parents, our children and especially our marriage partner may have experienced many lifetimes together. We agreed to come together again in the hope of furthering our evolutionary path.

The path we walk has a wide range of potentials and is unique for each of us. We choose events and experiences that provide us with the required knowledge or gained experience we need in order to further our growth. Many of the events that stand out in our lives are challenging, and these are the ones that further our evolution the most. When life is goes smooth consider these periods as times of rest and the good karma for a life well lived, either during this life or a previous incarnation.

The more evolved we are in this existence the greater the challenges and the more impact we have on others. If we move off track and commit an act that we know is unjust, the ramifications are much more severe than they would be for a far less enlightened individual. As we evolve, karma is quickened as we understand the nature of our life and we move forward, not for personal rewards, but for the benefit of our spiritual whole.

We move together as a unit and we eventually reach our final destination of this one life. Some of us will be burdened with feelings of disappointment upon completion, as we may not have accomplished what we set out to do. Others will be blessed upon completion for a job well done and reap the rewards in knowing that we not only moved our consciousness closer to God, we enhanced the lives of those we met along the way and brought them closer to the ultimate union with our source.

When you are lying on your death bed, make sure you have no regrets. Let your past experiences be the start of your new life and begin now. You cannot change the past and you will reap what you sow, but from this moment on, you can change to ensure you live a pure and purposeful life. Begin today and forgive yesterday’s misjudgments. Move forward knowing that you are part of the greater whole and one immersed in the entirety.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at daily for more food-for-thought posts and for more information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Holm Astrology

A Natal Chart examines the characteristics with which we are born, both the challenges and the talents. Learn to develop your gifts and overcome the challenges.

Due to the characteristics that we are born with and the trends unfolding in our lives, we react to situations in a predictive manner. Progressed and transiting planets indicate on- going phases in your life.

The Solar Return Chart focuses on the most significant factors for the upcoming year. It has an uncanny ability to pinpoint likely life experiences.

Composite Chart are prepared when two people meet and form a relationship. It provides clues to the nature and function of the relationship.

Child Empowerment Charts. The definition of empowerment is to increase the spiritual, social and educational strength of an individual. This chart is prepared for the parent to assist in just that. Understand your child's personality traits and their potential and by so doing, you can help them develop the skills that they were born with.

Lunar Node Chart speaks of your past life strengths that are carried forward into this incarnation and the potential for spiritual growth. This chart describes where you came from and what you have returned to accomplish.

In order to have a chart prepared, we require your date of birth, time of birth and location of birth.

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Friday 27 September 2013

Progressions in the Astrology Chart

There are several predictive tools used by Astrologers in modern day forecasting. We have already touched on transits and we will now discuss progressions. Astrologers have used this technique for many centuries and progressions are still used widely today by many practitioners of this science. The formula used to calculate progressions uses a day for a year technique. In other words, if you wanted to produce a chart for an individual at age 30 you would progress the birth chart ahead 30 days from the date of birth.

Some astrologers believe that progressions take the priority for forecasting, while others believe that transits should be used. When progressing a chart, you actually use both techniques and use major transits and progressions together to form a basis on what the forecast holds. Many astrologers hold firm to the concept that progressions take form internally, while transits take form on the physical level. In my personal experience, I have noted that they both function on both levels.

Progressions and transits are present when physical or external activities, as well as internal conditions, become activated. However, it should be noted that in order for an event to take place or a psychological condition to surface, there has to be correlation in the Natal Chart. The Natal Chart is reflective of our life’s unfolding story. It paints a picture of who we are, why we have come into this life and what we are here to do. The transits and progressions stimulate this natal potential and activate events in our lives when it is most likely that we can utilize these inborn traits.

If for example, you were born with a constructive aspect between Jupiter and Pluto and they are located in the appropriate houses (the horoscope is divided into 12 houses) when these planets become activated through transit or progression, an opportunity to transform yourself and to change your life can become stimulated. If these planets are in a fortunate aspect in the natal chart, the meeting of these two planets in the second or fifth or eighth house for example could indicate a financially rewarding experience.

There are countless planetary combinations that unfold throughout our lives and in utilizing the progressions and transits, we are able to draw constructive conclusions and activate the natal potential found in all birth charts. The Natal Chart is your birth right and the progressions and transits set in motion that which you have come to do in this life. They also indicate how you will utilize the energies that these planets have brought to the table.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Life's Struggles

Some of you read an article in a newspaper, book, blog, here on Facebook and the articles pushes you to re-evaluate your life’s conditions. You wonder how you can turn things around. Sometimes, life hands out circumstances that seem to plague us again and again. At times, situations feel out of our control and it does not matter how frequently we turn our attention away from the coarseness of life, nothing appears to sway events to a more positive outcome. Even intentional mind focus does not make any difference. We cannot help but wonder what else we should be doing as nothing is altering the current conditions.

This is when our inner fortitude can be called upon and provides us with the strength to overcome the onslaught of circumstances that just keep happening. There are periodic times in our life’s course when we are confronted with what seems to be an endless array of adverse conditions and these times test our endurance to the maximum.

Stand tall and rest assured that this period will pass, as one thing that is for certain in life and that is change.

These intermittent struggles are filters that suggest we need to look a little closer at current conditions in our lives and make some alterations. Look at all of the circumstances, as often there are indicators as to what area of life needs adjusting. For example if you are experiencing shortage, these are gauges that suggest that you may be putting too much mental energy into your financial situation. Because of this, we draw more attention on shortage as our focus only serves to amplify any situation in our life. You have to change focus and view your financial situation on a more positive note. Appreciate the fact that you have a place to live, you have food to eat and a place that you can call home.

If even these essentials are threatened, you will need to appreciate that alternate living conditions that are available such as hostiles, a family member’s home or a friend’s home as these can provide you with warm, dry surroundings, even if only temporarily.

If you feel lost and desperate and nothing seems to be moving in the right direction, understand that all life’s circumstances are temporary and your life will shift. When you experience these major challenges in life and eventually move beyond the stress and hurt, you will find that you gained a lot of knowledge and inner strength through the process. Once life runs smooth again and you learn to shift focus, appreciate the conditions in your life. Always remember where you have come from and hold onto the lesson but let go of the experience. The past has prepared you for where you are now, but it is over and done with. To hold on to hurts of the past often produce more pain. Be done with it and let it go!

Move forward with your life with the knowledge that all things will pass and a new beginning waits for you just around the next bend. Keep strong with this understanding and know that often the greater the difficultly, the greater the rewards. Prepare for the next wave of opportunity to come your way and pass on what you have learned, so that when others come under similar conditions, you can aid them through the tough ride.

This is always part of our mission, as all of life is meant to be a shared. We are here to help others and teach by example.

Visit Holm Astrology on facebook at more food for thought posts and for information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Transits in an Astrology Chart

At the moment of birth, if one was to take a snapshot of the heavens, with the earth in the middle, the plants would be stationary and this is what is known as the Natal or Birth Chart. This chart captures the innate qualities you have brought with you and will transcend throughout your life.

Once the position of the planets has been captured at the second of birth, all the planets continue moving around the zodiac or birth chart. This movement of planets is called planets in Transit. The Birth Chart never changes and as these Transits move around the chart, they make angles to the birth positions of the planets in the Natal Chart. These are called aspects.

Transits indicate important upcoming events and circumstances which will be real outer world activities or internal alignments or psychological matters. The transits indicate times when it is most appropriate for action or when it is unwise to make changes. These trends indicate circumstances that must be acknowledged, confronted and dealt with. In most circumstances, these periods indicate psychological growth potential and one must act in order to overcome and learn from the experience.

There are traditionally two types of aspects formed between two planets or action points in a chart. They could be referred to as developmental and challenging conditions that are brought into focus and require your attention. The easier aspects (trine, sextile and some conjunctions) can be considered pleasant and will usually not require you to work hard to make circumstances in life operate in such a way that you will benefit from these activities or internal issues. The more challenging aspects, (square, opposition and some conjunctions) will operate in such a way that you will be stimulated to work things out and make the necessary adjustments to overcome the situation at hand. Although the difficult aspects create some friction in life, these are the ones that motivate us and help us grow as individuals.

Transits may precipitate events or produce psychological balancing. You may say that fate or destiny calls us into action, but in most cases, there are links between the planets and important positions in the chart that speak of these times when one must act or when life runs smoothly. All aspects between planets and important points in the chart can be rectified by the individual, as we are never at the mercy of the planets in our lives. We make the decisions and challenge ourselves to commit to any type of action.

Astrology does not dictate life. You dictate your own life. An Astrology Chart only helps to bring the events into focus that require action. At the very least, a Chart can assist in creating a mind frame that works for you not against you.

Issues will keep repeating themselves in life when the individual becomes complacent with their progress. These repeated events are indicated by the planet involved going into retrograde (appearing to move backwards).

Transits have time frames and can be calculated precisely for their duration. Astrology can help to advise you of coming trends in your life, the areas of life that will be affected and how long this affect will be in force. Let us prepare a chart for you and assist you in uncovering your potential and to assist you in softening some of the rough areas of life that you may be faced with.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Foresaken

There are those among us whose lives seem to be filled with desperation and they are caught up in turmoil, just getting through another day. They wake up each morning wondering what tidal wave will encroach their day and rob them of hope, peace and serenity. They believe that the worst is yet to come and approach each day on this premise, waiting for the roof to fall in. Without fail, the roof will eventually collapse as this attitude is their companion. They believe that the world is against them and that happiness and hope is only for the lucky ones.

Living with this intension consistently, ensures the demise of relief. Through their attitude, they slowly destroy all hope and push anything positive far out of reach. Their daily concepts, their belief structures, become their master, their conqueror and their demons. They become slaves to an idea and a belief and they do not believe that any other life is possible.

These poor souls have, for some reason, come into this incarnation to experience pain, to experience personal failure, and to live out their lives in personal persecution with little to no help. These are the few that cannot find answers, that do not believe that there is an answer and because of this belief, they stop searching, stop believing and force stagnation into their lives. Many become victims of themselves and some will never recover.

It is hard to understand why a soul would choose such a stricken life, full of misery and despair through a negative mental attitude. Some of these individuals live this life and follow this route. Our obligation is to have compassion and find love within our hearts for these forsaken and largely abandoned individuals.

Be thankful for all that makes your perfect world and the next time you think about how awful you may have it at this moment, think of these discarded brothers and sisters that have little to no hope. Many of these individuals due to their mental state live on our streets. Instead of walking by and ignoring them, give them something of you even if it is just a smile, a simple acknowledgement that they are here. They need some sign that this day is not going to be a continuation of the previous one and what you do, your simple act of kindness, might be the beginning of a new turn on their road.

We all walk this road of life together, hand in hand, reaching the final destination point together. Understand the connection we all have with one another and do what you can for others. Make their life a little more forgiving and do this in the name of love.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or if you would like to commission a Chart, please contact us

Monday 23 September 2013

Libra or Libra Influence in the Astrology Chart

According to the ephemeris for 2013, the Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd of September. Anyone born with the Sun in Libra, anyone with the Ascendant sign in Libra, or have many planets in the seventh house will have strong Libra characteristics. Anyone having a strong emphasis on Libra in your natal chart, or experiencing strong emphasis in the seventh house through transit or progressed planetary movement, will have a strong need to weigh things out before they commit to any course of action. These individuals will experience a strong push and pull when it comes to drawing conclusions. They have an innate need for fairness and justice and will bend in all directions in order to accommodate others so as not to stir the pot.

Libra wants balance and will seek it out consciously. This can make them susceptible to being taken advantage of by stronger individuals or people that are power hungry and wanting control. Libra people are at their happiest when in a relationship and are extremely sociable. They experience difficulties when alone and could be considered to be in love with love. This can work to their detriment, as some with strong Libra characteristics in their chart marry too young or settle for someone less than perfect, which is quite contrary to our post on Sun in Virgo. Individuals that are born with their Sun in the very early degrees of Libra will also have Virgo qualities. This is known as being born on the cusp of a sign, as the Sun takes up 16 degrees in the birth chart.

Libra’s seek emotional balance, actually balance in every aspect of life and if they are experiencing discord, they are out of sorts, to say the least. They need balance and harmony and will seek a peaceful solution at any cost. This in turn makes them seem somewhat indecisive to others, but they truly see both sides to any situation and rarely take a stance on either side. They also have great difficulty saying no to anyone under almost any circumstance. Once again people of lesser personal development may take advantage of this outstanding attribute. Many seek professional advice or consult with close friends and associates before making any commitments. They need to learn to stand on their own, make their own decisions and then commit to them.

Libra people are one of the most likable signs of the zodiac and you can rely on them to be truthful, unless they feel you may get hurt. In this case, they will bend the truth a little to prevent hurting you. If you are in search for a true friend and companion, one that represents the scales of justice, seek out a strong Libra character and find a confidant and perhaps a lifelong companion or marriage partner.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts.

Do not hesitate to contact us at to private message for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.