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Wednesday 25 September 2013

Transits in an Astrology Chart

At the moment of birth, if one was to take a snapshot of the heavens, with the earth in the middle, the plants would be stationary and this is what is known as the Natal or Birth Chart. This chart captures the innate qualities you have brought with you and will transcend throughout your life.

Once the position of the planets has been captured at the second of birth, all the planets continue moving around the zodiac or birth chart. This movement of planets is called planets in Transit. The Birth Chart never changes and as these Transits move around the chart, they make angles to the birth positions of the planets in the Natal Chart. These are called aspects.

Transits indicate important upcoming events and circumstances which will be real outer world activities or internal alignments or psychological matters. The transits indicate times when it is most appropriate for action or when it is unwise to make changes. These trends indicate circumstances that must be acknowledged, confronted and dealt with. In most circumstances, these periods indicate psychological growth potential and one must act in order to overcome and learn from the experience.

There are traditionally two types of aspects formed between two planets or action points in a chart. They could be referred to as developmental and challenging conditions that are brought into focus and require your attention. The easier aspects (trine, sextile and some conjunctions) can be considered pleasant and will usually not require you to work hard to make circumstances in life operate in such a way that you will benefit from these activities or internal issues. The more challenging aspects, (square, opposition and some conjunctions) will operate in such a way that you will be stimulated to work things out and make the necessary adjustments to overcome the situation at hand. Although the difficult aspects create some friction in life, these are the ones that motivate us and help us grow as individuals.

Transits may precipitate events or produce psychological balancing. You may say that fate or destiny calls us into action, but in most cases, there are links between the planets and important positions in the chart that speak of these times when one must act or when life runs smoothly. All aspects between planets and important points in the chart can be rectified by the individual, as we are never at the mercy of the planets in our lives. We make the decisions and challenge ourselves to commit to any type of action.

Astrology does not dictate life. You dictate your own life. An Astrology Chart only helps to bring the events into focus that require action. At the very least, a Chart can assist in creating a mind frame that works for you not against you.

Issues will keep repeating themselves in life when the individual becomes complacent with their progress. These repeated events are indicated by the planet involved going into retrograde (appearing to move backwards).

Transits have time frames and can be calculated precisely for their duration. Astrology can help to advise you of coming trends in your life, the areas of life that will be affected and how long this affect will be in force. Let us prepare a chart for you and assist you in uncovering your potential and to assist you in softening some of the rough areas of life that you may be faced with.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

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