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Wednesday 11 September 2013


Your relationship with your close contacts through work or through socially contact hold special meaning and they are central figures in your life.  They are pertinent to your evolving story and should not be discarded or considered irrelevant, as they are vital to your life and not just there by chance.  These individuals are particularly significant if you form meaningful relationships with them and if you share a long standing rapport. 

Your close friends are undoubtedly linked to previous lives and it is not by chance that you have chosen to meet up with them again.  Often times, life’s circumstances bring you together so you can form an alliance and complete tasks that would be difficult to handle on your own.  These people are often the ones that seem to know just what to say when you are faced with difficulties.  They are the individuals that so often lend a tender ear or shoulder in times of emotionally impacting periods when you feel alone and otherwise would have no place to turn. 

They are also there to teach you something about yourself.  Through their interaction and linking together, you will often experience reflections of yourself.  Look closely when you find something in someone that you are not comfortable with or have an aversion to.  Have an honest look internally and you will find that these blemishes that are threatening in character or that you disapprove of may be a part of who you are or these character traits may be something that you fear.  They are often reflections of our self that need to be recognized as such and in confronting these shortcomings, we are able to make required adjustments.

You may find that some friendships last for years then suddenly break off.  If you look closely, you will realize that what you needed to acquire from this relations has been absorbed and utilized or they were unable to assist in facilitating the necessary changes required.  They depart to allow another person to enter your life and assist in this ongoing evolving story.

Pay attention to the people who are drawn to you.  They will change as time goes by and you as well will evolve as an individual.  You will surround yourself with people of like minds, generating required input at crucial points in your life.  You also project yourself outward and send out vibrations to draw those to you that are in search for your guidance and friendship.  It is not by chance that people come together; there is usually a higher principle involved.  Do not take your friendships or acquaintances for granted they are there for a reason.

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