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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Appreciation and Share

We need to appreciate what life offers each and every day, without judgement and by living in the moment with full appreciation of the extraordinary experience of being alive. I refuse to use the expression of “just being alive” as it only serves to downplay the miracle of life. There are countless other individuals that share this planet without the necessities of live that we enjoy. Many survive on the bare essentials to exist (not live). It is next to impossible for us to comprehend their way of existing as we live our relatively sheltered life ignorant and separate from their experience.

So many of us live our lives wrapped up in our everyday affairs rarely looking beyond our own front door. Awaken to the need of others and appreciate that you do not share their plight. Do you ever question why we are so fortunate to live this life of plenty?

Be thankful for each day and the new beginnings that each one offers. Begin your day in gratitude. Stop to think about just how fortunate you truly are. When life throws a curve at you, instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in the misery of the moment, focus on the good in your life and let go of the hurt. Live your life in appreciation, with an open heart, and ready to accept anyone as your brother. Live happily within this framework.

By opening up to the good in your life, you let the universe know that you are living in appreciation and the universe will bring you more to appreciate. Positive thinking brings positive results and tells the universe that you are open to more of the same. Utilize this knowledge and mold your life into the shape that you deserve. Everyone deserves happiness and peace. We live under conditions where there are more opportunities to find this. Be grateful for the wonderful life that you experience and open your heart to receiving everything that brings you joy and open your life to love.

With all of this appreciation in mind, what could you do to assist those less fortunate than you? One act of kindness or generosity, no matter how small, has an immense rippling effect! What will you do?

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