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Friday 20 September 2013


Let us draw our attention to the little ones in our midst, our children, our grandchildren, all of the little ones learning to make their way in life. What can we do to preserve the innocence and gently nudge them in the proper direction? Many would say that life’s circumstances put an end to the innocence of childhood and perhaps this is true. Some would think that sheltering these little ones from the outside world would help alleviate some of the hardships that await them, in turn shielding this innocence.

Sheltering our little ones from the real world and its actions can help prolong the innocence for some time, but sooner or later, they have to breakout from that protective shell after all, we are all here to live, to experience, to grow! The outside world will eventually initiate the breaking down of that pure innocence, but we can still provide them with a solid foundation from which to build their lives. We can teach them through love and compassion and within the thinking of the spiritual revolution that is currently unfolding. This revolution will undoubtedly be common place in their generation,(if we nurture the right seeds which have been planted).

We are the forebearers of the spiritual evolution and it is up to us to show the children by example so that they in turn can keep it alive. Nurture the seed early as they grow so that it can blossom when they are adults. Teach them what true spirituality is and provide them with a base to evolve from. Help them understand their real purpose and guide them to join forces with the greater whole.

Their pure innocence will undoubtedly pass but they can be taught to maintain their ability to see the good in humanity and our greater purposes for this life.......not the “me first” attitude that is fostered through greed. Be the light and source of spiritual awakening in the children that surround you and teach them through example. Know that you are the light, know that you are part of the source and know that you are love in its purest essence.

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