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Monday 9 September 2013


Begin your day with a smile and the contentment of knowing that it’s another day--a new beginning with a fresh start.  This day is different from the rest because you have knowingly initiated it with this information in mind.  Know that you are the architect of this day and regardless of what happens, you have control of your reaction to every situation.  No matter what happens, it is in your power to react at will, in any way you wish, to anything.

Continue servicing the morning smile with each event that unfolds this day, by reacting in such a way that only something positive will come out of the circumstances.  Without being artificial in any way, look for the positive side of every happening.  Pay attention to your reaction and switch your mental positioning if need be.  Do not react from instinct.  Alter your thoughts; wait a moment before reacting and think about possible outcomes.  Choose the best route to take--the least restrictive and corrosive.

When your day has come to an end, take the necessary time to reflect, and log, if you wish on paper or mentally, what took place, your reaction and the outcome.  People have a difficult time reacting to you negatively when you come from a place of compassion and love.  This may seem out of character but this is not important as you are aiming to change your character in a positive way.  All that matters is that you started your day off on a stress-free note and continued the positive attitude throughout your day.  To release your energy in this way, you inadvertently please others with your reaction.  Because of this, much of the day may have been much more stress-free due to your reaction.

It is difficult to make changes in our lives but if we gently reminder ourselves of our reactions and the events that have resulted from them, we are moving forward to making this positive change.  By drawing attention to how we run our lives internally, we learn to react to life externally in a much improved manner.  Practice this throughout your whole day.  Intentionally pay attention to how you would have reacted if you were not paying attention.  The more you keep your attention on your reactions, the more positive your reactions will be.  Soon, you will react to events in a more positive way without conscious effort.

Our auto response is programmable.  It does not take long to alter the mind’s focus and with practice, the mind slowly changes focus in whatever direction you point it in.

Program you attitude each day as soon as you open your eyes.  Practice controlling your reaction.  This is the beginning stages to taking control of your life.  There will always be reaction from others and to this you have not control.  Why not assist in making these secondary reactions a little more positive through gentle persuasion.  You draw the line and make the choices then watch where your life takes you.

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