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Friday 13 September 2013


For many on the spiritual quest, there are questions, or maybe occasional doubts, that seem to be in the forefront of our journey.   “Is there an existence of a higher force or God figure and how do we fit into the higher force’s grand scheme of things”?  This inquiry involves an answer that apparently cannot be formulated through our logical thought process. 


For those who use rational to decipher who or what God may be, there is often the question if God or higher force, call it what you will, actually exists.  How can you formulate an answer based on mentally drawn conclusions when in fact God is not something/someone you can touch or see?  This makes it difficult when you are a thinking or rational based individual who learns through experience and draws conclusions from evidence and proof.


It is much easier to have a stronger core belief or reach a conclusion when you are from a religious background and are accustomed to the concept of God as the Father or spiritual leader.  It is a much more difficult concept to take hold of when you have to base your belief structure on that which was not introduced when you were a child.  Most of us need proof.  Is it possible that if you stop looking for proof and rely on faith, through opening up your mind and your heart to all things, that the answers will come to you?


Finding answers to understanding the concept of God is a difficult one and fathoming them can be even more difficult.  Relying on faith and faith alone can be a difficult practice for most of us.  If you think about it, there is no other avenue of proof that exists for those of us who have not been touched by spirit or who have not experiences some sort of holy insight but through meditation and at bear minimum, with a small leap of faith.  What do we have to lose by giving up our search and relying on faith to guide us in the right direction?


All religions whether traditional or otherwise are based on the concept of love.  Love is the key to unlocking the miracle of life.  If we follow our hearts through pure love and hold no expectation, the doorway of understanding opens for us all.  We must find the courage to let go and have the courage to allow the higher force that resides in each of us and connects us to the greater whole lead us on our spiritual journey.  We can blindly follow our hearts through pure love (not our lustful love) and move in directions that allow awakening to take place. 

I imagine that a big part of the difficulty comes from some traditional religious training which speaks of retribution for our actions.  In the acceptance of a God figure, some may be frightened by the concept of being judged, perhaps being found guilty and then punished by our maker.  If you were to look into our belief structure and the concept of what God stands for, does he not stand for everything good? 


Would the most perfect and complete spirit be capable of “hurt” in any way?  If God is love then love cannot implement anything but love and would only prompt more love.  Fear not the wrath of God for God only creates more love. 


The punishment for going against your capability of loving all things is the stagnation of your spiritual growth.  Fear the thought process, if you need to be in fear of something, because this is where the retribution for your sins and the creator of fear subsides.  These fears that you may harbour come from within and have nothing to do with God.  


My God is pure love and my faith in God comes from pursuing perfect love and making love the most important part of your life.  Find faith by allowing love to take over your life.  In this way, you will come to know God.


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