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Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Foresaken

There are those among us whose lives seem to be filled with desperation and they are caught up in turmoil, just getting through another day. They wake up each morning wondering what tidal wave will encroach their day and rob them of hope, peace and serenity. They believe that the worst is yet to come and approach each day on this premise, waiting for the roof to fall in. Without fail, the roof will eventually collapse as this attitude is their companion. They believe that the world is against them and that happiness and hope is only for the lucky ones.

Living with this intension consistently, ensures the demise of relief. Through their attitude, they slowly destroy all hope and push anything positive far out of reach. Their daily concepts, their belief structures, become their master, their conqueror and their demons. They become slaves to an idea and a belief and they do not believe that any other life is possible.

These poor souls have, for some reason, come into this incarnation to experience pain, to experience personal failure, and to live out their lives in personal persecution with little to no help. These are the few that cannot find answers, that do not believe that there is an answer and because of this belief, they stop searching, stop believing and force stagnation into their lives. Many become victims of themselves and some will never recover.

It is hard to understand why a soul would choose such a stricken life, full of misery and despair through a negative mental attitude. Some of these individuals live this life and follow this route. Our obligation is to have compassion and find love within our hearts for these forsaken and largely abandoned individuals.

Be thankful for all that makes your perfect world and the next time you think about how awful you may have it at this moment, think of these discarded brothers and sisters that have little to no hope. Many of these individuals due to their mental state live on our streets. Instead of walking by and ignoring them, give them something of you even if it is just a smile, a simple acknowledgement that they are here. They need some sign that this day is not going to be a continuation of the previous one and what you do, your simple act of kindness, might be the beginning of a new turn on their road.

We all walk this road of life together, hand in hand, reaching the final destination point together. Understand the connection we all have with one another and do what you can for others. Make their life a little more forgiving and do this in the name of love.

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