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Saturday 30 January 2016

Last Call for Pre-bookings

Today is the last day to pre-book your appointments with Holm Astrology for the Barrie Mind & Body Psychic Fair taking place tomorrow Sunday January 31, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at 386 Blake Street, Barrie, Ontario

We will also have beautiful jewellery pieces created by Enhancing Adornments including Trees of Life created with stones/crystals representative of each of the Astrological sun signs.

We are located on the back wall of the event hall. Enter the main entrance and follow the isle straight ahead to the back wall.

Admission is free and there will be draw prizes.

Contact us at or through private message on Facebook if you wish to book ahead. Alternatively you can book a reading at the Fair. Come early so that you are not disappointed.

Hope to see you there

Friday 29 January 2016


If we allow ourselves a few moments to reflect on who we are, without condemnation, only paying attention to our most positive traits, what do you see?  How does this positive knowing fit into our perceived notion of who we are?  What frame of mind is this attitude originating from?

You have to take an honest look at who we think we are.  Once we are being open to these notions, we can eliminate or disengage ourselves from any preconceived notion that leads to forming a negative approach to our true identities.   

We are products of the concepts that we identify with.  Again.....we believe that our “perceived impressions” are who we truly are.  We are misled by notions that any perceived negative manifestation must be a part of who we are.

We are in a constant state of “becoming” and what we believe to be true, we create as our identity because through perpetual focus we create.  If there is something in our makeup that clearly misrepresents who we want to be, then it is in our hands to make a conscious choice as to whether we will allow this characteristic to manifest in physical and mental terms.  We are not at the mercy of our beliefs, unless we believe that we have no control of what transpires in our lives.

Who we think we are, is evidence of this.  Who we think we are now is a formulation of our current beliefs and it creates the perception of us for today.  We have manufactured this identity and it is our identification with this that allows us to perceive it as real.  We use the term “identify” over and over again.  If we understand the fact that our identification is what makes it so, we will understand why this term is used so frequently.  It makes us aware of the control we have over situations in our lives and the manufacturing of our perception of who we are becoming.

If there is something within us that does not sit well or does not feel right, we can let it go and stop believing that it is part of us.  We are the only person that makes anything in life truth for us personally.  We manifest our beliefs over time and where we are and who we are now flows in conjunction with what we have allowed into our consciousness.

The saying goes that we become who we associate with.  We are told this early in life.  We are told to pick our friends carefully as it is easy to form ourselves into what is in front of us.  However, we have actually chosen to take this characteristic from our friend and to make it our own.  It is all too easy to mirror what we see regularly.  Just as our thoughts, we mirror or manifest into our personality that which we think. 

We control the building of concrete materials and characteristics into our lives.  Do not place responsibility on others for what you experience in your life.  What has happened in the past is in the past.  What we do, say, think, feel today is a product of a choice we are making today.  Let the events of yesterday stay where they belong..... in the past.  When we learn to channel our focus and our identification of self, our focus materializes on our new reality.  The choice is ours.

Look within and find what feels comfortable and content and then hold on to those qualities.  Let go of anything that does not resonate in our core.  We can release ourselves from the grips of these qualities.  We have been practicing this exercise our whole lives but not fully understanding our ability to choose and create.  Now it is time to understand that we are manifesting our own reality on a conscious level through our intentions.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.   Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Thursday 28 January 2016

AGES 38-44

We are going to take a look at the life turning point at ages 38-44 and how it is indicated in our chart.

This is the turning point where we move from early adulthood to mid-life.  This is a period when most of us are evolving to the point that we can reconcile with ourselves and are more comfortable with who we truly are.  This is a time when we are restructuring our association with ourselves on a more profound level.  A sense of individualization is occurring (which can be at a very rapid pace), due to the major influences taking place in our lives. 

During this age frame, we are experiencing transiting Saturn in trine to its natal position and Neptune in square to its natal position.  These aspects signify inner transformations and a realistic approach to who we are.  There may even be a feeling of urgency with our quest in life, with dealings with our ego and the ongoing search for “who am I?” for those that feel they need answers. 

There is no formal training when it comes to what many term as the midlife crisis and no one can say they are prepared, particularly because no one knows exactly what to expect.  Each individual goes through their own personal issues and then an awakening takes place.  This is a time of great soul searching and a desire for inner change which often coincides with outer change, as one seems to affect the other.

The body is also undergoing physical changes during this time in our lives, and those who have placed too much attention on their physical appearance may become depressed with what they see in the mirror.  Many will go deep within to find out what they actually have to offer, as for some the appearance has been held in an elevated position most of their lives.  The ego is actually in a somewhat delicate state, as the inner self gains supremacy and control, at least for those who are searching for something more.

This is often considered a turning point as we truly begin to question who we are and relentlessly want answers.  Many turn to deeper more spiritual subjects such as Astrology and the mystical side of life, in order to further their pursuits as we hope to find some answers to some truly profound questions. 

This is an awakening stage as many who have been wrapped up in the material world and have come up empty, strive for a greater meaning in life.

Doors that have been boarded up previously now beginning to open and a deep restlessness is awakening within.  The search continues and those longing for answers begin to question their existence, opening the channels from within and making a more intimate contact with the inner self.  The process has begun as we raise our consciousness and continue on with our mission.

At age 42, we are also experiencing the Uranus opposition with itself.  This intensifies the search and often we reach for something new to bring to the forefront of life.  Some reach out radical solutions and this is when some people become bored with life and want something that is exciting and exhilarating.  We can also become a bit eccentric.  We want something more that what the confines that normal life offers.

These new life expressions can often show up on short notice.  We can make untimely changes that will affect us and those around us.  These changes can often be quite disruptive for family members that are used to life being steady and remaining solid and secure.  Some but certainly not everyone may leave our marriage partners and start a new life.  In many cases, the change is sudden and comes without much warning.  As this time approaches, be prepared for change and transformation as this is a very intense period.  Be ready for disruption to the norm and be prepared to welcome the new.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.   

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Wednesday 27 January 2016


It has been said that if we are living in the moment, time seems to slow down. Most of us are continually looking ahead or reminiscing about the past.  Humour me for just a couple of moments.  Still your mind, at least as much as you can.  Experience the moment completely and each thought that goes through your mind, especially the ones that keeps repeating themselves.  Did you experience thoughts of “this is stupid!”, or “you are wasting time", or  "Go do something.”?  This is just your ego.  Ignore it. 

Some find that this short five minutes seemed like an eternity.  When we pay attention to the moment, time seems to move much more slowly.

For those of us that have experienced an accident, for example, will recall how time seems to slow down during the event.  The accident feels to be in slow motion.  How many thoughts go through our minds when we are experiencing an accident?  The mind races in and out of potential outcomes.  During these events, it seems as though there is no shortage of time.  It feels as though we have plenty to time to react and we can utilize completely the few seconds that it takes for the event to occur.

This is the mind focusing on the moment.  We can intentionally do the same thing, with practice, to slow time down.

Time is a man-made illusion and we cannot slow down the actual motion between seconds, but we can focus on the moment completely.  No one can escape the passage of time, but we certainly can control our mind’s focus.  Our mind works just as our muscles do.  It takes repetition to build our abilities of mind control.  When our mind wonders, we gently remind it of the moment so that it can be refocus again.  The more we practice, the easier it gets.

Be here now.  Capture the moment to live in the now. 

We truly only have this very moment.  Why waste the now spending it to think of what has been or what may be.  A minute wasted is sixty seconds we will never have again.  Do not waste the miracle of life that we have.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.   

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Tuesday 26 January 2016


Mercury remained in retrograde until January 25, 2016 and now has turns direct.  Mercury is known as the planet of the mind and it defines our thinking process, our attention span and our ability to digest information and experience.  It has to do with how we communicate, exchange information and our ideas.

Mercury’s sign in our chart indicates what kind of information will stimulate our conceptual visualization.  It also shows what we tend to relate to in our immediate environment.  When Mercury is in Capricorn, we may find that there is time spent digesting ideas and information about our career or what we might want to do with our education.  This may relate directly to the working environment and we may find that our mind is occupied by thoughts about work.  This may have been particularly strong during Mercury’s retrograde cycle.  During that time, it would have been wise to digest information rather than act.  Our reactions to these thoughts and the way in which we process this information will be written in our birth chart, by the aspects to Mercury and its placement by house and sign.

When Mercury shifts into the sign of Aquarius in mid February, you may note that your concerns and intents tend to turn to more humanitarian concerns.  This will be particularly so if your Mercury happens to be in the sign of Aquarius or if transiting Mercury is somehow connected to Uranus, or located in the eleventh house in your chart.  Your thoughts may shift to relationships with groups of people and this would be very beneficial if these individuals are of like mind.  You may want to share your ideologies and find common ground on information that leans toward the occult, scientific information, computers and technology.  You may also find that your interest in Astrology increases, and you may want to find out more on the subject.

If Mercury transits to make contact with a planet in your birth chart or in the progressed chart, Mercury’s energies reflect the energies of any planet it contacts, just as a chameleon.  Mercury’s energy is stimulated by the contacting planet.  For example if the planet is Neptune, your idealism runs strong and mystical insight would be enhanced.  You will want to unearth the mysteries of life if it is well aspected.  If in a challenging aspect, you may have difficulties resolving problems or you may try to avoid the truth of some matter that you actually need to be uncover.

When Mercury is in Aquarius, you may have a stronger desire to stir up others and help them to move out of life conditions that have gone stagnant.  Aquarius wants to help others review their lives and to assist them in making changes that will help to foster growth on some level.  You may have an intellectual plan that ultimately will help them or help yourself move through conditions that no longer serve a significant purpose to the evolutionary process.

You may find that you are more intuitive especially if Mercury is somehow linked to Neptune, Uranus or Pluto, although each of these planets acts in different ways.  Pluto, for example, will make you dig deep within and search for answers sometimes causing psychological reflections over the matters that come to the surface.  To understand the influence of Mercury, you will have to dissect its natal potential.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.   

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Monday 25 January 2016


What does it cost to assists someone in need? 

How often have friends, family or associates given us assistance when we were in a bad way or needed their help, if even just a shoulder?  A few gentle words or a few minutes of your time can help lift someone.   An ear is a wonderful dose of positive medicine.  Often this is all that is needed and not difficult to do.

Sometimes the simple act of expressing your concern gives sufficient support to help those in need move toward to heal.  Nothing more is required.

That elderly lady coming out of the grocery store, imagine what it would mean to her to assist her with her cart to her vehicle.  It costs us nothing more than a couple of seconds of our time but to her it could spark a great feeling within and a feeling that someone cares.

That car flashing their lights at you to pull over into the right lane; did you every question what their urgency may be?  It may have been impatience but it also could have been they were trying to get to someone laying in a hospital bed breathing their last breathe.  What is the cost to us to pull over in the right lane to allow them passage? 

We never know the circumstances of other people’s lives.  Being kind and helping where help can be offered will certainly not worsen their lives.  Lending a helping hand under any condition acknowledges and honours them as a living breathing person.  We will never know how great of an impact our actions may have. 

If we were in their shoes, what would we appreciate under those circumstances?  

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.   

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Saturday 23 January 2016

Early Bookings

A reminder that Holm Astrology is taking early bookings for the Barrie Mind & Body Psychic Fair taking place on Sunday January 31, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at 386 Blake Street, Barrie, Ontario

Admission is free and there will be draw prizes.

Contact us at if you wish to book ahead or you can book at the Fair. Come early so that you are not disappointed.