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Monday 8 February 2016


Over the years, many of us have digested the information from many books, read countless articles, matched numerous movies and listened to many talks on spirituality, mysticism and the occult.  Is there a point of saturation? 

Personally, I do not think so.  We are all taking part in an amazing journey.  We are linked together through our studies but there is also awareness that is instinctual and our reading and sharing with others simply confirms what we already know.  The learning process, however, never stops. 

Our mystical understanding is taught or recognized on many levels of understanding, some lessons are exceedingly pleasant and other lessons are very tumultuous in their nature, but lessons nonetheless.

With our understanding of the process to gain insight into this precious realms of knowledge, of being and of how to elevating self on many levels, perhaps it is important that we share our knowledge and life experiences with others.  Perhaps it is time to put together a book of our experiences, or to find some means of sharing our insights. 

It is now a world of instant response and information is readily available through the internet (even though we should be very careful what sites we rely on for factual information).  Even if our information does not bring financial rewards, there is something rewarding about sharing.  Just a few words of enlightenment and encouragement are all that is required to help someone begin or further their journey.

Spread your love, compassion and wisdom to those that are open to receiving it.  All things within this existence are here for us to share.

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Saturday 6 February 2016


I had a solar return chart done by Holm Astrology along with a transits/progressions chart. Both were excellent, very thorough, clear, and relevant. 

Usually, a solar return chart is done around one’s birthday, but I had mine done at the 6-month mark. This was interesting, because I could validate the first six months against what I had already experienced that year, which gave me a better idea of how those areas would be impacted during the subsequent 6 months. 

Having the solar return chart done at the same time as the progressions/transits chart provided a very detailed, clear, cross-referenced view of the upcoming year for me. It is interesting to see how the different charts truly complement one another and work together! Having these charts done simultaneously gave me a very good picture of the different forces going on in my life right now and how to work with them.

KM, New York

Friday 5 February 2016


It has been said that true love is hard to find.  No doubt that statement is true, however we all know someone that we share true love with.  This individual may be our lover, our best friend, or a family member.  True love does not have to be a romantic love.  As a matter of fact when we remove the association of true love with a romantic partner, we can open our heart to so many more people.

According to Merriam-Webster the simple definition of love is “a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person : an attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship”.  What is your definition of love?

We all experience challenging situations with those we love but we still love them in spite of our differences.  Situations do not change our feelings of true and complete love for them.   We may allow ourselves to feel hurt as a result of issues and events.  If someone we did not love were involved with these same issues and events, our reaction would be far more than just hurt.  We always seem to find a place in our hearts to forgive those that we share true love with no matter what the situation may be.  There is always room for compassion and kindness regardless of the incident.

There will be some people that will argue that this type of person or love does not exist.  If we look within, would you not find this person within?  It will, however, be difficult to receive or give true love from/to others if we first do not truly love ourselves.  Recognizing the need for self love is a giant step towards self-realization.

If we do not like what we find within ourselves, we need to rethink the process.  Take another look.  Anything that is seen as negative is truly not a part of us.  Identifying with negativity enhances our belief that it is a part of self and that is what makes it feel real. 

Our inner self is always at peace.  Our inner self is always forgiving.  It always loves and never loses sight of the beauty in everything.

So if we are looking for love, for companion, we must recognize these qualities within.   We will find true love starting from the inside and then radiating out.  When we understand our core self, we will welcome self love.  Stay open and accept that loving soul that resides within, no holds barred.   Recognize that union with our inner true self can never be dissolved.  We only close our eyes to its existence.

Finding that love within, opens the door to love shared with those outside of self.

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Thursday 4 February 2016


On February 8, 2016, we will be experiencing a New Moon moving into the sign of Aquarius.  This Aquarius Moon will reach its intensity at 19 degrees and 16 minutes and signifies new beginnings and the awakening of our aspirations.  There is often a need to break free of any limiting conditions in life.  Sometimes our need for change can create radical action.  A steady pace and a calm outlook would be a much safer approach.  We need direction and focus before we move headlong into our chosen course of action.

The New Moon is a time to set things in motion, a time to plan the seeds of change.  Normally, when the full Moon reaches the sign of Aquarius (which is in August, 2016), we can reap the rewards of our actions (harvest the fruits of our labour). 

The house in which the New Moon is transiting through in our personal charts will provide some indication of what area of life needs a change of direction and a new focus.

There is often a focus on humanitarian issues with Aquarius and the approach we take should be selfless and ultimately good of all individuals involved.  Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and co-ruled by the planet Saturn.  Uranus wants to act on impulse and without restraint while Saturn’s action is much more of a steady and cautious approach.  These two linked together when working at their best, instigates a new positive approach to any dilemma or situation which has stagnated in our lives.  We should move forward using careful consideration before jumping into action.  Our natural tendency will be to make quick decisive moves in the direction indicated by the house position.  We may, at times, under this influence jump ahead without the necessary forethought that may be required.

If it is possible to take a slower approach and think before jumping, our focus will have a much greater chance of success.  Saturn will stabilize things somewhat and it works in quite an opposite way than Uranus, but on the other hand, Uranus is the awakener and what needs to be shaken out of complacency will be when influenced by the energies of Uranus.

This influence, as mentioned, will affect the area of life that the transiting Moon is moving through (house position), therefore, for example, if it were moving through the fifth house, these changes may evolve around your children, your creativity or a romantic partner.  You will have to be careful not to move too quickly or make any rash decisions in these areas. 

If, for example, it deals with your occupation, the tenth house would be involved. 

Remember although some of the changes taking hold in your life appear to be rather sudden, unexpected and sometimes out of your control, they will benefit you as time passes and you begin to catch a glimpse of the real purpose behind these events.  Do not be too quick to decipher the meanings of life and always recognize that all changes happen for a reason.  These changes provide you with the shift that needs to take place.  Nothing is by chance.

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Wednesday 3 February 2016


Taking a look at our steady climb to the summit, there are high points along the way when we feel a sense of belonging and comfort within our environment.  When we refer to our environment, we are not referring to our place in society or our location on earth, we refer to our connection with ourselves on an innate level of understanding.

It is these inner truths that we seek.  It does not matter where we have set our earthly feet for this inner exploration.  What we have gained on a material level has nothing to do with our concept of self.  In participating in an ongoing exploration of self, we strive for the summit of understanding and slowly develop a connection with our inner self.  Our soul’s energy is our true identity and when we open the door to self-perception we allow this energy to emerge and connect.

This brings us one step further in our connection with the whole, the divine, God, our source, or simply put “love”.  Use the name with which you are comfortable. 

To bring our energies back together as one, as the whole, is our destiny as spiritual beings.  The more peace we allow ourselves to experience and the less we identify with ego, the closer we align with our true self.  The closer we align with our true self, the closer we are aligned with the whole.    

We are now recognizing that the inner battles we wage actual do not serve any viable purpose.  They never have, but we become so caught up in the battle we cannot see beyond it.   These battles only create havoc.  To find our inner peace, we must grow through love.  Through love, our ego no longer defines life by fighting to keep control, fighting to be right, fighting to win the battle.  In truth, there should never be a battle.  The only battle that exists is the one we have put in place and have chosen to follow.

Ego takes its descending steps and lets go of its grip when we take our steps forward in faith.  Letting go and letting love (Source/God) is our hardest lesson, at least up until this point in time.  We will, however, recognize that life is set up in such a way that it will lead us to the place we are meant to find, once we have learned to allow. 

We will eventually recognize, then allow and accept.  Once the conscious decision has been made, it is not a difficult task.  We have never actually been lost.  We have just been living under the veil of ego.  If we look with our hearts, we can easily recognize what ego actually is.  Once we have this recognition, it is much more simple not to define ourselves by ego. 

We have stated many times (and will undoubted repeat it many more), we are a spiritual being living an earthly existence, certainly not the other way around.  Do not cage your energetic self.  Open your heart and allow.

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Tuesday 2 February 2016

AGES 54-57

This post focuses on those of us who are between the ages of 54-57.    

Anyone between these ages is entering into a new astrological stage.  They can or are beginning to see themselves as an integrated whole and no longer just an extension of others.  They are becoming clear on who they are as an individual and are comfortable enough that what others think is no longer important.  They are who they are and they will be fine with this.

This is a stage when they are more concerned about life itself, more so than living up to other people’s expectations.  They are forming relationships to make them whole.  They have come to a point where they basically know themselves and are liberated with this knowledge.  Relationships still have a place in their heart, some even deeper than anything experienced previously, but they can rid themselves of unwanted or draining relationships if they need too.  This is not to say that they have become cold or uncaring, quite the opposite.  They understand what they need and will form more meaningful relationships in order to build on this.

This period is about self-fulfillment and self-honesty.  If they have been working well within these boundaries and living their life through generosity and love, they are well on their way to a more rewarding and satisfying life.  They are on their way to the second Saturn return and undoubtedly they remember their first Saturn return around the age of 29, when they experienced life’s events to the fullest and matured immensely through a period of transformation on many levels.

There are several Astrological factors that are in effect during this time period.  They will be experiencing the second progressed lunar return, which in short speaks of an emotionally coming of age.  There will be a Uranus trine Uranus transit which is usually accompanied with excitement and the beginning of something new.  Neptune is also in trine to its natal position which will help them gain a more realistic point of view on where their life is heading.  For many in this age group, Pluto is also making a trine to its natal position which could be termed a life transformation.  It is a period when we tap into our core. 

Whoever falls within this age group will be going through the third nodal return which is directed towards a reorientation within and a clearer focus on life’s direction.

These astrological transformations taking place during this age usually signify deeper transformations taking place on many different levels.  Explaining all of these astrological events is impossible in a short post, but you now have an idea why life is going through so many changes on so many levels for those in this age group.

They should enjoy the transformations taking place in their lives and prepare for the next major transition to unfold as they enter the latter years of your fifties.  The late fifties mark the beginning of the second Saturn return.  During the late fifties many will experience huge transformations.  Some contemplate retirement while others begin something new. 

One thing is for certain, this will be a fruitful time.  Things will begin to materialize and gather momentum as the second Saturn return approaches.  This is a high point in life and those in this age group are entering into a period that could be termed “the awakening of self”.  These individuals can stay tuned to the higher frequencies in life, and enjoy their unfolding.

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Monday 1 February 2016


It is hard to define our life’s path in spoken words.  We more often than not can definition this path with feelings and intuition. 

Life will take us to places we never dreamed possible and it will also take us down roads few would choose to walk.  Each step of the way, however, offers new insight into understanding.  With an open mind, we will gain awareness as we maneuver our way through proverbial dense forests and open fields.

By living our unspoken mission, we become immersed.  By living our unspoken mission, we become completely involved so as to experience each moment individually, without anticipation of the next moment.  We are here to explore life and all of its wonders and to experience its vastness with vigor and joy, regardless of the path that we might be on.  There are many unseen events awaiting us and we have the choice of sharing the experience each step of the way.

We will meet people that touch us deeply and on many levels of understanding.  Some of these experiences will not be pleasant but important lessons nonetheless.  Some individuals we experience these with will radiate beauty through their unconditional love and complete understanding.  We share this life on many levels and we are never alone even when we feel as though we are.  We can always reach out for a guiding, either physically or spiritually, when we feel the need arises.

Have faith in the process and the freedom of choice.  During those times when the choice seems as though it has already been made, understand that the actions taken are perfect for our earthly life lessons.  Stay resolved to your own personal commitments.  Enjoy life’s path for this unspoken path lies ever waiting for you to walk grace it with your presence.

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