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Wednesday 27 November 2019


This forecast is for those born under the sun sign of Sagittarius. 

We mentioned in our previous post on November 22, 2019 that Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn are making semi-sextiles to those who have their Sun sign in Sagittarius during this upcoming year.  We also talked about how semi-sextiles are an opportunity aspect with ties to being in the right place at the right time.  See our post from November 22, 2019 “Sun in Sagittarius 2019” for details.
Pluto is direct from October 2, 2019 until April 25, 2020, when it goes into retrograde from this April date until October 4, 2020. 

When Pluto is in its direct motion, it moves from 20 degrees 38 minutes to 24 degree 59 minutes.  During this time of direct motion, Pluto’s energies are not hampered, and they are allowed full expression.  Pluto’s orb of influence is 5 degrees approaching and 2 degrees separating.  As a result, if your Sun falls within these degrees, Pluto will be making the semi-sextile to your Sun in 2020.  When Pluto is in retrograde motion, its energies are not allowed full expression.  They are restricted.

Pluto provides power and influence to any planet it touches.  While Pluto is direct, it is said to have the power to lead the multitudes and create massive change in an outward expression.  While it is retrograde, as mentioned, it is not allowed full expression and is hampered somewhat.  Under retrograde influence, Pluto is more tied to following the masses rather than leading them.  The changes it offers up are more internal and personal in nature although it can also have an effect on others although more in a perceived negative response.

While connected to the Sun using the above mentioned orb of influence, the semi-sextile will provide opportunities and the potential of being in the right place at the right time, in areas related to goals in life and life objectives sometime come into view.  Transformations take place and regeneration of plans set forth prior to this time now may seem to fall into place.  Sometimes we have to work towards these objectives and other times they appear to fall into our lap.  But the timing seems perfect, and it will be up to the Sagittarius individual to take advantage of these opportunities and use them accordingly.

In retrograde motion, they may have to work a little harder to orchestrate these plans and if Pluto crosses over the same degree as the Sun sign’s position, they may find that the final forward motion is the best opportunity to advance.  Semi-sextiles actually have a smaller orb of influence due to the fact that they are considered minor aspects.  As a result, use an approaching orb of 2 degrees and a separating orb of 1 degree as the orb of influence.  All major aspects have a larger degree of influence than minor aspects.

These goals that the influenced Sag individual might be pursuing can be very personal in nature and could include occupational advancement or achievement, path clarification, marriage partnership, business associates and personal objectives such as health related plans which can be set in motion.  If they choose to follow these actions, they can lead to better health and wellness.  These individuals may be spiritually centred and may pursue these types of goals.  There may also be power opportunities and a general push for advancement in life.

2020 is a good year for those that fall into this category to pursue what matters most to them and if they follow up they might very well find that they ARE in the right place at the right time. 

It can certainly be beneficiary to use astrology to help plan.  We should always take advantage of the opportunities at hand to advance in the direction of choice.  Sagittarius Sun individuals can enjoy and make sure that they use this fortunate position to not only advance their personal experiences but also to promote the same for others.  Karma can be a wonderful thing although we should be moving ahead helping others without regard for what it might bring back our way.  This is true love and provides a great sense of fulfillment.

If you are interested in obtaining further information on the energies affecting your life as a Sagittarius individual (or any Sun sign for that matter), the length of time they will last and the areas of life affected, we can prepare a chart of your choice to provide you with valuable information which can be applied to your life’s mission and the path you are on.  There may be many other avenues of expression available to you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now well into our fall classes but we will be offering new courses in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Where did we truly begin?

If we were regressed back to our birth, would we still have remnants or memories of a previous life still intact at that moment? 

Would there be memories of a distant past or would the experience only be closely linked to this present life ready to begin? 

These are questions that have been pondered by many individuals who question the validity of past lives.  Reincarnation is a topic that requires an open mind as the concept, although many believe has been proven, still entices our imagination and there is much left to the imagination.

Is this our first life? 

Have we been here before? 

If we have been here before then why do most of us not recall anything from our previous incarnations?  Would it interfere with our life’s purpose now?  Could it affect how we would live our life if we knew the why behind our current existence?   Is it important for most of us to concern ourselves with past lives? 

We can know in our hearts the answers to these questions and they are very personal ones for each of us.  We may never be able to explain the answers to these questions to others with true clarity. 

Uncovering our inner personal story is part of our life’s purpose and many believe this is within our grasp.  Some believe it is found by living in the moment which is said to open doors to awaken our connection to life. 

Many individuals are very busy living in their potential futures or wrapped up in emotions from their past.  The past and the future are not where we are meant to focus our attention.  We have come to experience life to the fullest and this can only be done by living in the moment.

We will always continue our search for answers to many questions, especially our true meaning.  This is a question that seems to be a part of our nature.  We have come with the answers but for most of us, they seem to be locked away.  Our present day, let alone our present life, IS our unfolding story. 

Each of us walk this journey at our own pace and we cannot rush our evolution.  The purpose of this journey IS the journey not the destination.  As a result, this moment in the journey is of utmost importance.  Our journey may be a million steps but this very step we are taking now is the only one moving us forward.

Staying open to the understanding that bridges our physical life and our spiritual life will certainly allow us to continue each step we must take.  If we choose to stay focused strictly in the material world and exclude the connection to our deeper selves then the bliss of the journey is lost.  Could it be that those who choose to ignore the journey are here to strictly to learn from their feet being planted firmly on this earthly ground? 

For some of us we search beyond the working, sleeping world but it is important to respect the choices that we have made as well as the choices others have made.   Follow the path that excites your heart even if no one else has been there before you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 25 November 2019


On November 26, 2019, at 10:07 a.m. we will be experiencing the New Moon at 4 degrees in the sign of Sagittarius.  This New Moon is indicative of a new start or the beginning of something that could be viewed as an optimistic advancement pertaining to growth and expansion.  This could deal with life’s philosophy in the moment, spiritual insight and the desire to move in a new direction because there is the need for a shift or adjustment to what has been in place up until this point.

This adjustment may be required as our growth has become dormant or life circumstances no longer serve a viable purpose.  That which no longer serves us can be stopping us in some way from moving ahead in the direction that is more suitable at this point in our lives.  This can be a new beginning as mentioned but it will take some adjustment due to Uranus, which is currently at 3 degrees in the sign of Taurus, is making a quincunx to this placement of the Sun and Moon.

In some way, we may find that we are at the right place at the right time and the move, although somewhat disruptive and perhaps even somewhat unexpected, is due to the time being ripe for adventure or exploration.  Mars is making a semi-sextile at 4 degrees Scorpio and the positioning exemplified may be short lived.  By early December, the influence of Mars begins to fade somewhat, so the time to take advantage of these energy is right now.

There may be opportunity for travel and perhaps we may be planning on taking a trip of some sort especially if this placement is found in the ninth house of our natal chart.  Perhaps there is a change of residence or a move taking place in our work especially when the fourth and/or tenth houses are involved.  Perhaps this speaks of a relationship of significance such as a marriage partner or a romantic involvement and the seventh would be indicative of the marriage partnership while the romantic involvement might speak in terms of the fifth house involvement.

Remember we require a close connection to either our natal planets or an angle in our birth chart especially by conjunction or opposition for this New Moon to have an important effect on our chart. Regardless of what takes place in personal terms, our most significant input in these actions taking place will be our attitude towards what is happening.  Life always happens for a reason and we should not disregard anything whether it is a difficult lesson or beneficial experience.  Know that life always takes us in the right direction even if the unfolding process is slow and tedious or quick and responsive for that matter. 

Enjoy and make the best of the situation and be open to life and its ongoing influence and messages. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 22 November 2019


Today, November 22, 2019, the Sun moves into the mutable, fire sign of Sagittarius.  Because Sagittarius is one of four mutable signs, (the others being Gemini, Virgo and Pisces), Sagittarius individuals have the ability to bend with life’s circumstances.  They can adapt to situations and can also be restless and changeable.  Sagittarius is easy going and usually friendly and optimistic about life’s opportunities.  Even when they are faced with adversity, they truly believe that something good is just around the next corner.  These individuals can be lucky, and life seems to usually point them in the right direction.   This is mostly due to their ruling planet which is Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion.

Fire signs are enthusiastic about life and often have a lot of energy and drive.  They too will have to assert themselves at times if they want to move ahead in life.  Sagittarius can rebound well and need to have a certain amount of freedom in their expression.  

Sagittarius individuals do at times have foot in mouth disease as they tend to speak their mind with little forethought.  They are well meaning people and are liked by most.  These individuals are happy go lucky and considered fortunate by many.  Again, as mentioned earlier, these individuals do need to focus their energies if they want to succeed.

Those with their Sun in the sign of Sagittarius, depending on what degree, will be experiencing the semi-sextile aspect to three planets into early spring.  Jupiter will be in the sign of Capricorn most of 2020 so it will be making this aspect to those with their Sun in Sagittarius at some point in time this upcoming year.  Those with their Sun in the later degrees will be experiencing the semi-sextile to Saturn into March, while those with their Sun in the late mid-degrees and well into the later degrees will have this aspect with Pluto for quite a while yet.

The semi-sextile is an aspect which is considered favourable and is also known as a minor aspect, so a tight orb must be allowed.  No more than a two degree orb should be considered.  The semi-sextile is an aspect of opportunity and is suggestive of being in the right place at the right time.  Much will depend on what houses are involved and this will be represented by the areas of life being affected.  You will need to be sure that you take advantage of these energies while they are present in your chart.  Do not squander the opportunity.

For further explanation you must also consider the other planetary influences during these periods of time.  The whole chart always needs to be deciphered as well as the natal potential that exists within the framework of the birth chart. 

Enjoy these energies and explore your potential Sagittarius.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 21 November 2019


You are a hodgepodge of all that you choose to focus on. 

Our beliefs formulated from our past experiences can hold us in their grip for many years if we decided to believe that events are part of who we are.  We can identify with events and in so doing, we can believe that they form us into whom we are today.  In reality, nothing we have experienced is a part of us or belongs to us unless we chose to believe this.  Experiences are lessons.  Nothing more.

We believe we are a culmination of the events we have experienced. This is not true.  These are not who we are even though it can feel that way at times. 

If a past experience feels uncomfortable, disappointing, or heavy, why would we want to hold on to this and believe that it is a part of us?  It is an experience, a lesson.  Happiness is our birth right because it is a choice. 

Why would we not shift our focus to something that is (this moment)?  Why would we not want to begin this practice now?

We should ask ourselves these questions.  If we find that the answers suggest that we are not allowing the expressions of peace, love, forgiveness, etc. or if we feel we are not worthy of these expressions, we should ask where these beliefs have come from?   If you answer is “because such and such happened in 1990 and then such and such happened last year”, you are owning an experience instead of viewing it as a lesson.  Also, you are living in the past, not in this moment.

We have the ability to move forward in any direction, at any time. 

Why would we not choose what is best suited for our advancement ? 

Each of us deserves to be content and happy.   We are worth it!

Listen to the little voice within that works with us.   We are entitled to be happy and once accepted, we can spread that happiness by living it!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Fall courses have already commenced but we will be offering courses again in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Synastry is the study of two individuals Astrology charts and how they will interact with one another.

A Synastry chart is known as the relationship chart.  This can be a romantic relationship or parent with child or brothers and sisters or even a relationship between friends.  Any kind of relationship between two individuals can be deciphered through the interaction found in the Synastry chart.

The two charts are compared with one another but these two charts being compared are not based on midpoints as with composite charts.  The Astrologer would draw conclusions from the aspects between planets and their energies.  Only the major aspects are used (Conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition) although some Astrologers do use the minor aspects as well but the orb must be much tighter than normal.  With the Major aspects, an orb of up to 7degrees can be used but just as with a natal chart interpretation, for example, the closer the aspect, the stronger the meaning and energies related to the relationship.

A Synastry chart will show how the planets interlink and whether the energies go well together or if they suggest challenging conditions.  Difficult aspects will point out where there might be challenges which need to be dealt with, in particular the square.  This can be very helpful and can most certainly benefit the relationship providing that both parties are willing to do their part to work with this information.

It is important to also examine the elements involved when deciphering how the energies in a Synastry chart might play out.  Taking it one step further, the houses involved must also be noted as these will define the areas of life involved. 

There is certainly a big difference between the inner planetary combinations and the outer planetary combinations.  Inner planetary alignment speaks more about the early environment and short term compatibility, while the outer planets speak of long term compatibility and may not be noticed or identified until there is some longevity with the relationship.

Venus combinations will focus on love and affection within the relationship and Mars when dealing with a romantic relationship will often speaks of sexual compatibility.  Much of course will depend on which planet Venus lines up with as well as which planets Mars makes aspects to.  Venus and Mars delineated by sign position should also be applied. 

The Ascendant which is related to appearance speaks of physical attraction with a romantic relationship.  The Ascendant is also involved when we first meet and our immediate reaction to one another. 

Much study needs to take place with each individual chart to obtain clear, detailed information in order to move forward with understanding any compatibility.  Some individual’s charts will clearly indicate an easy ability to express emotions while other people’s charts can be subdued and we have to dig deeper to see the individual’s inability to express themselves and their tendencies to be distant. 

The conjunction speaks of dynamic energies linked together, and the connection is often powerful, depending on what planets are involved.  Sextiles and Trines are positive in nature and usually help the relationship along by providing opportunities and easy flow. 

The opportunity aspects however need a push to get them going in many cases because the energies work so well together that there is not much impulse to propel forward. 

Squares indicate challenging conditions although they also provoke action so that the issues can be resolved. 

Opposition speak of polarization of viewpoints in some cases suggesting that one person overpowers the other. 

The planets speak volumes when delineating these charts and comparing them with one another.

These charts require very deep analysis and an in-depth knowledge of Astrology is required to understand all the energies at work.  However, a lot can be learned through a close examination, and valuable pointers can be made through clear evaluation and detailed analysis.  The Synastry chart is invaluable for understanding any particular relationships.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 19 November 2019


To you, in particular, what is that “big step”? 

We are not talking about that promotion that you have been working towards or a commitment you are contemplating with your partner.  What we are referring to is our big step forward towards fulfilling our purpose....our divine purpose.

We are living a material existence.  We cannot deny this.  Addressing our needs and concerns pertaining to material existence is essential. 

Should we be overly focused on moving forward in these earthly ventures?  Should we be spending countless hours pursuing a position that promises financial rewards?  That is a very personal decision and not one someone else can make for us.

These activities are part of our day-to-day living and as a result, we do have to address these.  We were not put on this earth to ignore our survival AND need to flourish.  If part of the process in our existence on earth is to attain wealth then so be it……Find your fortune…… Address your concerns……Learn and fulfill your earthly requirements.

In achieving life’s goals pertaining to physical manifestation, we recognize our capabilities to manifest and creation.  There is nothing negative or irresponsible with achieving and setting goals in life.  They can be quite rewarding.  The rush we experience from these rewards, however, is short lived and then we push on to the next goal. 

Achieving these earthly objectives sets us up to recognizing our abilities to transform our lives and reach other important goals that are not focused on material gain.

These further goals we set out to accomplish may be a little more elevated but we trust our abilities due to our past experiences as we have accomplished other goals that we previously set. 

Perhaps now is the time to gather ourselves and reach out for something in life that not only brings us happiness and self-understanding, but advances us on our spiritual journey as well.  A perfect goal could be one that opens us up to our core self.

In our earthy existence, there is nothing wrong with working towards material expansion if that is on our list of accomplishments.  It will serve the purpose for the time being.  Eventually many of us will tire of the material goals and move our focus to other goals maybe focused on spirituality, emotional control, psychic development, etc.  These goals have many different peaks.  The gratification experience from reaching each juncture will far outweigh any man-made material gain. 

We can claim our rewards for a life set in motion.  We can appreciate our connection with source, for true happiness is not experienced through material abundance although it is our birthright.

If not already there, there will be a time when we have reached the plateau or maybe even the summit of worldly wealth, and a door will open so that we can delve within to find the answers for a different way of living.  When this door opens we see an opportunity to find a place of peace and true quiet, a place where we can make contact with our inner self.

We can manifest all that we need for a life of joy and love, a completely difference wealth.  We may continue to move ahead in material abundance and help those who struggle along the way.   There is no reason these two worlds cannot be blended.

While we walk this earthly journey, we cannot forget to manifest the needs of our higher selves as well as the needs for our physical self.  Take the time to sit in quiet contemplation, to hear the messages of all of the other energies that share this existence with us.  Meditation, nature, etc..... these also offer riches that contain great value, but ones you cannot put a price tag on. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit