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Saturday 21 September 2013

The Lunar or Moon's Nodes in an Astrology Chart

The Moon’s nodes in an Astrology Chart are representative of the experiences and undertakings that impart a special kind of wisdom on individuals. This wisdom comes as a direct result of efforts the individual uses to expand his or her experience and knowledge gained directly from past experiences. They use this inherent understanding to evolve their spiritual development.

In a spiritual sense, these Nodes (north and south) are known as the axis of fate and can be viewed as windows to the higher universal forces. This spiritual connection molds with our earthly existence and helps mankind in its mystical pursuit. Karma is highly connected with the nodes and if viewed appropriately, karma is the fulfillment of the responsibilities we accepted when entering this life. The results of following your karmic path is expanded spiritual awareness and growth.

These nodes help to keep you on your track; your intended path and clarifying the “why” behind our earthly existence. They explain our purpose and help us to delineate our karmic lessons and our predestined missions.

The south node discloses precisely what it is that we brought with us from our previous incarnation. These are our abilities-- our assets as well as our limitations. The south node defines our accumulated karma, both good and bad. The sign location of our south node indicates our nature and inherent character traits. These characteristics are evident and can be seen in our actions and behavioural patterns. These traits are linked automatically to our psyche and are based from past actions, which may have given us successes or failures in past incarnations.

We have experiences in previous lives that we can now draw upon to enhance our experience or to help us to steer clear of unpleasant ones. We find it stress-free to continue doing works and deeds that utilize these inherent qualities, as they have become habitual. If your focus is from the south node, you will find that you tend to operate primarily from the less appealing qualities of that sign. The south node is viewed as a weak spot and if you act on the qualities of our south node instead of the north node qualities, you will find that you are headed towards great discontent, hindrances and regrets.

Our goal is to utilize the north node’s position into our lives. The north node is delegated to transform and mold our future and give us the attributes necessary to continue forward with progress on our on-going journey. We are to aim at acquiring the highest elements symbolized by our north node’s sign and house placement. We should be excited to do the works and deeds that epitomize our north node placement.

As the north node is new to us, it may take some courage to move forward in the direction indicated by the north node’s positive qualities. We will have to put forth some effort in this pursuit, but in doing so, we draw to us all the blessings the sign and house position promise and receive assistance from our guides.

Please contact us at if you would like more information or would like to commission the preparation of a Astrology chart.

Friday 20 September 2013


Let us draw our attention to the little ones in our midst, our children, our grandchildren, all of the little ones learning to make their way in life. What can we do to preserve the innocence and gently nudge them in the proper direction? Many would say that life’s circumstances put an end to the innocence of childhood and perhaps this is true. Some would think that sheltering these little ones from the outside world would help alleviate some of the hardships that await them, in turn shielding this innocence.

Sheltering our little ones from the real world and its actions can help prolong the innocence for some time, but sooner or later, they have to breakout from that protective shell after all, we are all here to live, to experience, to grow! The outside world will eventually initiate the breaking down of that pure innocence, but we can still provide them with a solid foundation from which to build their lives. We can teach them through love and compassion and within the thinking of the spiritual revolution that is currently unfolding. This revolution will undoubtedly be common place in their generation,(if we nurture the right seeds which have been planted).

We are the forebearers of the spiritual evolution and it is up to us to show the children by example so that they in turn can keep it alive. Nurture the seed early as they grow so that it can blossom when they are adults. Teach them what true spirituality is and provide them with a base to evolve from. Help them understand their real purpose and guide them to join forces with the greater whole.

Their pure innocence will undoubtedly pass but they can be taught to maintain their ability to see the good in humanity and our greater purposes for this life.......not the “me first” attitude that is fostered through greed. Be the light and source of spiritual awakening in the children that surround you and teach them through example. Know that you are the light, know that you are part of the source and know that you are love in its purest essence.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for more information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Second Node return in Astrology - Age 39

At age 39, we mark the second return of the nodes to their natal position. This is an important life cycle spiritually, as the nodes are representative of our soul’s journey. There are two nodes, each exactly opposite the other--the north and south nodes.

The south node speaks of our last incarnation and indicates what we have brought with us into this life. These characteristics can assist us and they can also hinder us, depending on how we use the inherent knowledge that we have brought over.

The north node is indicative of what we have come into this life to develop and bring into fruition. That which the north node represents is completely new to us and is very unfamiliar territory as it is the new course we take in this life in order to fill our soul’s development requirements. We often greet anything new with some degree of resistance, but life will bring to surface incidents that enhance our learning ability and push us in the intended direction.

At the time of the 2nd nodal return, it is as if a gateway has been reopened and we are re-acquainted with our commitment, but this time on a much more mature level. The previous return occurred at about the age of 19 and this period enlisted us into the entry of adulthood. From the time of our Saturn return (age 29) until now, we have been re-visiting our purpose but mostly on a sub-conscious level. Now in entering this new cycle, we are reviewing our internal vows and making adjustments consciously. We are beginning our adult and maturing phase of these proposed ventures. This time awakens our spiritual quest and the soul’s intended path or enlightenment is brought forward to our conscious mind.

Spiritually, we are entering into a phase when one feels impelled to pursue a course of action that appeals to our transcendent mission. Many feel a strong push in this direction, even if they are not aware of which direction to take. There is a sense of urgency. This period releases us to our purpose which has been held primarily in the unconscious self. The process for most of us is unhurried and for some even tedious as there is a feeling that something is happening and an awakening is taking place, but it moves very slowly.

The next return at around 57 produces much more significant results as throughout this process we are becoming aroused to the real purpose of our mission. There is a greater sense of destiny with the next nodal return, but we will speak of this return at a later date.

Suffice to say the door has been opened and through meditation and an acknowledgement of a greater purpose than that of our earthly existence, we move steadily toward our intended path.

What are you here to learn?

Visit our Holm Astrology page on Facebook at daily for more information on Astrology and for the food-for-thought posts.

Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Appreciation and Share

We need to appreciate what life offers each and every day, without judgement and by living in the moment with full appreciation of the extraordinary experience of being alive. I refuse to use the expression of “just being alive” as it only serves to downplay the miracle of life. There are countless other individuals that share this planet without the necessities of live that we enjoy. Many survive on the bare essentials to exist (not live). It is next to impossible for us to comprehend their way of existing as we live our relatively sheltered life ignorant and separate from their experience.

So many of us live our lives wrapped up in our everyday affairs rarely looking beyond our own front door. Awaken to the need of others and appreciate that you do not share their plight. Do you ever question why we are so fortunate to live this life of plenty?

Be thankful for each day and the new beginnings that each one offers. Begin your day in gratitude. Stop to think about just how fortunate you truly are. When life throws a curve at you, instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in the misery of the moment, focus on the good in your life and let go of the hurt. Live your life in appreciation, with an open heart, and ready to accept anyone as your brother. Live happily within this framework.

By opening up to the good in your life, you let the universe know that you are living in appreciation and the universe will bring you more to appreciate. Positive thinking brings positive results and tells the universe that you are open to more of the same. Utilize this knowledge and mold your life into the shape that you deserve. Everyone deserves happiness and peace. We live under conditions where there are more opportunities to find this. Be grateful for the wonderful life that you experience and open your heart to receiving everything that brings you joy and open your life to love.

With all of this appreciation in mind, what could you do to assist those less fortunate than you? One act of kindness or generosity, no matter how small, has an immense rippling effect! What will you do?

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for more information on Astrology. Contact us at is you wish to comment, ask a question or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared confidentially.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Ages 38-44 in Astrology

We will be discussing the mid-life turning point at ages 38-44 in this post. We have discussed some issues coming into this age, but this period of life deserves more discussion.

This is the turning point where one moves from early adulthood into a more rounded, “developing” individual, one who is now reconciling with oneself and is fairly comfortable with who they are. This is a time when we are restructuring our association with self on a more profound level. A sense of individualization is occurring at a rapid pace due to the major influences taking place in our lives. We are experiencing transiting Saturn in trine to its natal position and Neptune in square to its natal position. These signify inner transformations and a realistic approach to who we actually are.

There may even be a feeling of urgency as our quest in life; our ego and the ongoing search for “Who am I?” are undergoing alterations in the consciousness of those that feel they need answers. There is no formal training when it comes to dealing with the midlife crisis. Few people can say they are prepared for this as no one knows exactly what to expect. Each individual goes through their own personal crisis followed by an awakening period. This is a time of great soul searching and a desire for inner change which often coincides with outer change, as one always affects the other.

The body is also undergoing physical changes during this time in our life, and those who have placed too much attention on physical appearance may become depressed with what they see in the mirror. Many will have to go deep within to find out what they actually have to offer as the appearance has held an elevated position in their life. The ego is actually in a somewhat delicate state as the inner self gains supremacy and control, at least for those who are searching for something more than a surface existence.

This is often considered a turning point as we truly begin to question who we are and we relentlessly want answers. Many turn to deeper subjects such as Astrology, spirituality and the mystical side of life in order to further their pursuit and in hopes of finding some answers to some truly profound questions. This is an awakening stage as many who have been wrapped up in the material world and have come up with a feeling of being empty want greater meaning in their lives.

Doors that have been locked are now beginning to open and a deep restlessness is awakening within. The search continues and those longing for answers begin to question their existence, opening the channel from within and making first contact with the inner self. The process has now begun as we raise our consciousness and continue on with our true mission.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message at to comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared confidentially.

Monday 16 September 2013

The Inward Journey

As we make our way up the mountain of spiritual development, ever closing in on our maturing vantage point hopefully on the uppermost tip of the mountain, we can look down and view our past. If we use automatic recall, we can note several points in the journey where we hesitated for a brief moment or two. These moments, although seemingly times of stagnation to the evolution of our growth, are actually times of opportunity to ponder where we are on this quest and what lessons are being taught.

Many, when they reach these stationary points, feel stuck or unable to move forward, when in fact these are resting periods and reflections points that we are meant to experience. Rather than feeling as though we are stuck and allow ourselves to become frustrated, welcome this brief period. Enjoy the opportunity to gain a clearer perspective on just where we have come from, where we are now and where we might be heading.

These transient flashes are our quiet moments when we must reflect to ensure we have taken the right turns and to give thanks to the ongoing revelations that are presented to us. We need to take the time to make notes on the mission and the accomplishments that we have attained thus far. Do not leave anything uncovered and view objectively the course of action that you will pursue next.

Contemplate where you see yourself in the near future then set the next course you must take to reach that point. Be completely open with yourself and view yourself objectively. Unearth and expose all flaws in character and potential shortcomings that may hinder any progress. When you come to a fork in the road as you begin to uproot yourself from this moment of reflection, choose carefully which route will satisfy your hunger for knowledge and further your quest. If you veer off course, do not condemn yourself. Simply put yourself back on track and continue on the corrected path.

It will take time to uncover the truths you seek. Patience is the key to manifesting the outcome. You will once again find your way and move onward toward your goal. The route may be shadowed from time to time, but is always traversable.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or you would like to discuss having a chart prepared, please contact us through private message at

Saturday 14 September 2013

The Moon's (Lunar) Nodes in an Astrology Chart

In an Astrology chart, the Moon’s nodes are representative of the experiences and undertakings that impart a special kind of wisdom on individuals. This wisdom comes as a direct result of efforts the individual uses to expand his or her experience and knowledge gained directly from past experiences.  They use this inherent understanding to evolve their spiritual development.

In a spiritual sense, these Nodes (north and south) are known as the axis of fate and can be viewed as windows to the higher universal forces.  This spiritual connection molds with our earthly existence and helps mankind in its mystical pursuit.  Karma is highly connected with the nodes and if viewed appropriately, karma is the fulfillment of the responsibilities we accepted when entering this life.  The results of following your karmic path is expanded spiritual awareness and growth.

 These nodes help to keep you on your track; your intended path and clarifying the “why” behind our earthly existence.  They explain our purpose and help us to delineate our karmic lessons and our predestined missions.
You can contact Holm Astrology privately at or through Facebook at