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Monday 16 October 2017


Sometimes it is good to have a bit of a re-freshener with Astrology.  The fundamental basics are essential and need to be carried through even with the most advanced techniques.  In the field of Astrology you will always be a student.  It is important to recognize that we will NEVER know all that is available through Astrology as it is an ongoing science.  As an Astrologer, it is essential to always be open to and welcome continued education as you will be a permanent student of Astrology.

The sign positioning and house positioning of planets and significant angles (MC, ASC, DC, IC) are the most relevant in determining the areas of life (houses) and the relevant signature traits (signs) inherent with a chart.  Always look to these positions and placements to get a clear picture of the energies inherent in the chart.  House placements and Sign positioning emphases, such as a Stellium in a house or sign for example, will greatly enhance that area of the chart.

The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant are determining factors in the individual’s expression and greatly enhance the character traits of an individual.  A Stellium, for example, in the sign of Leo or an emphasis in the fifth house ruled be Leo, will significantly change the character of someone with a Virgo or Capricorn Sun for example.  This is a perfect example of why some people do not fit into their Sun sign character trait (and for the simple fact there is so much more involved in an Astrology chart than just the Sun sign).

Tight aspects between Planets or Angles have a profound impact on the energies of the planets or angles that are aspecting.  For example, using the Leo signature again, it will be very difficult for the Sun in Leo to have the usual flair and ego consciousness if there is a square from let’s say the Moon and Saturn.  It would take hard work to bring to the forefront the emotional response of the typical Leo and its release due to the square from Saturn and the Moon.  This individual would have to work very hard to express themselves emotionally and with any type of vigor in comparison to say someone with a Leo Sun with a conjunction from Mercury, Jupiter and Venus or a rising sign of Leo as well as a Sun in Leo. 

Angles or aspects from other planets help determine how challenged or with what ease an individual has in releasing the energies from that planet.  The energies are also influenced greatly by the energies of other planets.  For example, a Sun in Leo individual with a conjunction to Uranus in Leo would also be somewhat eccentric in their expression and have a very unique character.  With a Pluto conjunction this individual would express themselves in a more dynamic manner and have great power in their self-expression.  This could point to leadership abilities being enhanced, but could also indicate a domineering individual.

Astrological configurations, as well as an emphasis on an aspect or lack of aspect, will also have a profound effect on the individual’s life journey.  A person with a Grand Square will have much more challenging conditions in life than someone with a Grand Trine.  The Grand Square individual will have opposing factors within their life’s mission but can use these energies to propel them forward in life once these energies are harnessed.  The Grand Trine individual will have a greater ease in obtaining benefits than that of other individuals, but may also become complacent and sit back far too much when they should be driving themselves forward.

These are a few examples of the factors which must be considered when deciphering a natal chart   Although they may seem rudimentary, they are significant and should never be overlooked when determining factors at work in an individual’s Astrology chart.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Saturday 14 October 2017


The Fair is finally here.  Doors open at 10 a.m. today, October 14.  Our last booking will be 4:30 p.m. 

We are located at the beautiful Georgian Bay Hotel & Conference Centre, 10 Vacation Inn Drive in Collingwood, Ontario.

Admission to the fair is free.

These events are traditionally very busy and bookings are a first come first serve basis.

We will be offering Astrology base oracle card readings only at the fair as Astrology charts are too extensive with the fair time restraints.  You are certainly welcome to book an Astrology chart reading for a future date. 

Please be sure to locate us at the fair and stop to say hello.

Friday 13 October 2017


This transit of Pluto to Venus can manifest in several ways.  First and usually foremost it speaks in terms of love and romance.  Second, it may speak in terms of your finances, material possessions and in some cases, artistic pursuits.

When it comes to love and romance, it often brings to the surface challenges within an existing relationship that can now be dealt with and rectified.  It can deepen and bring more security within this relationship as long as you deal with things appropriately.  If there are problems, they usually stem from ego and power struggles.  You must recognize them as such and be able to face and deal with them.  Sometimes the relationship seems to be running along perfectly and now becomes even deeper and more satisfying.  The relationship reaches a new level of understanding and commitment under this influence.

If this period brings a new relationship into fruition, this relationship can be a deep and personal one with strong sexual energies.  You seem to know each other instinctively or the dialogue between you is very deep and personal.  The potential for change and evolution for both of you is heighten, and this applies to a new found relationship or a long standing one.  Pluto transforms, regenerates and speaks of personal change.  Its energies can make love relationships profound and with great substance.  In general, trines speak of easy flow and a good rapport.  This combination bring positive outcomes to life.  This aspect is the one we are always waiting for.

If this transit of Pluto to Venus brings financial conditions into focus, then it often speaks of potential increases in this area.  You may inherit money, come into money through marriage or partnership, even through business associations. 

Sometimes Venus speaks about creative potential and much recognition is possible at this time.  You will need to bring things to the surface and find ways to express your creativity, perhaps through shows, or through the meeting of influential people.  It is a time to push forward with your creative insights and let others see what you are capable of doing.

Your feelings are stimulated at this time, and you can make things happen.  DO NOT sit back in reflection even though Pluto will make this easy to do.  Push forward and strive to reach your objectives in life, whether this is creative and/or romantic.  The energies are in a good place and you should use them to assist you in uncovering what you are in search of.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 12 October 2017


Our thoughts are essentially the control centre of our lives.  What we concentrate or focus on, what we believe and what our expectations are form our reality and enhance or hinder our life’s conditions. 

We are not our minds, however.  We do not have to be held captive by our thoughts but we must first recognize that we have control of our thoughts.  We are the observer and with this knowing can direct our thoughts in whatever direction feels appropriate.  Over time, thoughts and expectations build and grow our reality.

Why would we not focus our thoughts in positive directions?  Remember thoughts mold and create.  Belief structures become our present moment.  We always have choices as to which road we will follow with our responses to events in life.  When we recognize that we are not travelling in the direction we wish to or we are in a place of discomfort, we can switch to a place of peace by moving our thoughts in a peace filled direction.  This will take practice but with practice, we find that we have to intentionally redirect our thoughts less and less frequently.  Eventually it becomes natural to see the positive in each and every moment.

If we attempt to ignore something or try to avoid thinking about something, we are still giving it energy and focus.  We are essentially feeding what we are attempting to get away from.  The energies of life or the universe (whatever you choose to call it), does not decipher whether our focus is good or bad, it just gives us more of the same.  So the thoughts we allow and process are just as important as our belief structures and expectations.  We are molding as we move through our lives.  It may take time to manifest but we will move in that direction as long as we are not creating road blocks (consciously or unconsciously).

In our true and highest form, we are spirit borrowing this physical vehicle, temporarily.  We have the ability to transform our lives to better follow the plan in place for our spiritual development.  Know that we each walk our individual path and there will be challenging conditions from time to time but we are here to learn.  We have been given the tools we need to accomplish what we must.  We can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way.  It is a personal choice.
You are in control of your attitude, your focus, your response, etc.  You and only you make the choices.  For some individuals this take much practice for others it becomes as easy as breathing. 

Will you focus on and expect negativity in order to create difficulties (which truly are just hard lessons to be learned)?  Have you not followed this route long enough? 

Accept responsibility.  Shift into knowing?  Regardless of what takes place in life, take control of your reaction and your action.  How will you handle your next lesson? 

We can never blame others for the actions we take.  We can sculpture our lives into that which we truly want them to be.  What are you creating?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Wednesday 11 October 2017


If transiting Pluto is currently trine your natal Mars, Mars would have to be in an earth sign, either Taurus or Virgo as transiting Pluto is in Capricorn. 

Pluto is a powerful transformative planet and pushes for change and evolution through these changes.  With Mars and Pluto both being in earth signs, these transformations often take the form of material quests.  Trines are favourable and even with the energies associated with Mars and Pluto, which can both be disruptive, if harnessed, can produce a powerful drive to achieve.  Trines represent flowing energies and most often characterize opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities when associated with Pluto and Mars only come after perplexing and challenging conditions.  More often than not, anything worth having comes with some type of lesson energy.

There is a lot of energy attached to these two planets and the drive is often towards material objectives.  This could be brought forward within the working environment or with a personal achievement taking hold after a lot of diligent work on your part.  Some receive recognition from those in positions of authority for all their diligent work under the influence of this aspect. 

With natal Mars in an earth sign, much of what you have been doing may have gone unnoticed by your superiors.  Now, however, your efforts come to the surface and is often followed by acknowledgement.  This goal or objective you have been working on is important to you and although it may benefit others, it stems from something within.  Because of this, you may gain power in some way.

This is a very physical based alignment, and it will be a favourable time to enrol in any kind of physical activity that requires great effort on your part.  Most sports are favoured under this influence, especially such things as martial arts, wrestling and body building.  This energy mixes well with short bursts of strong energy, but is not as conducive for long or softer actions.  The energies are good for re-building and regenerating the body and provides vital energy and staying power.

This combination is known to be a confidence builder as well as an energy builder, especially if you have been struggling for a long time with an ongoing problem.  In rare cases trines have been known to stimulate energy to flow with individuals that have been terminally ill.  Some people after a long struggle finally make the final push to pass over, but there would have to be several other influences in the chart suggesting the same thing.  In most cases this is a very positive aspect although someone who has been struggling with Cancer, for example, and finally letting go is positive in its own sense.

Use these energies constructively in your life.  The worst thing you can do at this time is to do nothing.  These energies need to be released.  If not utilized, they may release themselves in a much more aggressive manners.  In most cases, it is better to go with the flow than fight the process.  Pluto often creates change after a challenging period, but these changes are a requirement of the soul and will pan out in a positive way over the long haul. 

Take advantage of this time in your life and take the steps that will ultimately aid you as time goes by.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 10 October 2017


There are times when our journey through life seems hindered.  We feel weighted down and overwhelmed by life events which we seem to have no control over. 

Do not view these as stressors or punishment; these are valuable lessons from which we can experience our greatest growth. 

Depending upon our attitude and focus, we may feel at the mercy of life and react in ways that do little but feel as though they send us backwards in our growth. 

What do we do to relieve these tensions and how can we find hope when everything seems too harsh to deal with especially from a rational point of view?

We are never alone.  There are many that walk this journey with us.  Some that accompany us are angels disguised in earthly bodies and there are also those that are not visible to most human eyes.  These are guiding forces beyond this earthly dimension that can always be relied on.  They are always available to us even when you feel completely alone.  If we quiet the mind, we can listen to that little bit of inspiration, that little piece of information spilling through.  Pay heed to those quiet messages for this information is powerful.

Our guides are with us always and although we walk our own road in this life, they often provide a guiding hand, especially in our darkest hours.  We can be so caught up in events and emotions that we do not notice the gentle persuasive nudges that points us towards the solution.  The guidance or assistance is never overwhelming or forceful.  As we learn to hear our guides, the voice can become much more direct, and we feel as though we certainly need to listen.  Even with these more clear messages, the delivery is still subtle in its expression.  It always comes through in a gentle fashion and love is in its expression.

Recognize that we are never alone.  Our guides will always be with us. 

We are one of the many sparks from the fire of life we call source.  If we are all sparks of this one fire, who truly then are our guides?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Monday 9 October 2017