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Thursday, 12 October 2017


Our thoughts are essentially the control centre of our lives.  What we concentrate or focus on, what we believe and what our expectations are form our reality and enhance or hinder our life’s conditions. 

We are not our minds, however.  We do not have to be held captive by our thoughts but we must first recognize that we have control of our thoughts.  We are the observer and with this knowing can direct our thoughts in whatever direction feels appropriate.  Over time, thoughts and expectations build and grow our reality.

Why would we not focus our thoughts in positive directions?  Remember thoughts mold and create.  Belief structures become our present moment.  We always have choices as to which road we will follow with our responses to events in life.  When we recognize that we are not travelling in the direction we wish to or we are in a place of discomfort, we can switch to a place of peace by moving our thoughts in a peace filled direction.  This will take practice but with practice, we find that we have to intentionally redirect our thoughts less and less frequently.  Eventually it becomes natural to see the positive in each and every moment.

If we attempt to ignore something or try to avoid thinking about something, we are still giving it energy and focus.  We are essentially feeding what we are attempting to get away from.  The energies of life or the universe (whatever you choose to call it), does not decipher whether our focus is good or bad, it just gives us more of the same.  So the thoughts we allow and process are just as important as our belief structures and expectations.  We are molding as we move through our lives.  It may take time to manifest but we will move in that direction as long as we are not creating road blocks (consciously or unconsciously).

In our true and highest form, we are spirit borrowing this physical vehicle, temporarily.  We have the ability to transform our lives to better follow the plan in place for our spiritual development.  Know that we each walk our individual path and there will be challenging conditions from time to time but we are here to learn.  We have been given the tools we need to accomplish what we must.  We can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way.  It is a personal choice.
You are in control of your attitude, your focus, your response, etc.  You and only you make the choices.  For some individuals this take much practice for others it becomes as easy as breathing. 

Will you focus on and expect negativity in order to create difficulties (which truly are just hard lessons to be learned)?  Have you not followed this route long enough? 

Accept responsibility.  Shift into knowing?  Regardless of what takes place in life, take control of your reaction and your action.  How will you handle your next lesson? 

We can never blame others for the actions we take.  We can sculpture our lives into that which we truly want them to be.  What are you creating?

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