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Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Praying and meditating have a similarity in that they both, in their own way, assist us in reaching the inner realms.  Both stimulate heighten awareness and more often than not, focus on internal connections as oppose to outside influences.  Many do not consider that when we are praying, we are not asking for guidance from some separate foreign energy.  We are actually speaking and making contact with our source which is a part of each of us. 

So many pray to God, Source, the Universe with the intent of communicating their feelings, their wishes and their gratitude to an outside, entity/energy, someone or something separate from themselves.  God, Source, the Universe or love, which are all one and the same, is found within.  We are all one.  This oneness includes higher powers or energies, spiritual entities and enlightened beings.

Meditation and prayer is also a technique that allows the inner energy to gently speak its truth.  For some, this is what we are trying to reach when we meditate.  We reach for a connection to our higher self or the total God Consciousness.  We quiet the mind, silence the ego and focus on stillness.  This can be a little difficult in the early stages, but becomes easier with regular practice.  Everything can be found within.  Nothing is found from external sources.  We are all made of that special stardust, if you will.  It is who we are.

Prayer and meditation are the key ingredients to connection with our true self.  These are tools to open the door and to allow the energies to flow.  Reach inward and recognize your connection.  It is already there.  You simply have to recognize the whole.

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