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Monday, 2 October 2017


Transiting Jupiter is moving rapidly through the sign of Libra and into its final degrees of this sign.  It will then move into the sign of Scorpio on October 11, 2017.  Jupiter remains in the sign of Scorpio until November, 2018.  This post will define how Jupiter conjunct the Sun might share its energies.  We will not be defining the difference between the Sun in Libra qualities and the Sun in Scorpio qualities as you can find these on our web page, but we will be discussing this conjunction between Jupiter and the Sun in detail.

Jupiter is a magnificent planet not only from an Astrological point of view but even its sheer size in our solar system.  Jupiter in Astrology represents expansion and growth and is considered very fortunate in most circumstances.  It does, at times, but rarely make challenging conditions larger than life, but the rest of the chart would have to be deciphered and align with that energy before you can make that conclusion.

Jupiter is known as the great benefactor and brings with it good luck, opportunities for growth, expansion and a positive approach to life with its many attributes.  Those with strong Jupiter tendencies always seem optimistic even under the harshest of conditions.  They always believe something good is just around the next bend. 

When linked with the Sun, the opportunities for growth in personal terms are highlighted.  It brings prospects to life and acts as a catalyst with life objectives, offering goals that now have a greater chance for success.  This, as mentioned, can be found in personal areas of life when changing our personal prospective, spiritual awakening on some level, continued education and evolution brought on through energies that offer opportunities and general good luck. 

Since the Sun’s energies also focus on personal goals and aspirations, when Jupiter is connected with it, you may find that there seems to be a greater chance for success.  This might focus on business, occupation, strategies in life and just simple good luck in areas that are affected by this conjunction.  The house position of transiting Jupiter, as well as the house position of natal Jupiter, define the areas of life that will be involved for you personally.  Check to see how Jupiter is aspected in the natal chart.  This provides further information as to how these energies might be released. 

Quite often the health is robust with this influence and this is often a reflection of how life seems to be unfolding.  This is a good time for continued education, either by actually returning to schooling, or through travel and learning from experience. 

This is a time of conscious expansion, but at the same time watch for over-optimism or not using the energies being provided.  Life can feel so good that you do not feel as though you have to work at anything, which in some cases is the result of this conjunction.  Imagine what you can do with the energies if you put them to work in your life. 

Enjoy this transit.  It only lines up with your Sun Sign once every 12 years.

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