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Friday, 6 October 2017


Once we have built a good foundation of the fundamentals of Astrology with the signs, houses, and aspects, we can then begin to grasp the meanings behind the horoscope.  The birth chart is a precise tool which delineates the character traits of an individual.  There are unlimited combinations and variations found in a natal chart and this is what defines each of us as unique personalities.

Once you have a clear picture of what energies are suggestive of an individual for example from someone with Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon and how this person would differ from someone with Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon (which is only a part of the process), we can move on to delineate a chart for upcoming transits and progressions.  Transits and progressions decipher what potential future events or areas of life will be affected by the passing of the planetary giants in our solar system (and through our chart).

We have to take into consideration all the planets but pay particular attention to the outer planets, especially Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto together with any inner planet that is in retrograde motion (appears to be moving backwards) for a prolonged period of time.  The inner planets move very quickly through the zodiac and under most conditions, usually only impact us for a very short period of time and have little to no lasting influence.

The outer planets and retrograde planets passing over sensitive points in our birth chart, particularly the Ascendant and the Midheaven, can have profound effects on our lives and these often point towards turning points or significant life events that can alter our perception or instigate action that changes our perceptions or can point towards changes in our lives.

The most powerful transit is a transiting planet conjuncting (0 to 10 degrees apart) a natal sensitive point or planetary body.  The energies of the planets merge and become one and under many conditions, they intensify their energies when they are linked together. 

The houses are areas of life and the transiting planet will intensify these points and may produce profound life altering effects especially when several transiting planets are saying something in the chart that is repeated.

The outer planets can be in an orb of influence for up to two to three years depending on when they go into retrograde motion and when they become direct again.  The first impact when a transiting planet makes an important aspect to another planet and makes a direct aspect to a natal point or planet will be the strongest.  An example of this might be Saturn conjunction Mars at 15 degree of Aries.  Both planets become direct when the transiting planet is exactly 15 degrees Aries (0 degrees difference).  This applies to squares, a 90 degree aspect, the opposition, a 180 degree aspect and all other major aspects, (the trine, sextile) as well as the minor aspects (semi-sextile, the semi-square and so forth).  The major aspects are more significant than the minor aspects and the challenging aspects usually promote transitional times in our lives.

There are several progressed aspects that are also important in determining factors in a chart and the potential for change in a person’s life.  We will look at the progressions at a later date.  The energies of a progression bring about more internal changes.  You will use the progressed Moon, transiting Mars as well as the transiting Sun and transiting Uranus as timers, as they often produce a push that activates the energies of the outer planets and often signify an event or a peak producing internal insight.

Today we have only touched on how to delineate potential life events as well as the timing as to when these events may unfold.  The area of life affected will be described by the houses involved in the transit or progression, as well as the natal placement of the transiting planets by aspect and house placement.

We will certainly have to take an even closer look at Astrology Forecasting techniques at a later date.

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